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Ketu Stotram: Benefits And Guideline of Pavitra Mantra

By October 5, 2024No Comments
Ketu Stotram_ Benefits And Guideline of Pavitra Mantra

केतु स्तोत्रम् 

केतु: काल: कलयिता धूम्रकेतुर्विवर्णक:।

लोककेतुर्महाकेतु: सर्वकेतुर्भयप्रद: ।।1।।

रौद्रो रूद्रप्रियो रूद्र: क्रूरकर्मा सुगन्ध्रक्।

फलाशधूमसंकाशश्चित्रयज्ञोपवीतधृक् ।।2।।

तारागणविमर्दो च जैमिनेयो ग्रहाधिप:।

पंचविंशति नामानि केतुर्य: सततं पठेत् ।।3।।

तस्य नश्यंति बाधाश्चसर्वा: केतुप्रसादत:।

धनधान्यपशूनां च भवेद् व्रद्विर्नसंशय: ।।4।।

Ketu Stotram In English

ketuh kalah kalayita dhumraketurvivarnakah।

lokaketurmahaketuh sarvaketurbhayapradah ।।1।।

rudro rudrapriyo rudrah kroorakarma sugandhrak ।

falashadhumasankashaschitrayagnyopavitadhruk ।।2।।

taraganavimardo ch jaimineyo grahadhipah।

panchavimshati namani keturyah satatam pathet ।।3।।

tasya nashyanti badhaschasarvaha ketuprasadatah।

dhandhanyapashunam ch bhaved vradvirnasanshayaha ।।4।।

English Meaning Of Ketu Stotram 

Ketu: time: the calibrator, the smoke-ketu, the discolourer.

The flag of the world is the fantastic flag, and the flag of all is the cause of fear.

Raudra is dear to Rudra, and Rudra is heartless and fragrant.

He looked like fruit and smoke and wore a colourful sacrificial veil.

Jaimini is the lord of the planets, and Vimarda is the constellation of stars.

He recites the twenty-five names of Ketu constantly.

By the grace of Ketu, all his obstacles are destroyed.

Wealth, grain, and cattle will undoubtedly increase.

Hindi Meaning Of Ketu Stotram 

केतु: समय: अंशशोधक, धुआं-केतु, रंग बिगाड़ने वाला।

संसार का ध्वज शानदार ध्वज है, और सभी का ध्वज भय का कारण है।

रुद्र को रौद्र प्रिय है और रुद्र हृदयहीन और सुगंधित है।

वह फल और धुएं की तरह दिखता था और एक रंगीन बलिदान घूंघट पहनता था।

जैमिनी ग्रहों का स्वामी है, और विमर्दा नक्षत्र है।

वह केतु के पच्चीस नामों का निरंतर जप करता है।

केतु की कृपा से उसकी सभी बाधाएं नष्ट हो जाती हैं।

धन-धान्य एवं पशुधन में निःसंदेह वृद्धि होगी।

अधिक पढ़ें : सरस्वती मां की आरती (Saraswati Mata Ki Aarti)

अधिक जानकारी के लिए आप InstaAstro के अनुभवी ज्योतिषियों से बात करें

अधिक के लिए, हमसे  Instagram  पर जुड़ें। अपना साप्ताहिक राशिफल पढ़ें

About Ketu Stotra

In vedic astrology, Ketu is termed a shadow planet, and thus, it greatly influences individuals’ lives. Stotrams are short phrases used to praise the divine lords. The ketu stotra is taken from the Skanda Purana, one of the greatest Mukhyapuranas. This stotram carries the power to control the malefic Ketu in an individual’s birth chart. It also attracts harmony and controls the challenging situations in one life. 

Benefits of Chanting Ketu Stotram

Before you start implementing the habit of chanting Ketu Stotram, you can read about its benefits and see how it improves your daily life. 

  • First things first, chanting ketu stotra can be very beneficial in controlling the adverse effects of Planet Ketu. 
  • This strotram can help you eradicate minor health issues and deadly diseases. 
  • Chanting it daily can remove the fear of evil, keep your mind calm and balanced, and help you quickly tackle challenging situations. 
  • If you are on your spiritual journey, chanting the stotram associated with Ketu can be helpful. Lord Ketu’s positive energies and blessings can enhance your spiritual knowledge and experiences. 
  • Lastly, if you belong to Ashvini, Magha, or Mula Nakshatra, the Ketu Stortram will guide you because Ketu is the Lord of all these three Nakshatras. 

Guidelines On Chanting Ketu Stotram

If you are new to this, our guidelines can help you learn how to chant them to make the most of it. 

  • Firstly, you must find a quiet place to settle down and be comfortable so that nothing disturbs you during the prayer. 
  • Secondly, chant the ketu stotram with complete devotion and try to connect with your inner self.
  • Ketu Stotram, in Hindi or English, is a verbal form of prayer in which you recite the prayers. So, make sure you read and chant each line with proper pronunciation. 
  • Doing Japa while chanting can also be a great way to focus and concentrate, allowing you to fully indulge in the prayer.
  • Keeping your eyes closed while chanting the stotram will help you connect to the divine. It is also the best way to protect yourself from outer distractions. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

1. What is Ketu Stotram?

Ketu stotram praises the Lord for blessings and thanks Him for His grace. Stotrams are written in Sanskrit, but we have translated them into English and Hindi along with their meanings.

2. Why should I chant Ketu stotram?

Chanting Ketu Stotram is a great way to appease Lord Ketu. This helps devotees eliminate all this planet’s ill effects, including deadly diseases and challenging situations.

3. Should I take a bath before chanting every day?

It is a personal choice; bathing before sitting to chant stotram is always recommended. However, bathing can clean your mind and body, improving your experiences during prayer and meditation.

4. Is it compulsory to chant, or can i listen to it?

It’s always best to chant while sitting in a meditative position. This helps to engage your mind with every word you utter. However, you can also listen to the lyrics if you don’t know the lyrics.

5. Which mala should you use while chanting the Ketu Stotram for Jaap?

The lehsunia or vaidurya Mala, also known as the cat’s eye stone, is best to use while chanting the Ketu stotra.

6. Can I chant Ketu Stotra daily?

Yes, you can definitely chant the Ketu stotra daily, as it helps to improve your placement and its effects on your birth chart. Doing this will also reduce your chances of poverty and health issues.

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Sonali Prasad

About Sonali Prasad

As a content writer, I am fueled by a passion and a sense of purpose to pour my thoughts, experiences, and creative ideas into compelling stories. I am here to not only entertain but also educate and engage the readers.