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Transform your Skin With These Astrological Remedies for Glowing Skin 

By August 22, 2023September 8th, 2023No Comments
Transform Your Skin

Getting perfect, glowy skin seems like a dream. Doesn’t it? All your life, you have heard that poor lifestyle choices bring an invitation to skin problems. Once you bring your poor lifestyle back on track, your skin starts to heal and becomes healthier. But this doesn’t seem easy as it sounds. Despite several attempts, we always end up wondering what can make our skin healthy and glowy.

What if we say that there are some planets up above the sky that can help you face those stubborn acne breakouts? The position of certain planets in your birth chart decides the health of your skin. Now you wonder which planet is responsible for skin problems. So, it is your chance to make use of our astrological remedies for glowing skin and shine like a real star. 

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Planets Responsible for all your Skin Problems 

Have you tried every remedy to make your skin glow and shine like never before, but none of them worked? Maybe the problem isn’t your poor lifestyle but the poor placement of certain planets in your birth chart, which are responsible for skin problems. So, let us explore which planet is responsible for skin problems one by one! 

1. Mercury 

In astrology, you can see the planet Mercury as a versatile one. Why? Well, on the one hand, it blesses an individual with effective communication skills, intellect and memory powers. But on the flip side, it can also drop some skin problems into your lap, as per health astrology. And if this wasn’t enough, when Mercury and Moon join hands in the second house of an individual, it contributes to several skin-related problems such as skin infections or dry scalps, dandruff etc. Moreover, it imbalances the level of Pitta in the skin, leading to skin diseases such as redness or inflammation. 

2. Moon 

We all are fascinated by how Moon accurately Moon depicts our innermost side, which is usually hidden from the outside world. Wait till we share with you the skin problems it causes to an individual. Well, the poor placement of the planet Moon in the malefic houses of an individual’s kundali should get all the blame. It specifically attacks people with dull and dry skin making it even worse. Moreover, it is also responsible for the overproduction of sebum ( oil glands) that attracts acne and pimples. 

3. Rahu 

Last but not least, this malefic planet is to be blamed for all skin problems. Did you know that the poor placement of this mischievous planet can lead to severe skin issues such as skin cancer? Not only this, but if Rahu decides to take a rest in the 2nd house of your birth chart, then it can give birth to skin problems such as acne, acne marks and uneven skin tone. Health astrology believes that the placement of Rahu in an individual’s life is important as its presence can either enhance his health or make it worse. 

4. Venus 

If strong Venus can shower you with charming beauty, then imagine how would a weak Venus in your birth chart treat you. Skin problems like sensitive skin, rashes or irritation come uninvited with the poor placement of Venus in the birth chart. And how can we forget about hormonal imbalances that irritate our skin, leading to pimples or acne? 

5. Jupiter

A happy Jupiter placed in a good position in your birth chart can bless you with immense growth, success and expansion in your life. But what if Jupiter decides to take the wrong way and join hands with malefic houses in your kundali? It is when an individual starts noticing skin problems. Weak Jupiter in your kundali can be the invitation to stomach problems such as gas or indigestion, making your skin suffer from rashes, acne or allergies. But wait for the planets Mercury and Jupiter to come together and join hands. As per astrological beliefs, these two planets coming together can harm your skin more than any planetary combination. 

Also Read: 5 Impactful Astrological Remedies of Peacock Feather

Enhance Your Beauty with these astrological remedies for Skin Problems

Wasn’t it interesting to know that planets up above the sky could be the reason for our skin issues? But is there any solution or remedy to fight this never-ending battle? Can astrology also cure our skin issues and make it healthier? So, now is the time to dig deep into the world of astrology and find out what astrological remedies can help you deal with your skin problems. 

Astrological Remedies for skin problems related to Moon 

Sleeping during the day is the reason for your dry and dull skin. Yes, you read that right. If we see this concept through the lens of astrology, we will find that Moon doesn’t like you sleeping during the day and sends skin problems such as dry and pale skin along your way. So, it is suggested to avoid sleeping during the day as much as you can. Next, you can show your trust in silver accessories such as a silver ring or pendant and believe that it will reduce the ill effects of the Moon in your birth chart and provide you with relief.

