Understanding the Basics of Venus Astrology

One of the most beneficial planets in astrology, Venus revolves around love, beauty, comfort and harmony. Known as ‘Shukra’, Venus has fascinated learned Rishis and Vedantis in Vedic times. Apart from influencing our choices in love and married lives, Venus is also responsible for the financial choices we make. Read along to learn more about how this planet shapes our desires, choices and emotional connections.

Key Characteristics of Planet Venus

Let's take a closer look at the unique features of the Shukra planet in English, Venus, through the table below before we delve into Venus meaning and characteristics.

Key CharacteristicsDescription
Time Period20 years
Enemy PlanetsSun, Moon and Rahu
Friendly PlanetsSaturn, Mercury and Ketu
Ruling DeityGoddess Lakshmi
Exalted and Debilitated SignPisces and Virgo
Associated ColourPink, White and Light Blue

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Impact of Planet Venus on Zodiac Signs

Let us learn how Venus meaning and influence change as it moves through different zodiac signs in astrology:

Venus in Aries Sign

The combination of Venus (a water planet) and Aries (a fire element) complicates things for the individual. Venus in Aries brings in the energies of excitement, adventure and spontaneity. However, this sometimes creates problems in personal relationships. Influenced by the exciting energies, a native with this placement gets easily bored with people who are not as adventurous or exciting as they are.

Venus in Taurus Sign

Though Venus ruling planet of Taurus is overall favourable, sometimes it can land a person in legal trouble. On the brighter side, it makes a person financially secure and knowledgeable, especially in the areas of savings, stock market and investments. Regarding romantic relationships, people with Venus in Taurus enjoy long-lasting relationships along with loyalty, peace and compassion.

Venus in Gemini Sign

Venus in Gemini astrology makes a person skilled in art, sales, science, music, and dance. People around them love being part of their friend circle because of their excellent social skills and intelligence. In love relationships, these natives seek emotional and intellectual compatibility. Lastly, adaptability is the one factor that helps these individuals in their career and financial prospects.

Venus in Cancer Sign

Individuals with Venus placed in the zodiac sign of Cancer deal with problematic or difficult relationships with their mothers. Despite this, they develop a caring and nurturing attitude towards others. It is believed that Cancer is an excellent sign of financial stability; with Venus placed, income and property increase over time.

Venus in Leo Sign

Venus in Leo makes people comfortable in social situations, especially when leading others. However, taking the lead in love life can create problems. In their personal lives, they are a bit protective of their family members and loved ones. On the positive side, this placement makes things easy regarding finances.

Venus in Virgo Sign

Despite being debilitated in Virgo, the planet Venus brings positive and favourable results for individuals. Starting with finances, natives are experts in investments, savings and handling finances. In careers, these individuals find their luck in foreign lands. But in personal relationships, things go south as their blunt nature creates problems.

Venus in Libra Sign

The placement of Venus ruling planet in Libra makes an individual an excellent peacemaker, negotiator or compromiser. This is because these individuals know how to handle everyone’s wants and needs. Financially, the planet Venus allows individuals to grab beneficial opportunities and make the most out of the current situation. Lastly, business partnership can bring profits and stability.

Venus in Scorpio Sign

A person with Venus in Scorpio finds happiness and comfort only when he keeps his things secret. Speaking of secrets, a career that involves research or investigation aligns perfectly with a person with Venus in Scorpio. However, in personal relationships, they struggle to express their true emotions and feelings to others.

Venus in Sagittarius Sign

Venus, placed in Sagittarius, does not like being controlled or trapped. In fact, in every Venus aspects of life, they search for adventure and freedom. Financially, they mostly enjoy stability but spend much of their income on travelling. Even in difficult situations, a person with Venus in Sagittarius never loses their joy and optimistic nature.

Venus in Capricorn Sign

Hardworking, loyalty, passion, and humility define a person's personality with Venus in Capricorn. Whether in personal or professional life, these individuals try to stay committed. In their personal life, they take time to open up and be real in front of their partners. On the downside, Venus in Capricorn can make a person dependable on others and careless about finances.

Venus in Aquarius Sign

The combination of Venus and Aquarius makes a person lively, energetic and happy-go-lucky. These individuals have a sense of responsibility and are extremely serious about their future goals. Meeting new people and making connections is their favourite thing to do. In personal life, these individuals seek a future partner with whom they can be honest and open.

