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Weekly Financial Predictions: 11th June to 17th June 2023 

By June 9, 2023December 14th, 2023No Comments
Weekly Financial Predictions

InstaAstro welcomes you to another edition of the weekly finance horoscope by Tarot Swati. Folks, before stepping straight into your weekly cash flow forecasts, let us ask you a question first. Wouldn’t it be best to know when you will get the salary boost you were looking for? Or maybe what unexpected expenses are waiting for you in your weekly financial journey? We know that the answer to these questions is a big ‘YES’. So, get ready to go on a thrilling financial journey where the major planets, such as Jupiter or Saturn, will be your financial guide and will tell you which path will lead you to your financial goals this week. 

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Weekly Finance Predictions by Date of Birth: 

Dear readers, it is time for the latest edition of our weekly money horoscope, covering the upcoming week from 11th June to 17th June 2023. You will learn what the future holds for your money and learn valuable insights to make informed financial decisions.

1. Element: Fire 

Sun Sign: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius 

First on the list of weekly finance horoscope is the fire element. When it comes to finances, this week’s cash flow forecast urges you to be careful while handling your money. It advises not to make judgments in a hurry or impulsive financial decisions. Instead, take the time to gather all relevant information before making big purchases or investments. 

Additionally, your money horoscope indicates a potential legal problem. So, you need to avoid any careless behaviour that could lead you to trouble this week. Also, it is crucial to maintain balance in all aspects of life, including ensuring that your insurance coverage is up to date. Your free money astrology says by adopting a responsible approach; you can protect your financial interests and minimise potential risks in the near future. At last, remember, in this week’s financial journey, knowledge and caution are your supporters in maintaining stability and avoiding unnecessary financial problems. 

Technical Chart

2. Element: Earth

Sun Sign: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn 

During this week, you must be very careful while sharing details about your finances. So, it is advised to reveal your financial matters to those who truly need to know. This approach will help protect your privacy and your interests. Your free money astrology says by maintaining a need-to-know basis approach, and your financial affairs will remain secure and reduce the risk of potential misunderstandings or misuse of information. 

This coming period tells the importance of caution in handling your financial matters. By being selective and careful in your conversations and preserving your financial privacy, you can maintain a sense of control and protect your financial well-being. At last, remember it is important to prioritise your financial security and trust your instincts when deciding who to include in your financial discussions this week. 

Financial Chart

3. Element: Air 

Sun Sign: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius 

This weekly finance horoscope appears highly competitive, urging caution in making big and important decisions or plans. It is advised to focus your energy on your current targeted financial projects, as they hold the potential for financial gains. However, it is important to use this period with care as disagreements may arise in various situations. To protect your financial interests, your money horoscope says it is important to maintain a composed and polite behaviour when interacting with others. 

By portraying yourself in the politest manner possible, you can mitigate conflicts and encourage more favourable outcomes. Remember, success lies in maintaining a strategic approach, avoiding unnecessary fights, and prioritising your financial goals. Stay attentive to market trends and grab opportunities that match your long-term financial objectives. As per the money horoscope, this period is a competitive week with stability and focus that can position you for financial growth and stability.

Chart Analysis

4. Element: Water

Sun Sign: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces 

This week as per free wealth astrology of water elements, presents a favourable period for laying down foundations, particularly in the area of real estate. Also, engaging in buying or selling land, including plots and agricultural properties, holds promising potential as per your weekly money horoscope. Small investments in these areas may generate fruitful returns in the near future for some of you. Additionally, you might expect an upgradation in your current professional profile, leading to monetary benefits. In this regard, this is the perfect time to explore areas of financial growth or negotiate a salary increase. 

As per your money horoscope, you must grab the moment to make informed decisions and take calculated steps towards securing your future. Also, remember to practice caution and consult trusted professionals when engaging in any financial transactions or career moves. At last, as per your weekly finance horoscope, by making use of these opportunities, you can pave the way for a more prosperous financial journey.

Financial Graph


Well, that’s a wrap on our weekly finance predictions by Tarot Swati. Don’t worry; we will return with more juicy and helpful insights about your finance and will guide you on which road will lead you to your financial goals. Until then, don’t forget to follow InstaAstro for more such insights about your love life, career and health!  

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1. How does finance horoscope work?

Astrologers analyse the positions of planets at the time of an individual’s birth to make predictions about their financial future. Also, they may consider factors such as the placement of planets in specific houses and the overall energy or traits of the astrological sign.

2. What is a financial horoscope?

A financial horoscope is a prediction or cash flow forecast for a person’s financial situation based on their astrological birth chart or zodiac. It typically provides information or suggestions regarding how to manage money, investment opportunities, and financial gains or losses.

3. What is Aries weekly finance horoscope?

Aries, your bold and entrepreneurial spirit might shine in the world of finance this week. It is time to take calculated risks and welcome new opportunities for growth. At last, your natural leadership skills may lead you to financial success in the near future.

4. How often should I check my money horoscope?

The number of times you check your money horoscope is entirely up to you. Some people often enjoy reading them on a weekly basis, while others may find it more useful to check them daily or monthly.

5. How accurate is financial horoscope astrology?

Weekly finance horoscopes are typically based on astrological predictions related to financial matters. The accuracy of weekly finance horoscopes can vary from person to person. Some people may find them accurate or relatable, while others don’t find them logical and accurate.

6. What is Scorpio weekly finance horoscope?

Scorpio, this week might present opportunities for financial growth. You must stay focused on your long-term goals and consider exploring new investment opportunities. At last, remember to trust your gut when making important financial decisions this week.

Also Read: Weekly Horoscope Predictions: 11th June to 17th June 2023

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Kasak Shirotriya

About Kasak Shirotriya

A content writer passionate about creating informative, entertaining and engaging content that captivates the readers from the first sentence to the last. When not tapping away at laptop, you can find me binging sitcoms on Netflix.