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Buri Nazar Symptoms, Remedy and Preventive Measures 

By May 11, 2024No Comments
Buri Nazar

We have often heard people talk about Buri Nazar. Buri Nazar has been part of culture since ancient times. Today, Buri Nazar is often taken as a myth and is disregarded most of the time, but it holds significance even today.

There are more than one signs of Evil Eye, and we all have witnessed these signs once in our lives. Let’s have a look into Buri Nazar symptoms, remedy, and preventive measures. 


Significance Of Buri Nazar

Buri nazar holds significance not just in Indian culture but in various cultures around the world. It is among the most dominant beliefs of humans. In the modern world, Buri Nazar holds significance in terms of the aura people hold and the way it affects others. The negative energies that affect us are what we call as Buri Nazar. 

Also Read: Evil Eye Bracelet And Its Benefits

Symptoms Of Buri Nazar

In order to get rid of the symptoms of Buri Nazar, it is essential that you first understand these symptoms so that you can follow remedies to get rid of them. Let’s look into the symptoms of Nazar Lagna. 

1. Unexplained Loss Of Energy 

Have you ever experienced feeling low on energy and often feeling a bit dizzy? This could be because of Nazar, and it is one of the symptoms of Buri Nazar. Dizziness accompanied by loss of energy without any solid reason can be a result of Buri Nazar.

2. Low Self Esteem 

Low self-esteem without any reason for it, accompanied by fear of facing people. The feeling of avoiding meeting new people and a constant urge to stay indoors can signify Buri Nazar. 

3. Unexplained Anxiety

The constant sleeplessness, anxiety and fear can be a sign of Buri Nazar. Constant overwhelming emotions that you might be facing added that they don’t have an underlying meaning to it. It could all be because of Buri Nazar.

4. Physical Health Issues 

You may have heard others telling people facing health issues that it could be because of Buri Nazar. The Physical Health issues that one faces are one of the major signs of Buri Nazar.

5. Bad Luck and Misfortune 

It has usually been seen that people who get jealous of your fortune or lifestyle often surround you with negative energy, which in turn leads to your misfortune. Buri Nazar is often the reason for poor luck. 

6. Mood Swings 

You may often face mood swings and be in a bad mood most of the time without any major reason for it, and you may often see it occurring almost daily, and even the happier moments won’t make you any longer happy. Buri Nazar is the reason for it.

7. Unexplained Stagnation In progress 

You may have seen that no matter how hard you try still, you are not able to get what you want, and you end up feeling uninterested because of the constant stagnation in life, but you’ll be surprised to know that Buri Nazar is a reason for it.

8. Issues In Relationship 

When people around you envy the relationship you share with your partner, they often intentionally release negative energies, which can cause relationship issues. 

Negative Consequences Of Buri Nazar 

Negative Consequences of Buri Nazar are not unheard of, and we all know that Evil Eye or Buri nazar can take a toll on our physical and mental health. It can also have effects on the relationship we share with our family. 

It is often seen that Buri Nazar causes family-related disputes. It can affect people’s relationships and friendships. Buri nazar affects people of all age groups, and it can affect anyone at any moment in life. 

Remedy For Buri Nazar

To ward off the evil eye, it is essential that you follow a step-by-step procedure to get rid of Buri Nazar. This procedure holds a lot of significance and has been followed for ages. Let’s have a look at the remedy procedure for Buri Nazar.

Step 1: Collect all the ingredients (red chillies, coriander, black and white sesame seeds, sugar, salt and cloves).

Step 2: With these ingredients, sit in a room. The room should not be noisy. 

Step 3: Make sure there is no one in the room except you. 

Step 4: Hold all the ingredients in the fist and rotate it over your head 4 times clockwise and 4 times anti-clockwise. 

Step 5: Burn all the ingredients and throw them 

Step 6: Wash your hands properly 

Step 7: Make sure that you do not see someone and that no one comes between you or disturbs you during the whole procedure.

This procedure will take 3 days to cure and will help you eliminate the effects of the evil eye. Be patient and wait for the results. 

Also Read: Nimbu-Mirchi Remedy : Reason And Significance

Preventive Measures For Buri Nazar

As we know, prevention is better than cure, so it is better to prevent the Evil Eye even before it is cast upon. Let’s look into the preventive measures for Buri Nazar.

1. Wear an Evil Eye Bracelet 

Wearing an Evil Eye bracelet can help you cut down negative energy and create a positive aura around you. It is a must to prevent Buri Nazar.

2. Apply Kohl or Kajal 

Applying Kajal or Kohl can be really helpful in warding off Buri Nazar or the Evil Eye, as it changes negative energy into positive energy.

3. Hang Nazar Battu 

Hanging Nazar Battu outside your house, shop, or vehicle can protect you and your property from being affected by negative energy.

4. Hang Lemon and Chillis 

Hanging lemons and chills has the same effect as that of Nazar Battu, and it can easily be done outside a House or shop. It has been in use for centuries and is known to have positive effects.

5. Burn Rosemary 

Burning rosemary helps build a positive aura in the surroundings. This changes negative energy into positive energy, making the whole environment positive. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How can I be safe from Buri Nazar?

You can protect yourself from Buri Nazar by following the precautionary remedies. These remedies include wearing an Evil Eye bracelet, hanging a Nazar Battu, or hanging Lemon and Chillis.

2. What are the effects of Buri Nazar?

Buri Nazar is known to have many effects. These effects are both physical and mental. Effects of Buri Nazar include feeling low on energy, having mood swings, facing misfortunes, issues in relationships or physical health issues.

3. What is Nazar Lagna meaning in English?

Nazar lagna in english means being affected by an Evil Eye.

4. How to remove Evil Eye with salt?

Take some coarse salt in your hand and rub it on your palm. Have faith that this remedy will help Get rid of Buri Nazar.

5. What are Evil Eye symptoms in adults?

Dizziness, lack of motivation to work, career stagnation, and relationship issues are major symptoms of Buri Nazar among adults.

6. What are some Evil Eye removal remedies?

Remedies to remove Evil Eye include using lemon, chillis, alum or crystal.

Also Read: 6 Ways to Remove Evil Eye or Buri Nazar

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Sanya Bajpai

About Sanya Bajpai

A passionate content writer and a law student living a chaotic yet bright and fun life;). When I'm not working you can find me binge watching. Plus, active discussions are always welcome over a plate of spaghetti :).