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Know About Lucky And Unlucky Colours For Libra

By October 8, 2023No Comments
Know About Libra Lucky and Unlucky Colours

Colours are a part of life that has made our life so beautiful and lively. Have you imagined a life without colours? Well, what could be the best time to talk about the lucky colours that light up the lives of individuals? Libra’s are calm individuals who can get attracted by the light and pastel colours. Well, Librans! Are you all set to know about the most lucky and unlucky colours that can greatly influence your life?

Libras are people who are born between 23 September to 22 October. Now, find out how colours can impact your emotions and personality characteristics.

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How Can Libra Enhance their Luck with These Lucky Colours? 

Can you imagine even colours play an important role in your life? Seems unbelievable, right? To be honest, each zodiac sign has its own lucky and unlucky colours. According to the traits, astrology suggests a few colours that might seem lucky and unlucky. So, ensure that you read about the lucky and unlucky colours for Libra so that you can use them properly in your life:

1. Pink: The colour of Affection and Harmony 

Did you know Libras are known for their love of attractiveness and harmony, and the colour pink symbolises these qualities perfectly? Pink is associated with love, compassion, and kindness, all of which perfectly match the values of Libras. In addition, pink is believed to have a calming effect on the mind and body, which can help Libras stay balanced in their daily lives.

Whether you dress up in pink attire or paint the walls of your room Pink and shades of pink, combining this lucky colour into your life can bring positive energy and good fortune to Libras. So, these can be the best colors for Libra women. 

2. White: The colour of Simplicity and Purity 

Without a doubt, we can say that white is the luckiest colour for Libra because white is the colour of purity and calmness. Now you might think, why white? So, the colour white gets along with Libras very well, fitting with their personality and behaviours. Therefore, Libras make sure to make use of the colour white more often so that it can add extra grace and magic to your life, making it more bright for you.

Also, if you are going for some important work like an interview or any other important task, make sure to wear white so that you take your luck with you. 

3. Blue: The colour of Wisdom and Stability 

Woah! What can be more interesting than knowing that Blue is also a lucky colour for Libra? But how can anyone deny that Blue could be a promising colour for Libra because all the aspects of the colour Blue match the Libra personality? Well, calmness, harmony, and balance are all the qualities that Libras tend to value.

Additionally, blue is often seen as a symbol of communication and self-expression, which are both important aspects of Libra’s character. So, shine bright as the clear blue sky shines by mixing the colour Blue in your life more often. 

4. Green: The colour of New Hope and Optimism 

So, you’re curious about why the colour green is considered a libra lucky color, huh? Well, you’ll actually find it quite interesting. You see, Libras are someone who would always prefer balance and harmony in their lives. So, the colour green is often related to growth, balance, and harmony, which aligns perfectly with Libra’s personality. Plus, green is also the colour of money and wealth, which acts as a perk for Libra natives!

So, there isn’t any second thought about Green being the lucky colour for Libra. Also, Libras are more willing towards nature and greenery, which makes the colour Green preferable for Librans. 

Also Read: Lucky Alphabets According To Your Zodiac

Impact of Unlucky Colours on Libra’s Energy

Many people might take it as a joke, but it’s true that colours for libra are one way that can decide the destiny of individuals. Libras have certain lucky colours that provide positive benefits, while there are some of the most unlucky ones that can negatively impact Libra natives.

Now you might think in your head, how can colour impact your life? Guess what! It really does, and that is why astrologers have picked certain colours that Libras must avoid. 

1. Black: The Colour of Boredom 

It has been found that the colour black brings bad luck and negative energy to your life. This belief has been followed since ancient astrology, and each zodiac sign is related to certain colours that can enhance or destroy their natural energy.

Well, for Libras, the colour that is said to bring positive energy is blue, while black is seen as a colour that can create difficulties. Many people might find it classy and bold, but if you look from the astrology viewpoint, the colour black for Librans is considered unlucky. 

2. Brown: Colour of Loneliness and Sadness 

Do you want to get stuck and feel isolated? Well, the brown colour for Libra indicates loneliness that can restrict Libra natives from getting along with people. Making use of the colour brown can make you feel lonely and lost in the crowd. Moreover, you’ll feel that you’ve been avoided even in social gatherings, which can make you feel frustrated and disappointed.

So, ensure you bypass such colours that can’t add light and positivity to your life. Avoid wearing brown colour clothes or using any decor items in your room in the colour brown. 

3. Red: Colour of Hatred and Aggression 

Many people among us love the bright and elegant colour Red, but for Libras, the colour red might turn out to be a colour of suspicion, aggression and danger. Not all colours are lucky for all zodiac signs, so there are certain colours that have been selected as lucky and unlucky for different zodiac signs.

However, we’ve always heard that Red is the colour of Love, romance and beauty, while for Libras, it is the other way around. Making use of the colour red or wearing red can make Libras get heated and furious quickly, which can disturb their mood. 

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Let’s wrap it up now! That was all about the lucky and unlucky colour for Libra. So, Libras make use of the lucky colours more often and attract fate and success in your life. Also, make sure to avoid the unlucky colours so that you do not bring any unfavourable situations in your life. 

Hey there! I am Sonali Prasad, the content writer over at InstaAstro. Not only does your support mean the world to me, but it also fuels my passion for writing. If you want to give your life a touch of transformation, talk to an astrology expert now by clicking here.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

1. Which colour is unlucky for Libra?

The colours red, brown and black are considered unlucky for Libra natives. Even though these are bold and classy colours, it’s believed to be unfortunate for Libras.

2. What colors represent libra?

Some calm, light and pastel colours such as blue, pink, white and Green represent Libras the best. These colours can add a feeling of warmth and comfort to their life.

3. Can Libra wear dark blue?

Libra can definitely wear dark blue. Dark blue is a universal and classic colour that can complete Libra’s balanced and harmonious personality.

4. What is a libra's favorite color?

The top three favourite colours of Libra are Pink, Blue and any shade of white. These colours can influence our mood, emotions, and even our behaviour.

5. Why do Libras love pink?

Libras are known for their love of harmony, peace, and beauty. However, Pink, a soft and gentle colour, perfectly blends with Libras’ peaceful and loving nature.

6. What are the colours Libra should avoid?

Libras should avoid using dark colours such as black, brown and red. As a peace-loving sign, Libras are advised to avoid such colours to maintain their sense of peacefulness.

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Sonali Prasad

About Sonali Prasad

As a content writer, I am fueled by a passion and a sense of purpose to pen down my thoughts, experiences, and creative goals into compelling stories. I am in a mission to not only entertain but also educate and engage the readers.