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Know About These Top 5 Alcoholic Zodiacs

By April 15, 2022November 20th, 2023No Comments

Some people seem as if they can’t stop drinking. Alcohol seems like their driving force. We all know about the wonders of the zodiac. We know that zodiac signs tend to tell u a lot about an individual. These include the behavioural traits and personality characteristics of an individual. However, did you know that zodiac signs can also tell if a person is going to have an alcohol problem or not? Yes, you heard it right. We present you with the list of the Top 5 Alcoholic Zodiac signs. If you are interested to know about these zodiac signs, then do read the entire blog for the same. Now, let us start our list of the Top 5 alcoholic zodiacs.

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Zodiacs and their Drinking Habit

Maybe you’re the type of person who takes their favourite drink slowly and deliberately, ensuring a great, acceptable buzz. Perhaps you aren’t. When we go out, we all have our habits, and as much as we’d want to believe that we’ll drink more responsibly next time or that we’ll finally let loose, we all too often fall into the same old cycle. But it’s not your fault. The stars are to blame. Like so many other things these days, your drinking habits can be linked back to astrology.

 Alcoholic Woman

Top 5 Alcoholic Zodiac Signs: PISCES

The water signs are the zodiac signs most likely to be alcoholics Water signs have a higher proclivity for dipsomania than the other zodiac signs. Water signs are more prone than other zodiac signs to drink heavily, making them more sentimental, and you can expect their emotions to become more stormy when they drink.

These signs will very certainly need to be treated once they’ve become drunk, or they’ll finish up performing the craziest things imaginable. Any Pisces, regardless their age, will require a babysitter for any gathering involving alcohol. This strong, capable person is expected to stop the inebriated Pisces from jumping off a cliff because they suddenly felt like they could fly. Thus, the natives of Pisces zodiac sign most likely to be an alcoholic. 

Top 5 Alcoholic Zodiac Signs: CANCER

Cancers are the zodiac’s specialists. If you’re planning an evening out with Cancer, be prepared to consume a lot of alcohol. They are binge drinkers who consume large amounts of alcohol, vomit, and then consume even more alcohol. Don’t tell them they have to be the driver or babysitter for the rest of the group; prohibition will make the Cancer really unhappy, and you will almost certainly have a bad time. Cancer’s drinking night, however, ends in sorrow.

Top 5 Alcoholic Zodiac Signs: CAPRICORN

When it comes to alcohol, the earth signs are more resilient than the other zodiac signs. They have a higher tolerance for alcohol. Capricorns, in particular, can be rude or snobbish, and they are unlikely to become drunk if there is no benefit to them.

They’ll eat the same amount as you do. While you may get tipsy, the earth signs do not appear to be inebriated. They’re shooting the same number of shots as the rest of the team, but Everyone else is face down and tipsy as hell, straining to see well, whereas Capricorn appears to be absolutely sober. This is related to the fact that they are born with a sense of sobriety.

 Alcoholic Man

Top 5 Alcoholic Zodiac Signs: ARIES

Fire Signs like Aries don’t need booze to keep up the drama they bring to situations, but they certainly like it. They are without a doubt the zodiac’s drama queen/king drunks. They become less violent and cynical when they drink, but their rebelliousness increases dramatically.

When it comes to tolerance, they may be able to tolerate blood alcohol quantities that would kill an elephant. Aries is the friend who needs bodyguards, with enough raw power on both sides to ensure that they don’t try to jump off a rooftop terrace or do anything else dangerous.

Top 5 Alcoholic Zodiac Signs: LIBRA

Air signs like Libra are less prone to drink alcohol than other zodiac signs. In fact, they value mental stability. Libras, in particular, have a tendency to limit their alcohol intake. There aren’t many loud alcoholics among them. When drunk, Libras are especially desperate and confused.

Because they put so much effort into maintaining a pleasant demeanour all of the time, when a little drink loosens their grip on their schmaltzy veneer, all hell breaks loose. Others will notice those who keep a courteous demeanour.


There you have it, folks! This was all about alcoholic zodiac signs. These signs are known not to be able to control their thirst for alcohol. On the top of the list are Pisces zodiac signs, who are famous for their emotional and sensitive side. However, one thing to note about them is their alcohol addiction as well. And the lists end with the Libra zodiac sign. The natives of the Libra zodiac sign are known to be quite well known for their charming looks. However, their alcohol love is also there to count!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What zodiac signs drink the most?

The natives of Pisces and Cancer zodiac signs are known to drink a lot. The natives of these Zodiac signs are known to drink alcohol as a method to consume and control their emotions.

2. What star sign is most likely to be an alcoholic?

The zodiac sign that has a high chance of becoming an alcoholic is Pisces zodiac sign. The natives of this zodiac sign are known to be drink the most out of all zodiac signs.

3. Do Taurus drink a lot of alcohol?

The natives of Taurus zodiac sign are known not to drink a lot. The natives are known to be occasional drinkers and cannot be considered as alcoholic.

4. Are Pisces Alcoholic individuals?

It will be wrong to collectively call Pisces zodiac sign natives alcoholics. However, one can surely say that the natives of Pisces zodiac sign do drink a lot.

5. Which zodiac drinks the least?

The natives of Sagittarius zodiac signs are known to be the signs that drink the least. The natives are already high-energy and, thus, they do not need any alcohol to get the party started.

6. Where to get zodiac horoscope predictions?

If you want to get accurate zodiac predictions, then do check InstaAstro’s site. There you can check your today, tomorrow, weekly, monthly and yearly horoscope for free.

Also Read: 5 Astrological Advices Before Buying A New Property

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Nirmal Singh

About Nirmal Singh