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Weekly Tarot Predictions: 11th to 17th December 2022

By December 10, 2022December 4th, 2023No Comments
Weekly Tarot Predictions

Are you stressing about what the next week is going to be? Then hold your worries right there! Because InstaAstro is here with another week’s tarot predictions for your convenience. Our expert Astrologer, Tarot Swati, has shared her weekly tarot card predictions with us. So to know what this week’s reading has for you, keep reading.

The Tarot predictions for the new week (11th-17th December) are as follows:-

Tarot Card of the week: Eight of Swords
Element: Fire
Sun Sign: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius

According to your weekly tarot horoscope, the upcoming week will be tough on you. The card “Eight of Swords” is associated with negativity, power loss, and perspective change. So as per this tarot card, things might seem difficult to you because they aren’t as planned. You might feel like you are losing control of essential things in your life. However, being patient and holding onto your emotions is the only solution to your problems. Also, keep yourself away from negativity because it will lower your self-esteem. The upcoming week won’t be a good time for you to get involved in any new relationships, be they personal or professional.

To engage your senses with positivity, you could indulge in spiritual activities or visit a sacred place with your family. Moreover, don’t shy away from sharing your feelings with your loved ones. You might feel low, but it will only make you feel better. Also, don’t get too reactive to situations hold your emotions tight and channelize your fierce energy towards positivity,

Eight of Swords Tarot Card

Tarot Card of the Week: Seven of Pentacles
Element: Earth
Sun Sign: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn

For this card, the weekly tarot spread brings a lot of positivity. A “Seven of Pentacles” is one of the luckiest cards of the entire suit. It relates to perseverance, planning, and progress. You will enjoy this upcoming week because what you have been planning so far will be fulfilled. All your hard work will get paid by your professional or personal life. According to your stars, the next week could also be when you will get new opportunities, so make sure you grab them and utilize them to the fullest. Moreover, you could also go for any new investments, emotional or financial. Your weekly tarot horoscope is all about achieving.
Be thankful to god and pat yourself on the back for holding on to the tough times. And finally, it’s time for you to enjoy your achievements.

Seven of Pentacles Tarot Card

Tarot Card of the Week: The Sun
Element: Air
Sun Sign: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius

This week is going to be filled with hope and goodness for you. As your tarot card, the sun is the direct god of enlightenment, success, positivity, and warmth. There will be love and passion for you to see this upcoming week. Moreover, you will have several moments to cherish in the upcoming week, according to your weekly tarot spread. Relationships will get stronger. Also, you will have several new opportunities to show your potential at your workplace. Also, there could be a promotion in your status financially.

Moreover, you could start new investments. If you are planning for a long time to start something new, it could be as small as a dance practice or massive as starting your own business, go for it; the stars are entirely in your favor. Also, as the sun relates to light, no more baggage or darkness of past issues will hold you back in your life. It’s time you will be the sun in your and others lives. Moreover, the best time to trust your instincts and see how they make you reach success.

Sun Tarot Card

Tarot Card of the Week: The Emperor
Element: Water
Sun Sign: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces

The Emperor is known to bring royalty and success your way. Moreover, just like the king needs advice and guidance to rule his kingdom potentially, you will also be getting a lot of great advice from your close ones. Be it your career or love life you may tense out a little bit extra. But don’t stress out your help is just on the way to you. For all the water signs in this week’s Tarot Spread, they will be lucky enough to be blessed with opportunities to grow and achieve big things. But you have to keep your eyes open and grab them. The only advice for this week is to have faith your silver lining is right there.

Moreover, talk to your family about any issues you might be facing that will ease you out and let you solve the problems effectively.

Emperor Tarot Card

Frequently Asked Question(FAQs):

What does Tarot reading depict?

Tarot Card reading or Tarot reading tells what your future holds for you. Will you be lucky, or do you have to prepare yourself for some damage? A tarot card reader analyses your energies and the inclination of your stars, according to which they depict a card for you. But, of course, this card could favor expressing something unpleasant too.

Which is the best card in the entire tarot card spread?

“The Wheel of Fortune” is one of the luckiest cards. It depicts luck, ambition, love, positivity, health, and happiness. However, the card also tells us that life is like a wheel nothing remains forever. If you have bad times, good times are coming soon, and vice versa.

What do the upward and downward positions of tarot cards mean?

An Upright position for a tarot card means people, energies, situations, and future life. Contrarily, if the card is held in an upside down or revered position, it could mean a lack of one of these things or some upcoming unpleasant situation.

Where could I find weekly love tarot reading?

InstaAstro regularly posts weekly predictions for tarot, numerology, and horoscope. In addition, they have a team of astrologers with whom you can also talk about your other related queries.

Also Read: Monthly Tarot Predictions For December 2022

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Shivani Negi Aswal

About Shivani Negi Aswal

A mathematics enthusiast who also loves to write. She also scribbles words into poems or something her heart tells her to write. Lives to watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S and eat a lot of chocolates.