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What Are The Lucky and Unlucky Colours for Virgo?

By September 14, 2024No Comments
The Lucky and Unlucky

Isn’t it interesting how certain colours make you glow the most while others dull your appearance?  But what if we say that astrology applies the same rule regarding colours? Though every colour may seem lucky and perfect for the zodiac, Virgo, it is not true when we see it through the eyes of astrology. So, let us start this colourful journey and discover the unlucky and lucky colours for Virgo (23 Aug- 22 Sept)

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What is Color Astrology? 

Astrology is a subject that will fascinate you with its amazing aspects. One such aspect is color astrology. It might sound surprising, but just like planets and other celestial bodies, colours also hold the power to turn our lives upside down. You must have noticed that you shine and glow a bit differently when you wear certain colours. Talking about the planets, in astrology, every planet is associated with some colours.

For instance, if your ruling planet is Mercury and you often wear shades of red, then get ready to welcome some challenges and hurdles in your life. Why? Because the colour red relates to the planet Mars, an enemy of Mercury. So, in this case, wearing green instead of red might be a game changer for you. 

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How Can Virgos Enhance their Luck with these Lucky Colours? 

Once in our lives, we must have felt that wish we could attract good luck and fortune. But what if we say that one of your fantasies can turn true, and that too wearing certain colours? Seems unreal, right? Before this, we introduced you to the concept of colour astrology. Now is the time to discover the ways Virgos can enhance their luck with COLOURS! 

1. Serene Blue: A Color of Calmness

First on the list of the lucky colors for Virgos is the calm and serene shade of blue. But before telling you the benefits of this amazing colour, let us share with you an interesting fact first. Did you know that the colour Blue is the most favourite colour in the world? Many people’s first choice is the calm colour Blue. And do you know what the reason behind this is?

The presence of the colour blue makes a person more productive and inclined towards his goals. It also closes the doors to any mental stress or worries, providing you with a sense of mental peace and calm. 

2. Dove White: Freedom from Unnecessary Thoughts

Virgos are termed an expert when it comes to communication. Thanks to its ruling planet, Mercury, that blesses this Earth sign with effective communication skills. But there must be a time when an expert in communication also feels clueless about what to say next. It could be a client meeting or a job interview for a dream company. What if you struggle while chatting with people around you? Don’t worry, as lucky colors for Virogs is here to rescue you.

The colour dove white helps in fading away all the unnecessary thoughts running in your mind and collecting your thoughts. Wearing Virgo favorite color is no less than taking a mental spa day and saying goodbye to all your worries. As per color astrology, white colour calms not only your mind but also your soul. 

3. Spring Green: Symbolizes Fortune 

Meet another Virgo lucky color on our list: Spring Green! The color astrology claims that the colour green acts as a power color for the perfectionists, Virgo. Why? Well, the ruling planet Mercury blesses a Virgo with intelligence and communication associated with the color green. One of the lucky colors to attract money for Virgos, the colour green revolves around the energy of fortune, wealth and financial abundance. Not only this but if you feel stuck or clueless about your next step, then try taking the help of this Virgo favorite color.

Green makes it easier for you to climb the ladder of success and help you face upcoming challenges with a bold approach. So, Virgos, next time, if anything gives you a tough time, then take out your secret weapon (colour green) to fight back. 

4. Chocolate Brown: A Colour of Warmth and Affection

Do you know what’s common between the perfectionist zodiac, Virgo and the colour chocolate brown? Any guesses? Well, the earthy element between the two makes them connected. Being an Earth sign, Virgo always tries to stay grounded and calm, even in chaotic situations.

However, no one can deny their love for materialistic things. This is where this earthy shade comes into play and makes Virgo live a balanced life. But wearing the Virgo lucky color opens the doors of warmth, sympathy and affection, making Virgo a bit attentive towards their relationships.

As per the colour astrology, there is something homely about the colour brown that can enhance an individual’s love and family life. You can use this as a secret ingredient for strengthening love relationships. 

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Impact of Unlucky Colours on Virgo’s Energy

Here comes the most interesting part of the blog: Unlucky colour for Virgo. Sometimes, when things don’t go as planned, we tend to overreact and wonder what went wrong. Despite our efforts and hard work, destiny does not bless us with the things we desire. Maybe the problem is the colour you wear or the surroundings you are in! So, the question of the hour is, what are the colors a Virgo should avoid?  Don’t worry; we have come up with a list, especially for you, Virgo! So, let’s take a look at the unlucky colour for Virgo. 

1. Purple: Overly Sensitive

Isn’t the colour purple all about royalty and power? While others wear purple to look expensive and powerful, Virgos should stay away from this colour. Why? Because it imbalances the energies of Virgo and makes them distracted from their goals and ambitions. 

And nothing irritates Virgo more than getting distracted from their goals. Moreover, color astrology also claims that the colour purple attracts bad omens and opens doors to uninvited problems in your life. So, if you want to stay away from unnecessary problems in your life, then stay away from these unlucky colours for Virgo. 

2. Red: Anxiety and Negativity

Ah, the danger colour, red! If your Virgo favorite color is red, then we are afraid that we might have something that would disappoint you. Usually, we associate the colour red with danger and threat. Surprisingly, not only Vedic astrology but also Western and Chinese astrology hints about the negative vibration this dangerous colour carries along with it.

Being messes up your creative side and lets you deal with the negative energies it brings. It is fair to say that the colour red and the perfectionist zodiac sign do not see eye to eye. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

1. What is the unlucky colour for Virgo?

Of the colour palette, a Virgo should always avoid the colours red, orange and purple as they are considered unlucky for them. As per popular beliefs, colours like red and orange imbalance the energies of this zodiac, making them a bit moody.

2. What is Virgo favourite colour?

Virgos have two moods. One mood screams peace, calmness and ease, which makes them inclined towards the colour white. However, at the same time, their vibe can also be moody or intense, making the black colour their favourite.

3. What are the lucky colors for Virgos zodiac sign?

According to astrology, the lucky colors for Virgos zodiac are Green, Brown, White, and Yellow. The only factor that explains this is the element this zodiac sign belongs to, which is the Earth sign. Colour astrology says that all these colours are also associated with the Earth element.

4. Is black a lucky colour for Virgo?

Of all the zodiac signs, only a Virgo can pull off the intense energy associated with the colour black. However, in colour astrology, darker shades such as black serve them well. It is believed that the energy associated with the colour black revolves around focus, balance and harmony

5. What is the Virgo stone color?

As per some astrological beliefs, of all the birthstones, Blue Sapphire is the one that suits a Virgo the most. Incorporating this colour or gemstone into their lifestyle could be a game-changer for Virgo as it brings clarity and a clear vision about certain situations.

6. What are the lucky colors to attract money for Virgos?

Being an Earth sign, the colour green is said to attract money for Virgos, as per colour astrology. One of the reasons why the colour green is lucky for Virgo when it comes to money is because of its association with themes like growth and prosperity.

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Kasak Shirotriya

About Kasak Shirotriya

A content writer passionate about creating informative, entertaining and engaging content that captivates the readers from the first sentence to the last. When not tapping away at laptop, you can find me binging sitcoms on Netflix.