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Biggest Astrological Events to Witness in 2023

By February 9, 2023December 6th, 2023No Comments
Biggest Astrological Events

Astronomical events are occurrences in the sky that are related to celestial objects or bodies, such as the sun, moon, stars, comets, planets, or asteroids. Examples of astrological events include eclipses, meteor showers, supernovae, and planetary alignments. In astrology, astronomical events such as eclipses or transitions are believed to have an effect on individuals influencing their emotions, behaviour, and life events. 

If you are looking for 2023 major astrological events, keep a notebook and a pen handy because the list will be endless. Before we begin, let us tell you that if you are keen to know what changes these astrological events will bring to your life or how you will be in 2023, you can take the guidance of our astrologers using the ‘Talk to astrologer’ feature. Visit our official website, InstaAstro, for more such content related to astrology. 

Major Astrological Events 2023 

This scoop will interest those who love to watch stars at night or possess interest in astrology. Keep your binoculars ready as major astrological events of this year awaits you. 

1. Saturn Transits Pisces 

Saturn is associated with structure, discipline and responsibility in astrology, while Pisces is associated with creativity and imagination. Saturn’s transit through Pisces can be a time of defining and clarifying one’s beliefs, values and spiritual growth. However, this major astrological event, 2023, also comes with challenges and limitations, such as confusion or lack of direction. Therefore, astrologers suggest approaching this transit with a sense of discipline and responsibility.

Saturn Transits Pisces

2. Venus- Jupiter Conjunction 

Venus-Jupiter conjunction is one of the important astronomical events of 2023 that will occur on March 2, 2023. But first, let us discuss what is Venus-Jupiter conjunction. This conjunction takes place when both Jupiter and Venus come together in the sky and are aligned at the same degree of the zodiac.

In astrology, Jupiter’s key characteristics are abundance, growth and expansion, whereas Venus represents love, values and relationships. So when these two planets are aligned together, it is expected to bring harmonious influence to these areas of life. This can be a favourable time for starting new relationships or taking personal growth risks.

Venus- Jupiter Conjunction 

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3. Pluto Transits Aquarius 

Next on the list of important astrological dates, Pluto is transiting Aquarius. During this transit, Pluto will move through the fixed air sign of Aquarius, which is associated with innovation and social justice. This transition will take place on March 23, 2023. Pluto’s transit through Aquarius comes with challenges, such as radicalization and confrontations. 

Pluto Transits Aquarius 

4. Venus Retrograde in Leo 

In astrology, the term ‘retrograde’ refers to the backward motion of a planet in the sky. Moreover, the retrograde planets bring re-evaluation, review and reflection. Now moving on to the 2023 major astrological events, Venus will be retrograde in Leo from December 19 2023, to January 2034.

As you know, Venus is said to be the planet of love and relationship, so the natives may have to suffer issues in these areas. Therefore, Venus will appear to move backwards in the sky during this time. Also its energies may become introspective. This may be the time of reflection and personal growth in matters of the heart. 

Venus Retrograde in Leo 

5. Jupiter Transits Taurus 

The transition of Jupiter in Taurus stands fifth in the list of important astrological events. In astrology, Jupiter brings blessings, abundance, and positive growth to the areas of life indicated by the houses and signs it occupies in a native’s birth chart. Jupiter’s transit through Taurus will last from May 16, 2023, to July 2024.

During this transit will be moving through the fixed sign Taurus, which is associated with values, growth and expansion. As a result, Taurus reaps benefits in the areas of financial matters and material possessions. It is predicted that Jupiter’s transit through Taurus can bring a time of growth, abundance and stability. However, it is essential to approach these opportunities with balance. 

Jupiter Transits Taurus 

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6. Mars Transit 2023

In astrology, a Mars transit is believed to have an impact on a person’s life and personality. According to astrological beliefs, Mars is associated with energy, assertiveness and ambition. Therefore, its transit through the different zodiac signs can trigger changes in these areas for people whose chart is affected. In other words, Mars, also known as the ‘red planet’, takes one and a half months to change its position from one zodiac sign to another.

This whole process of change in its position is known as Mars transit. Consequently, natives will be able to reap the benefits of Mars placement in their navamsa charts if Mars reaches the three, sixth, and eleventh houses. On the contrary, natives will have to face hardships if Mars is placed in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th and 12th houses in their navamsa chart.

Mars Transit 2023 7. Five Planet Alignment 

Five Planet Alignment” is a rare astronomical event scheduled for March 28, 2023. Five planets – Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn – will be aligned in a straight line in the sky, as seen from Earth. There is no expectation of a similar event until 2040, as it last occurred in 2022. There will be no shortage of opportunities for stargazers and astronomers to observe these planets in close proximity from around the globe during this alignment.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

1. When is the next solar eclipse in India?

There will be a solar eclipse on 20 April 2023, which will be the first in the year 2023. The second Solar eclipse in India will happen on 14 October. A solar eclipse can mark turning points in personal and collective life. Also it can trigger events and experiences that bring growth and transformation.

2. When is the next lunar eclipse in India?

According to the predictions, the year 2023 will witness two lunar eclipses in India. First in the month of May and the second will be in the month of October.

3. What year will all eight planets align?

We hate to burst your bubble, but the different orbits of all the eight planets make it impossible for them to align together. However, instead of 8 planets, the last time five planets were in alignment was in December 2004. All the five planets that were in alignment together were Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Mercury and Mars. The following alignment of five planets will appear in 2492.

4. What is the biggest meteor shower of 2023?

Out of all the three meteor showers that will happen this year, Perseid is the biggest meteor shower. It is likely to occur from 17th July to 24th August.

5. How many super moons are there in 2023?

If you are yet to learn about the meaning of a supermoon, don’t worry. We will make you understand the concept of the supermoon.A supermoon is a phenomenon that occurs when the moon is full, and its orbital distance is at its closest point to Earth, called perigee. Astrologer Richard Nolle coined the term “supermoon” in 1979.We will witness four supermoons this year: Buck Supermoon, Sturgeon Supermoon, Blue Supermoon and Harvest Supermoon.

6. Is there a meteor shower in 2023?

Yes, three meteor showers will likely happen this year, Lyrid, Perseid and Leonids. The stargazers will be able to relish the colourful meteor in the month of April, August and November, respectively. A meteor shower is a celestial event that occurs when the Earth passes through the debris of an asteroid. As the debris enters the Earth’s atmosphere, it burns up and produces a bright streak of light in the sky known as a meteor. Some of the most famous meteor showers include Perseids, the Geminids, and the Leonids.

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Kasak Shirotriya

About Kasak Shirotriya

Creating content that hooks you from the very start is what I do best. When off-duty, you can find me binging the latest Netflix crime documentary, glued to the edge of my seat!