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‘Cord Cutting’ meaning getting distorted from an emotional attachment you might have with a person or place. It removes negativity and toxicity from your life so you can move ahead to grow and evolve as a better person. It is designed to break the energetic spiritual ties that link to people who don’t want to be connected. There are a lot of reasons why people may undertake cord-cutting.
Everyone might have their personal reason for choosing to break their emotional, spiritual and energetic connections between two people, but often, it’s a way of letting go of the situation. It’s one of the many stages on your journey to being able to release them from your life, whether that’s because you were in a terrible situation or an unhappy relationship or maybe because someone isn’t in your life anymore. It’s just too painful for you to handle.
Cord cutting is an excellent step to help release any remaining attachments so that you can move on freely without them. Cord cutting is done to break people up, it’s not typically done to make things difficult, but it’s just a healing method to help people move on from the grief. People perform curd cutting to make things easygoing and let go of the worst situation they have been handling for years.
As we move ahead with knowing how to cut down energy cords, many people may need to be made aware of what energy cords are. So, let’s discuss it a little bit about it.
Energy cords are essentially energetic, emotional and mental attachments we have with people, places, and objects. It is a line of energy that passes from one person to another, and it’s how you communicate with one another. So basically, when we communicate with one another, we tend to exchange our energies or maybe chords, but it’s not always the same. It’s very important to check our energies because slowly, it starts to block our positive energy and thus doesn’t let your positive energy flow freely.
Sometimes we might have noticed a mysterious pain or aching in our body after communicating with someone or maybe after visiting somebody. Then you feel that your energy has been drained without any reason, so this may be because of the exchange of negative energy in your body.
Sometimes the negative energy cords get attached, which depends on the effects it’ll have on you, and there are also different reasons why cords end up in different places.
Suppose someone is communicating with you on a heart level because the person might be in love with you or they might have a strong attraction for you, so there will be an energy cord that will go into your heart chakra right at your heart space in the middle of your chest. Hence, it depends on your communication with people and the type of communication you have, which will affect your chakra.
Cutting an energetic cord between two people may be past lovers, friends or even people still in your life. As humans, we tend to attach ourselves to people as well as things, and by letting them go and cutting the cord of attachment, you can truly begin your healing process. Cutting Cords can be very helpful for letting go of past relationships and the pain that you must be holding inside of you and projecting them onto your current relationship.
Sometimes you have ended a relationship and tried to move away from them, but still, they are in your energy, and you can’t get them out of your mind, sometimes they show up in your dreams, and you feel their presence around because of which you aren’t able to move on. So it’s very important for you to get rid of all these negative cords. Here we’ll give you some tips and tricks to get out of such negative cords.