Venus in Pisces Sign

Venus in Pisces brings mental health issues, making it difficult for the individual to concentrate and focus on daily life tasks. In the worst-case scenarios, they even suffer from hallucinations or addictions. In love relationships, this placement blurs the personal boundaries, encouraging the person to ignore their partner’s flaws.

Impact on Planet Venus on Different Life Areas

Shukra planet in English, Venus’s influence can be a game-changer for some while bringing challenges for others. Its impact varies depending on the Venus aspects of life we're considering. Let's explore how Venus’s unique power can shape different areas of our lives, such as love, career, finances, and more.

Venus Impact on Love

A strong Venus in horoscope can make the road to love smoother without any roadblocks. It is believed that with Venus's positive influence, an individual enjoys compatibility, mutual understanding, passion, and love in his romantic life. But an afflicted Venus can make everything unromantic, bringing misunderstandings and power struggles in their relationship.

Venus Impact on Marriage

With a strongly placed Venus, a person can find a suitable and desirable partner. In addition, their married life will be harmonious, peaceful, and long-lasting. On the other hand, an afflicted Venus may bring delays in marriage and unrealistic expectations. If the person is married, there is a strong chance that an afflicted Venus may create problems in their relationship.

Venus Impact on Career

Venus's positive placement can open doors to a stable and successful career. However, the association of Venus with the 10th house (responsible for career) is not at all favourable. A negative placement of Venus in the horoscope leads to an unstable career. It is also possible that despite hard work, it will be difficult for the individual to land his desired position or job.

Venus Impact on Health

As per astrological beliefs, the goddess of love and beauty, Venus, is associated with the body parts of the face, skin, and reproductive organs. Generally, the influence of Venus planet astrology brings addiction to alcohol, smoking, and health disorders related to reproductive organs or skin allergies. A strong and happy Venus enhances beauty and brings glow to the skin.

Venus Impact on Personality

The impact of Venus is that it brings peace, patience, and calmness to individuals. Being a feminine planet, Venus makes individuals caring, helpful and compassionate towards others. Such individuals have an excellent sense of art and aesthetics. Apart from aesthetic beauty, individuals influenced by Venus are interested in things that involve comfort and luxury.

Exploring the Influence of Planet Venus on Different Houses

Did you know Venus has different effects based on its position in the zodiac houses? Depending on where it falls, it can bring joy and happiness or create troubles in an individual's life. So, let's explore the various impacts and changes the Shukra planet in English, Venus can bring based on its placement in different houses.

Kendra Houses: 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th

  • Considered a favourable placement, Venus in the 1st house gives a good physical appearance, artistic skills, and a charming personality. It also keeps natives healthy with no major health issues.
  • Natives with Venus in the 4th house enjoy financial abundance due to inheritance from the paternal family. They are considered great hosts and are very popular among their social circle.
  • Venus in the 7th house indicates the likelihood of marrying a wealthy partner at a young age who brings happiness and luck into their life.
  • When placed in the 10th house, Venus planet astrology enhances relationships with the father and chances of career or academic success. Natives with this placement are social, outgoing, and cheerful.

Trikona Houses: 1st, 5th and 9th

  • The placement of Venus in the 5th house majorly rules the domains of marriage. People with this placement have a loving spouse, and their marriage is filled with passion, romance, and affection.
  • Stronger chances of foreign settlement, a foreign spouse, and a passion for travelling are common with Venus in the 9th house.

Upachaya Houses: 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th

  • Excellent communication, writing skills and karmic relationships with siblings are the major highlights of Venus in 3rd house. Natives with this placement gain more success after marriage.
  • Venus in the 6th house natives have attractive physical features. Their good looks, humble nature, and helpful nature make them popular among their peers.
  • The placement of Venus in the 11th house promises a strong financial background. People with such placement enjoy a luxurious life with a huge, rich friend circle.

Moksha Houses: 4th, 8th and 12th

  • The aspects of Venus in Vedic astrology in the 8th house spark interest in sexual desires and supernatural sciences. Natives with Venus in the 8th house are lazy but charming and attractive.
  • Additionally, Venus in 12th house woman prefer keeping everything about themselves private, especially their multiple love affairs. Some credit should be given to their shy and introverted nature.

