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Neptune in 12th House: Effects on Career, Love and Money!

By July 14, 2023December 15th, 2023No Comments
Neptune in 12th House

Did you know about the dreamy nature of Neptune? This unique planet can merge your dreams with your reality. Neptune in 12th house gives you an understanding of the unseen and makes you a natural empath. But be cautious, as this placement can also blur the lines between reality and illusion. Therefore, remember that grounding yourself is crucial. Get ready to explore your artistic side, tap into your intuition and learn all about how Neptune works its magic in your 12th house!

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Neptune in 12th House Meaning

To know the meaning of this planet’s placement in this house, we must learn about what is the 12th house in astrology. The 12th house in astrology is the house that rules over aspects that are larger than life. It is the house of our intuition and feelings that are hidden deep in our brains. 

Neptune in the 12th house deeply influences our subconscious. Since the 12th house is Neptune’s home, its influence on our lives becomes even more intense. It impacts our deepest feelings as well as emotions which might be unknown to us. It gives us an understanding of things which are otherwise unseen to our eyes. 

Neptune in 12th house also makes you compassionate. You deeply care about the people around you and hold empathy for them in your heart. You find joy in serving others, and it gives you a sense of fulfilment. This planet also gives you a great sense of imagination as well as intuition.

Significance of Neptune in 12th House

The placement of Neptune in the 12th house can signify a strong inclination towards spirituality. People with this planet in their 12th house can connect with the realm of spirituality much more easily. They also have a sense of curiosity about learning the secrets of life and understanding the unknown. These people are sensitive to the energies which are present around us.

Neptune in 12th house can also make a person escape from situations to avoid them. These people might have difficulties in forming boundaries. Therefore, they find it problematic to separate reality and dreams. They often use methods to escape reality just to get a temporary sense of happiness. These methods can land them in unfortunate situations which might have serious consequences. 

This planet can also give you the gift of creative expression. People with Neptune in their 12th house find it the easiest to express themselves through unique ways. They are also sensitive to what the world has to offer. This makes them fluid in the way they live, and they do not seek practicality. People with Neptune in 12th house are dreamers.

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Effects of Neptune in 12th house

Neptune is the most influential in its home. It makes people imaginative in both good as well as wrong ways. This dreamy planet can affect us in various forms ranging from what we feel to our careers. Therefore, in order to manage the effects of Neptune in our lives, we must know the areas which this planet influences.

This planet can bless individuals with a deep sense of compassion. You have the ability to connect with the emotions of others and yourself in a deeper sense than others. This can make your life emotionally fulfilling, and you will be able to form genuine connections. You can receive benefits in the emotional aspect of your life as you feel things in their real sense.

However, Neptune in 12th house can also mean that your emotions will be extremely intense. Therefore, you might turn to methods that give you a temporary escape from situations. These can be drugs or other substances which can cause you harm. You need to learn how to face your problems with real solutions instead of finding temporary ways.

1. Effect of Neptune in 12th House Career

People with Neptune in their 12th house are the best suited for careers that involve caring for others. They are highly empathetic as well as compassionate. Therefore, they find careers related to service to others extremely rewarding.

They also excel in fields which require imagination. This is because Neptune in 12th house gives people the ability to come up with the most unique ideas. Therefore, these people can be great artists of any form, be it writing, music or acting.

Our 12th house connects us to our subconscious. Therefore, people with Neptune in 12th house can be great psychologists. They have a deep understanding of human emotions. This makes them do well in professions that involve healing.

2. Effect of Neptune in 12th House Love

People who have this planet in their birth chart experience deep and spiritual love. They are romantic as well as compassionate towards their partners. There is a possibility that both partners can be very rich spiritually, which makes their interests and understanding mutual.

Neptune in 12th house can also mean that you and your partner will have a very strong emotional connection. It makes you understand each other’s feelings in the most actual form. Therefore, you can support each other in the best possible way.