Moreover, if you want fast results, then you can think of performing Abhishek or Navgraha pooja at your home. This will eliminate the negative energies caused by the planet Moon and make it happy. 

Astrological Remedies for skin problems related to Venus

How to make Venus strong for beauty? We know that this question must have popped up in your mind. Let us provide you with a solution. In astrology, the planet of beauty, Venus and the king of all the planets, the Sun, are termed to have each other’s back and are considered good friends. So, if you want to get rid of the skin issues such as hypersensitivity or rashes, then you have to please the Sun along with Venus.

And this is possible by chanting mantras. Chanting the Surya mantra to become fair and beautiful is the only way. Start chanting the Surya mantra, ‘Om Ghrini Suryay Namah,’ every morning by setting pure intentions and seeing all your skin issues fade away as per health astrology. But we haven’t done it yet! Let’s shift our focus back to the planet Venus. This magical planet is associated with the colour white and shows blessings to those who donate white-coloured things, such as clothes and food (milk, rice), to the needy. 

Astrological Remedies for skin problems related to Mercury 

Getting rid of the skin problems caused by the planet Mercury is only possible by donating, and that too with complete devotion. For this, you can donate essential things such as sugar, honey, jaggery or even flour to those in need. Wearing too light or too dark coloured clothes can attract negative energies giving you skin problems you never needed in the first place.

So, avoiding too dark or too light coloured clothes is the way of saying goodbye to the skin problems caused by Mercury. But here is a fun fact! Along with these remedies, gemstones like Emeralds can help rebalance the energies of the planet Mercury and provide you relief. 

Also Read: Aroma Based Vastu Remedies Made Easy!


Well, that’s a wrap on effective astrological remedies for glowing skin. Now you know how you can make use of astrology and make your skin glow like never before. But here is the fun fact, apart from skin problems, astrology can help you solve problems related to finances, health or even love issues. All you need to do is get in contact with expert in-house astrologers of InstaAstro and get customised solutions. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

1. Which god to worship for skin disease?

If you are tired of all your skin issues, then worshipping Lord Shiva, Lord Hanuman, and Shani Deva can provide you with some solutions. It is believed that Lord Shiva, Hanuman and Shani Dev cure skin problems of an individual, providing them relief.

2. Which Graha is responsible for beauty?

If there is any planet in astrology which responsible for beauty, it should be none other than Venus. If Venus is placed in a favourable position in an individual’s birth chart, then it is said to bring enhance their beauty and charm.

3. Are there any Lal kitab remedies to look beautiful?

If you want glowing skin, then Lal kitab says offering sweets to unmarried girls or young girls can help a bit. Not only this, but you can also include the colour white in your daily routines, such as wearing white-coloured ornaments or clothes. Since white colour is often associated with beauty, as per astrology.

4. What are some astrological food remedies for skin?

To bring the planets responsible for skin problems, such as Moon or Venus, in a good position in your kundali, you need to practice some food remedies. It includes consuming white-coloured foods such as rice, milk or sweets. You can also consume foods which are high on Pitta, such as citrus foods.

5. How to make Venus strong for beauty?

There are several remedies one can perform to make the planet of love and beauty, aka Venus, strong in their birth charts. One such remedy is to donate food, clothes or other essential things to the needy. Moreover, adding fragrance to their daily routine can be an option.

6. Which planet is responsible for skin problems?

Of all the planets in astrology, Mercury and Venus are the ones responsible for skin problems. As per astrological beliefs, if the planet Mercury decides to reside in the 5th house in an individual’s kundali, then it brings uninvited skin problems due to its inauspicious placement.

Also Read: Astrological Remedies for How to become Rich?

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Kasak Shirotriya

About Kasak Shirotriya

A content writer passionate about creating informative, entertaining and engaging content that captivates the readers from the first sentence to the last. When not tapping away at laptop, you can find me binging sitcoms on Netflix.