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Weekly Financial Predictions: 9th July to 15th July 2023

By July 8, 2023December 15th, 2023No Comments
Weekly Financial Predictions

We welcome you to another exciting edition of weekly finance predictions by Tarot Swati. Our weekly money horoscope is no less than magic. It has answers to every question of yours related to your financial future. Whether are you unsure about making big investment decisions in the week ahead or are you thinking about what market trends may rule the market this week, then you must listen to what we say next.

We know that the world of finance is filled with lots of ups and downs. Even if you are an expert, you cannot predict the fluctuations of the market. But when the world of finance and astrology come together, you get an edge over others and stay one step ahead of the game. So, let’s face these twists and turns of the week ahead with our cash flow forecasts by Tarot Swati. 

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Weekly Financial Predictions for the Upcoming Week 

From fiery Aries to dreamy Pisces, we have something for everyone in this weekly money horoscope. So, let’s explore what the stars offer for you in the world of finance this week. 

1. Element: Fire 

Sun Signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius 

First on the list of weekly finance predictions is this Fire element. Let’s discover what the future holds for your money for the week ahead. As per your weekly money horoscope, making any big financial decisions this week might not be a good time. This big financial decision could be purchasing a vehicle or a property. However, if you think about this, the universe has something to say to you. As per Fire Element’s free money astrology, the information you have right now is not complete or correct. 

Thus, if you try to ignore this warning and continue to make this big purchase, then chances are it may lead you to a financial burden in the near future. However, this week there is nothing wrong with sticking to the old and conventional methods for financial security. Maintaining an emergency fund and following the budget properly is one of them.

Moreover, Aries weekly finance horoscope predicts that some of you may get inclined towards looking for ways to grow your savings and investments that will help you solidify your portfolio. 

Technical Chart

2. Element: Earth

Sun Signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn

Dear Earth Elements, your weekly finance predictions indicate that this week some of you may try to experiment while investing in the financial markets. As a result, you may try exploring different sectors other than your interest that may generate long-term benefits. 

The universe senses that though playing safely, away from risks, may have helped you in the past and have avoided any loss, this week, you must change your approach. Instead of solely relying on one or two stocks, you must invest in different sectors. However, with this weekly money horoscope, there comes a warning too. Your stars guide you to maintain a balance while doing this to prevent loss. All in all, this week, the energy revolves around diversification.

Now for some of you, this week might give you a bit of leverage while spending your money. If you are someone who spends their money without giving much thought, then this seems favourable to you. An increase in income or business deal may bless you with financial prosperity and abundance this coming week as per your cash flow forecasts. 

Financial Chart

3. Element: Air 

Sun Signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius 

The weekly finance predictions for Air elements predict a phase of new beginnings and opportunities. The stars see that some of you might get inclined towards a materialistic world. As a result, you would want to take bold steps when it comes to investments to gain more money this week. We haven’t done it yet!

The cash flow forecasts for Air Elements predict that you may receive opportunities to improve your financial situation. This opportunity may come in the form of a new job offer, an unexpected amount or a new business or investment opportunity. However, it is advised to take professional advice before making your next move. 

However, this week may bring mixed energies for some of you as per your free wealth astrology. Your money horoscope indicates that this upcoming week you may have to manage your resources wisely. Also, the stars advise avoiding taking a loan or lending money from someone. If you do so, it will not only increase your burden but also affect your relationship with the person. 

Chart Analysis

4. Element: Water

Sun Signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces 

What do the weekly finance predictions for the Water element have to say about the week ahead? Let’s find out! Folks, if you have been focusing on saving and sticking to your budget lately, we might have some good news. Yes, you read that right. As per your free wealth astrology, this week, you might come out of this situation and find yourself in a comfortable position.

However, there are some things that you need to pay attention to. Your weekly money horoscope says that even in a better financial position this week, you must continue to follow this procedure. By doing this, you will stay away from unnecessary financial burdens and will lead to financial stability. Now, let’s draw your attention towards investments for the week ahead.

Dear Water Elements, the Scorpio weekly finance horoscope hints at making bold investments this week to strengthen your financial future. However, at the same time, the stars warn you to make your decision only after proper and thorough research. This will reduce the risk of loss in the world of finance, as per your money horoscope. 

Financial Graph


With this, we have come to the end of our weekly finance predictions by Tarot Swati. Remember that no one can predict the fluctuations of the finance world. But with astrology, you can stay one step ahead. But even in that case, there is a need to make rightful decisions based on your thorough research. However, if horoscopes or zodiac sign makes you curious, then don’t hesitate to visit InstaAstro to satisfy your curiosity. We haven’t done it yet. Don’t forget to visit other horoscopes about your love life, health, career and much more. 

Also Read: Weekly Horoscope Predictions: 9th July to 15th July 2023

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Kasak Shirotriya

About Kasak Shirotriya

A content writer passionate about creating informative, entertaining and engaging content that captivates the readers from the first sentence to the last. When not tapping away at laptop, you can find me binging sitcoms on Netflix.