Maraka Sthana Houses: 2nd and 7th

  • The soft-spoken nature, balanced life, and wealth accumulation make Venus in 2nd house favourable. In addition, good memory skills and positive thoughts are bonuses for this placement.

Effects of the Planet Venus

Known as the ‘benefic’ planet, Venus targets an individual's love life, appearance, creativity and financial prospects. But like the two sides of a coin, the strong Venus benefits can turn into malefic. It all depends on whether Venus is in an exalted or debilitated position. So, let us learn more about the two sides of planet Venus: the bright and the dark.

The Bright Side of Venus

  • Natives with strongly placed Venus enjoy loving and long-lasting romantic relationships. Not only this, but their familial relationships are also filled with peace, joy, and harmony.
  • A happy and strong Venus benefits individuals and brings the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi (Venus's ruling deity). As a result, the natives witness a boost in their business and wealth.
  • Known for its artistic side, the Venus planet astrology enhances an individual’s creative and artistic skills. A good placement of Venus increases the chances of success in artistic fields such as fashion, cinema, art and much more.
  • People with well-placed Venus in their horoscope are blessed with sharp and attractive features. Whether personal or professional, it is easier for the natives to be the centre of attention.

The Dark Side of Venus

  • The weak placement of Venus in the birth chart leads to addiction problems in individuals such as alcohol, smoking or even gambling.
  • Health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease are some of the harmful effects of having a weak Venus in the horoscope.
  • Marriage life is the one that suffers the most when Venus is placed wrongly in kundali. Natives with such placement will lack love, peace and mutual understanding in their married life.
  • Apart from health and personal life issues, poor finances are also a consequence of the dark side of the Shukra planet in astrology. It is almost impossible to achieve financial stability due to lost money in gambling or debts.

Powerful Yogas Formed By Planet Venus

Here, we will explore the powerful yogas formed by the Shukra planet in astrology. Understanding Venus's good or bad yogas may tell us how it influences our lives and brings challenges or opportunities.

Auspicious Yogas Formed By Venus

  • Malavya Yoga: Venus's exaltation or placement in the Kendra house leads to the formation of Malavya yoga in the kundli. People with such yoga in their birth charts enjoy successful careers in music, arts, entertainment, dance, etc.
  • Bheri Yoga: This yoga is formed when Venus, the ruler of lagna and the auspicious planet Jupiter are both placed in the mutual Kendra house. A happy married life and multiple sources of income are some of the benefits of having Bheri yoga in the birth chart.
  • Amsavatara Yoga: Amsavatara Yoga occurs when Venus and Jupiter are in mutual Kendra, the Lagna is in a movable sign, and Saturn is exalted in Kendra. With the combined blessings of Jupiter and Venus, such natives are highly intellectual, knowledgeable, and famous in society.

Inauspicious Yogas Formed By Venus

  • Sahodareesangama Yoga: This type of yoga is formed with the conjunction of Lord Venus and the seventh house ruler in the fourth house. According to astrological beliefs, Sahodareesangama yoga is influenced by or connected to malefic planets.
  • Bhaga Chumbana Yoga: Bhaga Chumbana yoga forms when the 7th house lord is placed in the 4th house along with the conjunction with Venus. Natives with this type of yoga are inclined towards sexual desires. Things get worse when the natives can all think about sexual desires and nothing else.
  • Kalatrashanda Yoga: This type of yoga is formed when the Lord of the 7th house joins or sits in the 6th house with Venus. According to astrological beliefs, Kalatrashanda yoga directly affects an individual's married life. Either there will be lots of disagreements between the couples or impotence.

Top Effective Venus Remedies in Astrology

Whether it is Venus’s inauspicious yogas or its harmful effects, everything can be balanced and turned into a positive. How? The answer is Venus remedies in astrology. Listed below are some of the beneficial and simple remedies one can use to strengthen the weak Venus and prevent its adverse effects.

