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The Blessed Journey: Jagannath Puri Rath Yatra 2024

By June 25, 2024No Comments
The Blessed Journey_ Jagannath Puri Rath Yatra 2024

The Blessed Journey is here, as per the Skanda Purana! Yes, you have heard it right. The Jagannath Puri Rath Yatra 2024 is here, and we will learn the festival’s details. Thousands of people across India celebrate and participate in a beautifully decorated rath, singing, dancing, and praying on the streets. 

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s start with our divine journey of learning about the sacred festival and its rich traditions. Lord Jagannath is coming!

Jagannath Puri Rath Yatra 2024 Date and Time

  • Rath Yatra Date is Sunday, July 7th, 2024 
  • Dwitiya Tithi Starts: July 7th, 2024 at 04:26 AM
  • Dwitiya Tithi Ends: July 8th, 2024 at 04:59 AM


Jagannath Puri Rath Yatra 2024: Where and How?

The Rath Yatra Festival, also known as the Chariot Festival, is an important and auspicious festival celebrated in Puri, Orissa. What is Rath Yatra? It is a procession of Lord Jagannatha, his brother Balabhadra, and his sister Subhadra in a cart.

They travel from their Main Temple to Gundicha Tempe, which allows the devotees to see and worship them. Devotees pull the large, decorated carts through the streets with devotion and joy. 

Significance of Jagannatha Yatra

The Jagannath Rath Yatra holds a very deep spiritual significance. It is the journey of Lord Jagannatha and his siblings Balabhadra and Sibhadra on the decorated carts. This is also known as the annual visit to their aunt’s temple, the Gundicha Temple.

The Gods visit there for nine days. This festival symbolises the deep connection between the people and the Lord. The divine blessings are received and bring unity among the people. 

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Jagannath Puri Rath Yatra 2024: Stories

According to mythology, several stories are related to the Jagannatha Rath Yatra. Let’s examine them one by one. This will help us understand the auspicious festival from a different perspective. 

1. The Kansa Connection

Krishna’s uncle, Kansa, planned to harm Krishna and Balarama. He invited them to Mathura, pretending it was a joyful occasion. Krishna and Balarama journeyed there in a chariot, which today is celebrated as Rath Yatra. In Dwarka, people also remember when Krishna and his sister Subhadra rode a chariot to display the city’s beauty, also known as Jagannath Rath Yatra.

2. The Incident of Ras Leela

Once, Krishna’s queens asked Mother Rohini to narrate Krishna’s romantic tales with the gopis. Concerned about Subhadra’s innocence, Rohini sent her away. Yet, Subhadra stayed and listened to Krishna and Balarama. Narada blessed them to remain together forever, leading to their eternal presence in Jagannath Puri’s temple.

3. The Incident of Cremation

After Krishna’s cremation in Dwarka, Balarama, grief-stricken, tried to drown himself in the sea with Krishna’s remains. Subhadra followed. Meanwhile, King Indradyumna dreamt of Krishna’s ashes washing ashore at Puri’s banks.

He asked Vishwakarma to carve idols of Krishna, Balarama, and Subhadra. Vishwakarma warned against interruption and vanished when the impatient king peeked. The incomplete idols were sanctified with Krishna’s ashes and placed in Puri’s temple.

Since then, a grand procession of these idols in huge chariots has been held annually from Janakpur to Jagannath Puri. Every 12 years, new idols are made in a ritual that intentionally leaves them incomplete.

Rath Yatra Rituals: Jagannath Puja 2024

  • Cart Construction and Decoration: Months before the festival, the carts are constructed for Lord Jagannatha, Balabhadra, and Subhadra. These chariots are made entirely of wood and decorated with bright colours, cloth, and traditional patterns.
  • Snana Purnima – Ritual Bathing: Before the Rath Yatra, the divines undergo a ceremonial bath on the day of Snana Purnima. They are bathed in 108 earthen pots of water containing fragrant herbs and flowers, signifying purification and healing.
  • Gundicha Temple Journey: On the day of the Rath Yatra, the deities are carried from their Main Temple to their respective chariots in a grand procession called Pahandi. They are then placed on the carts while chanting the prayers.
  • Rath Yatra Procession: The highlight of the festival is the procession of the chariots through the streets of Puri. Thousands of devotees pull the massive chariots with thick ropes, singing devotional songs and delighted with the presence of the divine.
  • Mausi Maa Ritual: During the journey to the Gundicha Temple, the deities stop at the Mausi Maa Temple to seek blessings from their aunt. It symbolizes familial bonds and respect for elders.
  • Return Journey – Bahuda Yatra 2024: After spending a few days at the Gundicha Temple, the deities return to their main temple in a procession known as Bahuda Yatra. This event attracts equal enthusiasm and devotion from the devotees.
  • Suna Besha – Golden Attire: Upon their return to the Jagannath Temple, the deities are dressed up with golden ornaments during the Suna Besha ceremony, symbolising their royal and divine glory.
  • Niladri Bije – Homecoming: The festival concludes with the Niladri Bije ritual, where Lord Jagannatha re-enters the temple amidst rituals and festivities, marking the end of the grand Rath Yatra.

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Who is Lord Jagannatha?

With our discussion of Jagannath Puri Rath Yatra 2024 over, let’s learn who Lord Jagannatha is. Lord Jagannatha is a highly respected God in the Hindu religion, especially in Orissa.

He is the form of Lord Vishnu. Lord Jagannatha’s name means “Lord of the Universe,” which showcases his role as a guardian of all life.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is another name for Gundicha temple?

The Gundicha Temple is also known as the Garden House of Jagannath or Gods Summer Garden Retreat. It is also known as Vrindavan of Puri.

2. When is Jagannat Rath Yatra?

The Jagannath Puri Rath Yatra is held every year in Ashada month, according to the Hindu Calendar.

3. Whose avatar is Lord Jagannath?

The Lord Jagannatha is the avatar of Lord Vishnu or Krishna.

4. How long does the Puri Rath Yatra last?

The Jagannath Rath Yatra lasts nine days. During this time, Lord Jagannath and two other deities visit the Gundicha Temple and Mausi Maa Temple.

5. What happens to Jagannath Rath after the Rath Yatra?

After the Rath Yatra, the chariots (raths) used to carry the deities are taken apart, and parts are recycled or preserved for next year’s festival.

6. Is Puri Rath made every year?

Yes, the Rath used in the Puri Rath Yatra is made yearly for the festival. It is built according to specific guidelines and traditional practices for this auspicious annual event.

Also Read: Amazing Facts About Jagannath Temple Puri

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About Rakhi

Hi! I love reading and writing and I am always passionate about writing my thoughts and share them with all the reader.