Personal Details


Skill Details


Audio Info


Advanced Details

Basic Info:
Mobile Number*
Skill Info:
All Skills *
Language Known *
Speciality *
Location *
Experience in years *
Gender *
Where did you hear about InstaAstro? *
Are you working on any other online platform?
Audio Details:
Upload new audio *


Record audio

upload an audio recording elaborating on the following:

  • Introduction about yourself
  • Your skills and expertise
  • Your past experiences
  • Any prior work on other platforms (Please specify the platform names and duration)
  • What motivates you to join InstaAstro?
  • Anything else related to your practices.
Submit Details
Profile Pic*
About me ?*
Refer By
Aadhar Card Pic*
Aadhar Card No..*
Pan Card Pic*
Pan Card No.*
Complete Address*
Instagram or social media link
Screenshots of profile on other portals
Expertise Certificates / Degree
Karishma tanna image
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Karishma Tanna believes in InstaAstro

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Urmila Matondkar Trusts InstaAstro

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Bhumi Pednekar Trusts InstaAstro