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Find Out The Lucky and Unlucky Colours for Sagittarius

By December 1, 2023December 4th, 2023No Comments
Unlucky and Lucky Colours

Colours! Would it be wrong to call the colours our mood shifters? Well, no! Not only do the colours shift our mood from low to happy, but they also bring good vibes and luck down to our doorstep. How? Colour astrology has assigned certain colours for every zodiac sign. Going against this rule means sending an open invitation to problems and obstacles in your life.

So, what lucky colours have the colour astrology assigned for the people born between November 22 and December 21? Is your favourite colour in the list of lucky colours for Sagittarius? What are the Sagittarius unlucky colours? Why not start this colourful journey and figure out the unlucky and lucky colours for Sagittarius? Let’s begin! 

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How can Sagittarius Enhance their Luck with these Lucky Colours? 

What if we say that your favourite colours aren’t there to please you but act like your good luck charms instead? Seems a bit unrealistic, right? Will it be the vibrant red that will bring all the good luck down to your doorstep? Or is it the colour pink that holds the potential to turn things around? Before, the stars stood first in shaping your lives, but here comes the colours taking all the spotlight. So, presenting to you the top lucky colours for Sagittarius: 

1. Yellow

It is true that the colour yellow and the energies of sadness, negativity and dullness can not stay in the same room. When the Dhanu rashi colour, Yellow, walks in, there is always a sudden burst of happiness, joy and positivity all around. Apart from bringing all the spotlight on you with its vibrant and bright tone, the colour yellow makes you practical and responsible while making important decisions.

Where everyone struggles with creativity, it is the Sagittarius color that makes you come up with out-of-the-box ideas every time. Thanks to the lucky color for Sagittarius 2023 that fuels your imagination power, and creativity skills. Here is to the lucky color for Sagittarius 2023 that not only acts as your powerhouse but also fades away the doubts and confusions and helps collect your thoughts. 

2. Orange 

Nothing else can beat the fiery zodiac Sagittarius when it comes to energy and enthusiasm. Right? Enters the most beautiful colour from the colour palette, Orange. But what does it do to the lively and fiery spirit of Sagittarius? As one of the Sagittarius lucky colours, orange brings in the energies of creativity and inspiration. If you think that the colour just acts as a mood booster for the zodiac, this is where you are wrong.

The Sagittarius colour Orange links with the planet of growth and expansion, Jupiter and blesses a person with a bold and confident personality. So, while giving a job interview or sitting for a competitive exam, you can wear the colour if you want luck to be by your side. Bonus point: besides attracting good opportunities with luck by your side, you can also leave a lasting impression with your communication skills- all thanks to the Sagittarius spirit color, Orange. 

3. Purple/ Violet

While choosing what career path to take or whether to move on or wait for your ex-partner, we all must have faced these challenging decisions. Right? Enters the solution, the lucky colors for Sagittarius, Violet or Purple, that introduces you to your intuitive powers. With the help of your intuitive powers, you can make rightful decisions or choose the best path for you.

When it comes to luck enhancement, the colour Violet links with the ruling planet of Sagittarius, Jupiter. Combining both the energies of the colour Violet and Jupiter it is only opportunities for growth, prosperity and good fortune one can think about. So, while running after financial stability or choosing the right career path, incorporating violet or purple in your life will attract the good luck and the fruitful results you have always desired. 

Also Read: Seven Definite Turn-Offs For a Sagittarius Woman

Impact of Unlucky Colours on Sagittarius’s Energy 

Well, choosing the wrong colours can show all the good luck and positivity in your life and exit door. While there is some Sagittarius color that makes your fiery spirit lively, there are some that drain your energy. Is the Sagittarius favorite color made it up to the list? So, let us try to find out the Sagittarius unlucky colour that takes away all your glow!

1. Black 

Imagine a Sagittarius without their lively and adventurous spirit! It is the only dull and boring personality you can think of. Right? Well, this is what a Sagittarius personality will look like if they choose to wear ‘black’. Colour astrology believes that this Sagittarius unlucky colour not only drains energy but also takes away joy and zeal from lively Sagittarians. And nothing irritates a Sagittarius more than being unable to live on their own terms.

If this weren’t enough, the colour black blocks the energy and creates an imbalance in a Sagittarian’s life. As a result, bad luck, problems in career, love life, and even health becomes a permanent scenario. Just think Sagittarius unlucky colour as a barrier between their dreams and goals. So, if you want good luck to be by your side, then avoid wearing this colour. 

2. Blue 

Last on the list of Sagittarius unlucky colour is the colour blue. Through the lens of astrology, the colour blue is associated with the enemy planet of Sagittarius’s ruling planet, Jupiter. So, wearing the colour related to the enemy ruling planet gives an open invitation to problems, bad luck, and misfortune in life.

Now, focusing on the energies of the unlucky colors of Sagittarius, blue surrounds with the energies of loneliness, isolation and unfriendliness. This goes against the social and friendly personality of Sagittarius, as they love to meet new people and make new connections. Just think that the zodiac Sagittarius is not the favourite of the colour blue as it favours the other zodiac signs except you. So, avoiding wearing this colour while doing important things is your only option, Sagittarius. 


There you have it, Sagittarius, your secret weapon to attract good luck and positivity in your life, with lucky colours for Sagittarius. Think of it as a golden chance from the universe to shine brightest in your lucky colours. Now you know which colours to pick to attract good luck and fortune in your lives. 

Hey! I’m Kasak Shirotriya, and as a content writer at InstaAstro, your appreciation encourages me to keep my words flowing! If you found this blog helpful, then don’t hesitate to reach out to our in-house astrology experts by clicking here and staying one step ahead of all your problems.

Also Read: Best Life Partner for Sagittarius Zodiac

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

1. What is Sagittarius spirit color?

Colour astrology believes that if one colour fits perfectly in the category of Sagittarius spirit color, it is none other than purple. The spirit color of Sagittarius comes with a lot of advantages, such as bringing the energies of optimism, good luck, and fortune.

2. Which colour is not good for Sagittarius?

Darker tone colours such as black, blue, and grey are not good for Sagittarius. One of the reasons for this is that these darker tones do not align with the lively spirit of Sagittarius and make them dull and boring personalities.

3. What is the 2023 color for Sagittarius woman?

The 2023 color for Sagittarius woman are orange and dark yellow, as per colour astrology. Not only do these colours bring good luck to a Sagittarius woman, but they also encourage them to work hard towards their goals and ambitions.

4. What are Sagittarius power colours?

Of the colour palette, the colours that work wonders for Sagittarius are yellow, orange, red and purple. It is believed that these Sagittarius power colours make a person more creative and responsible and push them towards spirituality and enlightenment.

5. Is green colour good for Sagittarius?

Yes, colour astrology says that green colour is the one that leads a Sagittarius towards growth and upgradation. Along with this, wearing green often brings in the energies of optimism, enthusiasm, and peace in life.

6. What is the gem colour of Sagittarius?

As per astrology, the gem colour of Sagittarius is silky-blue turquoise. The gemstone colour of Sagittarius is believed to maintain a balance between emotional turmoil and communication. Along with this, the turquoise colour associates with the ruling planet of Sagittarius, Jupiter.

Also Read: Traits Of Sagittarius And Capricorn Cusp

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Kasak Shirotriya

About Kasak Shirotriya

A content writer passionate about creating informative, entertaining and engaging content that captivates the readers from the first sentence to the last. When not tapping away at laptop, you can find me binging sitcoms on Netflix.