  • Colour-Related Venus Remedies: Colour astrology believes that white and cream colours are the dearest to the planet Venus. This is why, to lessen the effects of an afflicted Venus, one must wear or incorporate these colours around one.
  • Gemstones Related Venus Remedies: Wearing gemstones is one of the simplest and most effective Lord Venus remedies in astrology. So, one must wear a diamond, white sapphire or opal on a Friday morning of the Shukla Paksha, mainly before sunrise.
  • Powerful Venus Mantra: Apart from gemstones and colours, chanting the powerful Venus mantra can also help individuals enjoy the benefits of the planet. Therefore, it is advised to chant Om Shum Shukraya Namaaha” and “Om draam drim droum sah shukray namaha” 108 times every day.
  • Donation: It is advised that the natives offer and donate sweets to girls, widows, and elderly women to strengthen Venus. Donating white-coloured items such as rice, milk, ghee, or sugar can also work.
  • Worshipping: Worshipping Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity, makes Lord Venus happy and strong. So, one must recite the Sri Sookhtam hymn to attract positivity, prosperity and wealth.
  • Lal Kitab Remedies: It is advised that the natives should light camphor in the corners of their houses regularly. This will prevent the entrance of negative energies into one’s house and keep it pure and positive. Additionally, keeping silver articles in their purse is also recommended.

Mythological Stories Related to Planet Venus

One of the mightiest demons in Hindu mythology, Asura Shukracharya, is the main character of the planet’s Venus origin story. Despite being a demon, Asura Shukracharya was a devoted disciple of Lord Shiva. With Lord Shiva's blessings, Shukracharya became the master of Sanjivini Vidya, the art of raising the dead back to life. However, his pride and thirst for power led him to challenge Hindu gods and deities. In a turn of events, Lord Vishnu disguised himself as a beautiful woman named Mohini and charmed Asura Shukracharya, causing him to give up his Sanjivini Vidya. After this, Shukracharya became a true devotee of Lord Murugan and was granted another boon to mentor other demons. He was later worshipped as the god of love, beauty, and wealth and is believed to have protected the planet Venus in Hindu mythology.

Why Venus Matter in Astrology?

One can tell a lot about a person’s love and social life based on the placement of Venus in his birth chart. How? Well, it reveals a lot about a person’s romantic preferences, such as what things he desires, finds the most attractive and how he makes connections with others. However, the role and significance of Venus astrology can be a lot more than love life.

  • Connection with Body Parts: The planet Shukra is the karaka of eyes, throat, reproductive organs, and glands. Besides this, it is also connected to face, luster, and body shine as per Venus astrology.
  • Diseases caused: Venus is responsible for various chronic diseases, such as throat disease, eye-related problems, skin problems, urinary tract disease, endocrine gland disease, venereal disease and much more.
  • Physical Appearance: It is evident that a planet of beauty will bless an individual with good looks and a charming and attractive personality. So, they will have a beautiful face, with big eyes, a bright smile, curly hair, or even a soft and pleasant voice.
  • Profession ruled by Venus: A person under the influence of the planet Venus will be inclined towards any profession that revolves around creativity, art or luxury. In this regard, the professions ruled by Venus are beauty, art, entertainment, music, jewellery, sports, drama, and the share market.

Frequently Asked Questions

Also known as ‘shukra’, the planet Venus revolves around love, beauty, balance and harmony. It reveals insights about an individual’s love life and financial aspirations. Interestingly, it also describes a person’s desires, preferences, and passions.
To know whether the placement of Venus is favourable or not, one must look for the signs or symptoms. For example, a strong Venus in horoscope will bless an individual with a happy and loving married life along with financial stability. However, a weak Venus may bring marital and health problems.
2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th, and 12th houses are considered good for the planet Venus astrology. Therefore, Venus’s placement in any of these houses will give favourable results and positively impact the individual.
In a birth chart, a Venus sign is located either two signs behind or ahead of the Sun sign. One of the ‘three big signs’, the Venus sign, tells your romantic life and compatibility with the potential partner.
According to Hindu mythological beliefs, the goddess of wealth, Goddess Lakshmi, is the ruling deity of Venus. It is believed that Goddess Lakshmi provides financial support, abundance, and prosperity to individuals under the influence of the planet Venus.
Of all the planets, Venus is considered favourable and lucky for the zodiacs Taurus and Libra. This is because the planet of love and beauty, aka Venus, governs these two Venus zodiac sign. Venus makes Libra appreciate aesthetic and artistic things, while Taurus focuses on stability.