The Ascendant is the zodiac sign rising at the time of your birth. There are twelve signs in astrology, each representing a different personality type or trait.
Knowing which ascendant sign you have can help you better understand yourself and what kind of person you are.
For those born on a Tuesday, your sign would be Aries. If you were born on a Wednesday, your sign would be Taurus; if you were born on Thursday, it would be Gemini; Friday = Cancer; Saturday = Leo and Sunday = Virgo (or some signs). This article will explain what an ascendant is and how to determine if yours is right or wrong.
Ascendant (Rising) Sign Meaning
The rising sign is the ascendant and one of the most critical aspects of your chart. Additionally, it describes what kind of personality you have and how others see you. For example, if someone has an Aries rising sign, they’ll appear fiery but also confident in their abilities.
Similarly, the ascendant sign reflects how much energy your body receives from the Sun, which changes throughout the year. For example, if you were born in winter (Dec-Feb), your sign would be Cancer because the Sun was at its highest point in relation to Earth at noon on your birthday.
If you were born in summer (Jun-Aug), your sign would be Gemini because the Sun is at its highest point in relation to Earth at noon on your birthday.
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Sun Sign Meaning
It’s the sign determined by your Sun when you were born your Sun sign is an essential part of your chart. In addition, astrologers say it influences a person’s personality and character more than any other part of their horoscope.
The zodiac signs are all different personalities, likings, strengths and weaknesses etc., meaning even if you have a different Sun sign, you may still share many similar characteristics based on other planets or aspects in their charts. For example, someone with an Aries Sun might be competitive but compassionate. In contrast, another person with the same sun sign could focus more on love than the competition!
Most astrologers will use the sun sign to dig deeper into what makes up who you are as an individual.
Moon Sign Meaning
The Moon Sign is an integral part of the astrological chart. The sign in which the Moon was born or found itself positioned at your birth. In addition, the Moon signs tell you much about what makes you tick and how you relate to others.
The Moon is usually referred to as the Queen of Astrology because it influences people’s emotions and feelings. The Moon rules over all things emotional and instinctual, including our moods, dreams, and desires. Furthermore, it also governs women’s cycles, so if you’re female, this will be even more important to understand if you want to learn about yourself on an energetic level.
It governs all things related to domesticity: home life; relationships with family members; children (if any); pets; food preferences; cooking skills/abilities, gardening abilities/skill sets, etc.
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Ascendant Sign without Time of Birth
If you don’t have knowledge of your exact time of birth, here are two ways to find out your Ascendant Sign-
- Firstly, count back nine months from when you were born and see what sign aligns with your conception date (again, if there’s no corresponding constellation available, then use Mercury). Therefore, it will give an approximate idea of what element rules over this period, which can help determine which zodiac signs fall under this category! For example, Aries women would have been conceived between February 9th – May 13th; Virgos were conceived between August 25th – October 13th; Sagittarians were born sometime between December 21st – January 18th etc.
- Secondly, to find out which zodiac sign corresponds with each element, follow these steps: If a person was born during summertime, then look up their birthday on July 17th through September 14th.
How to Know Rising Sign?
To determine your rising sign, you first need to find the date, time and location of your birth. You can get this information from your birth certificate or ask your parents. Similarly, you can also use one of the many online tools that provide information based on the place and time of your birth.
Moreover, once you know both pieces of information, look up each planet’s position in the sky at that moment. The planet closest to the eastern horizon will be your rising sign. So, for example, if you were born at 2:00 p.m., Mercury would be most comparable to the eastern horizon. Therefore, Mercury would be your rising sign.
If your rising is in fire sign:
You project energy, enthusiasm, and warmth. You may have a head of curly hair or bright eyes that indicate your fiery nature. Your ascendant sign is Aries if you were born between March 20-April 19; Leo if you were born between July 23-August 22; or Sagittarius if you were born between November and 22-December 21.
If your rising is in water signs:
You project calmness and empathy. You may be slender or athletic and have a calm demeanor. Your ascendant sign is Cancer if you were born between June 21-July 22; Scorpio if you were born between October 23-November 21; or Pisces if you were born between February 19-March 20.
If your rising is in earth signs:
You project stability and practicality. You may be heavy-set or tall with broad shoulders. So, your ascendant sign is Taurus if you were born between April 20-May 20; Virgo if you were born between August 23-September 22; or Capricorn if you were born between December 22-January 19.
If your rising sign is in air signs:
You may have a warm smile, an open demeanor, and a lightness to your step. However, your ascendant sign is Gemini if you were born between May 21-June 20; Libra if you were born between September 23-October 22; or Aquarius if you were born between January 20-February 18.
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How to Know Moon Sign?
The most common method is looking at the date and time of your birth. For example, to determine your moon sign, look up a table of birth dates according to the point of the Moon in your birth chart and then find out what day your birthday falls on.
If your Moon is in fire signs (Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius):
You’re likely to have strong emotions. These people are passionate and driven by their feelings.
If your Moon is in air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius):
You’re likely to be mentally quick and intellectually sharp. In addition, you may also have strong opinions about the world around you.
If your Moon is in water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces):
You should expect emotional sensitivity to be highlighted by this placement. Similarly, you might also feel prone to moodiness or overly sensitive reactions when making decisions about relationships, finances and career moves.
If your Moon is in earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn):
You may experience a stronger connection with how others perceive you and a heightened ability to analyze situations based on intuition. However, with this placement, it’s important to remember that while they can be valuable tools when harnessed correctly—like any other type of energy.
How to Know Sun Sign
To determine your Sun sign, find out the date you were born and then find out the position of the Sun in front of you at that time. However, if you don’t know this, you can find it by looking at the table that lists birth dates according to the position of the Sun.
If your sun sign is in fire signs (Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius) :
Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, you’re likely to be an extrovert who’s always on the go. In addition, you may have a fiery temper but are quick to forgive and forget.
If your sun sign is in Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn):
You tend to be practical and down-to-earth types. They are very knowledgeable about the world around them, which makes them great scientists or engineers. Some examples of earth signs include Capricorns, Taurus and Virgos.
If your Sun is in water signs ( Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) :
You tend to be sensitive and emotional, even if others don’t see that side of you.
If your Sun is in air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius):
You’re more likely to be intellectual and detached from feelings as well as you now know that your rising sign represents the collective qualities of the other signs in your chart.
Therefore, it indicates how you express yourself and interact with others, but it’s not a fixed quality or personality trait. You have everything you need to know about the ascendant sign and what it means. We hope this article has been helpful!
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