However, along with the good things, Neptune in 12th house can also make you have unrealistic expectations from your partner. You can form an ideal image of them in your mind, which might not be true. Furthermore, this can lead to disappointment and conflicts.

3. Effect of Neptune in 12th House Money

You might be confused about your financial situation. This can make you a bit naive when it comes to handling your money. You might trust people easily in matters of wealth which can lead to you ending up in a tricky situation.

However, your unique approach to life can also make you gain wealth. Your strong creative abilities help you a great deal in your career. Therefore, you can have a successful professional life which can give you good luck with financial gain.

12th house in astrology also represents a loss of wealth and fortune. But having Neptune in 12th house can make you content with what you have. For you, the greatest fortune would be your spiritual connection. Therefore, money will not influence your spiritual wellness.

4. Effect of Neptune in 12th House Marriage

People with Neptune in 12th house can be very selfless when it comes to their partners. Therefore, they will make sacrifices to keep their marriage going. This makes them extremely giving. However, they should be careful about not losing themselves in the process.

This planet has a tricky influence when it comes to marriage. It can give you a spiritual outlook on your marriage. However, it can also create differences between you and your spouse. This is because you might be confused between their real version and the version you imagine.

Neptune in 12th house can also bring doubts in your marriage. There might be a lack of communication and honesty between the partners. This can lead to both of them going on the wrong paths, which can compromise their marriage. Therefore, a lot of conflicts may arise.

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Remedies for ill effects of Neptune in 12th House

Neptune can have positive as well as negative effects on your life when it is in the 12th house. To remove its negative effects, you can practice the following remedies.

  • Chanting the Varun or Neptune Mantra- Varun is the Hindi name for Neptune. There are specific mantras for the 9 planets which bring us many benefits related to them. Therefore, by chanting the Neptune mantra, you can get rid of its ill effects.
  • Staying Away from Drugs and Alcohol. One of the influences of Neptune is falling into negative habits. Therefore, you should stay away from harmful habits like the consumption of drugs and alcohol to stay on the correct path.
  • Getting a Neptune Yantra- Yantras are devices which help us gain blessings of the 9 planets. Each Planet has a Yantra. Therefore, getting a Neptune Yantra will help you receive positivity from this planet.
  • Additionally, you should practice connecting with spirituality. You can practice meditation and yoga to ground yourself. You should also focus on maintaining boundaries as well working on your creative hobbies.


In conclusion, Neptune’s placement in the 12th house adds magic to your life. It enhances your sensitivity, spirituality, and creative talents. It may bring some challenges in maintaining boundaries as well as separating reality from illusion. However, it also opens up doors to deeper connections and profound experiences. Embrace your inner dreamer, trust your intuition, and use your gifts wisely. To read more about such planets and their effects on different houses, visit the InstaAstro website and download the app!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

1. Which jobs are related to Neptune?

Jobs that include imagination as well as caring for others are connected with Neptune. You can do well in jobs like writing, acting and music. You can also work at NGOs and in psychology-related fields.

2. What is 12th house in astrology?

The 12th house in astrology is the house of intuition. It represents our hidden desires as well as our subconscious. This house is responsible for our connection to the hidden truths of life.

3. What does Neptune signify?

Neptune is the planet of imagination. It signifies our dreams as well as fantasies. Neptune gives us the gift of creativity and a unique perspective towards life.

4. Is Neptune in 12th house good?

Neptune in 12th house can be both good and bad. It enhances our expression through art, but it can also make us lose our way and get distracted from our purpose.

5. What are the negative effects of Neptune in 12th house?

While Neptune in the 12th house brings many positive qualities, it can also bring challenges. Maintaining clear boundaries and separating reality and illusion may be very difficult because of Neptune.

6. What to do when Neptune is in my 12th house?

To avoid getting lost in illusions, it’s important to stay grounded and maintain a sense of reality. Therefore, you can Practice self-awareness and seek clarity in your relationships.

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