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Monthly Tarot Predictions for July 2023

By June 28, 2023December 14th, 2023No Comments
Monthly Tarot Predictions

Welcome to the magical world of monthly tarot predictions for July 2023, folks! You can think of tarot cards prediction like special pictures that can help us see into the future. With the wisdom of tarot cards, we have the advantage of peeking into our future. Let’s say you want to know if you’ll have a great love life this month.

Tarot can give you clues! If you pick a card that shows soulmates, it might mean that love is about to knock at your door. But if you pick a card with stormy clouds, it could mean some challenges are on the way. Tarot reading helps us understand what might come our way so we can be ready for it. So let’s get ready to explore the mysteries of July 2023 together!

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Monthly Tarot Predictions for the Upcoming Month

Folks, get ready to unlock the secrets of the month ahead with our monthly tarot predictions by Tarot Swati. Let’s start this magical journey and discover what the stars store for you in July 2023.

1. Tarot Card of the Month: Eight of Cups 

Element: Fire 

Sun Signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius 

Eight of Cups Card

First on the list of monthly tarot predictions is the Fire element. So, let’s explore what the tarot has to say for your upcoming month. Folks, the energy of the ‘Eight of Cups’ card revolves around change and moving forward. Yes, you read that right. This month, you might need to let go of something that no longer benefits you. It could be a situation, a relationship, or even a habit. It’s like saying goodbye to something that makes you sad or holds you back. However, you must understand that change can be challenging and hard to adapt to, but it always leads us to new and better things.

Moreover, some of you may feel a little sad about leaving behind things, but by doing so, you will be opening doors to fresh opportunities. The monthly tarot spread hints that this situation is like closing one door to open another that leads to your happiness. Moreover, your guardian angels convey the message not to be afraid to explore new chances and follow your heart this month. Remember, change is a natural part of life and is always for our betterment. At last, the tarot cards prediction wants you to face this month with courage and positivity. 

2. Tarot Card of the Month: Ace of Swords 

Element: Earth 

Sun Signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn 

Ace of Swords Tarot Card

As per the July tarot spread for the Earth element, the ‘Ace of Swords’ brings you fresh energy and clarity. In your personal life, this month is all about new beginnings and making important decisions. The cards suggest you trust your instincts and listen to your inner voice. When it comes to your free monthly love tarot reading, the Ace of Swords tells you to communicate openly and honestly. If there have been any misunderstandings or conflicts in your relationships, the monthly tarot predictions say is time to address them with a clear mind and honest communication. 

Jumping to your career or business, my tarot reading indicates a fresh start or new beginnings this July. Some of you may come up with brilliant ideas or find new ways to solve problems. As per the horoscopes tarot reading, your mind will be sharp and focused, so make proper use of this clarity and work towards your goals. Remember that the universe is working in your favour bringing every opportunity you deserve this month. Overall, as per the monthly tarot spread, July holds great potential for the Earth Element. Remember, one very small step at a time can lead to big and positive changes in your life.

3. Tarot Card of the Month: Three of Pentacles 

Element: Air 

Sun Signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius 

three of pentacles Tarot Card

Folks, it’s time to discuss the monthly tarot predictions for the Air element. So, let’s explore what the month ahead has in store for you with the guidance of the ‘Three of Pentacles’. As per July tarot spread, this card brings a message of teamwork, progress, and building something wonderful together.

In the upcoming month, you’ll find yourself surrounded by people who appreciate and have faith in your talents and skills. Moreover, as per my tarot reading, this is an excellent time to focus on your work or studies. The Three of Pentacles predicts that your determination and hard work will pay off, bringing you a step closer to your goals. With the power of teamwork, you’ll overcome any obstacles that come your way, says your tarot cards prediction.

Financially, things are looking positive as per your monthly tarot reading. However, this month you should be careful of your spending habits and make wise choices when it comes to money. Talking about your free monthly love tarot reading, the card advises you to take care of your relationships. Try to show your love and affection to your loved ones and make time for quality moments together this month. Overall, dear Air signs, this month promises growth, success, and beautiful connections.

4. Tarot Card of the Month: The Death 

Element: Water 

Sun Signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces 

The Death Tarot Card

This month, big changes are coming your way, says the Death card. Folks, no need to worry; it’s a good thing! In a horoscopes tarot reading, the Death card represents change which means things will be different in the future. This month you will be open to new opportunities that come your way, even if they seem a bit strange or unexpected. As per your monthly tarot predictions, they could bring you lots of happiness and good things. Through the Death card, the universe wants you to go with the flow. It also guides you to trust your feelings to help you make good choices.

When it comes to your love tarot spread, this month is the time when you must take care of your feelings and talk to your partner if you need support. The cards notice that some of you still haven’t healed from old hurts. So, use this time to forget the things that are the reason for your heartache. It’s okay to ask for help when you need it. Also, as per tarot cards prediction, you must believe in yourself and remember that the universe has your back. All in all, the month of July brings you a chance for positive growth and new beginnings. 


Well, that’s a wrap on our monthly tarot predictions for July 2023. Our monthly tarot reading provides proper guidance for approaching events in the future. Whether it’s love, career or finance, the tarot cards offer advice to face upcoming challenges or obstacles easily. To know more about the upcoming events of your love life, finance, health or career, follow InstaAstro. 

Also Read: Monthly Numerology Prediction for July 2023

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Kasak Shirotriya

About Kasak Shirotriya

A content writer passionate about creating informative, entertaining and engaging content that captivates the readers from the first sentence to the last. When not tapping away at laptop, you can find me binging sitcoms on Netflix.