Ever felt like life just isn’t going your way no matter how hard you try? You could be suffering from Grahan Dosh. Grahan Dosh refers to malefic planetary positions that negatively impact your life. The position and movement of the Sun, Moon and the nodes Rahu and Ketu in your birth chart determine if you have Grahan Dosha in Kundli and how severe it is.
Grahan Dosh comes in all shapes and sizes – from minor inconveniences to major roadblocks that hinder your progress and happiness at every turn. But do not fear, as everything has a solution. Read on to learn how to spot the indicative signs of different types of Grahan Dosh in your Kundli and simple remedies to bring life back on track.
What is Grahan Dosha in Kundli Astrology?
The word “Grahan” is derived from the Sanskrit word “Grahanam”, and it means “Eclipse”. A grahan dosh refers to the negative impacts of eclipses on a person’s life according to Vedic astrology. The position and placement of the Sun (Surya Grahan) and Moon (Chandra Grahan) in your Kundli indicate if you have this dosh and how it may influence your life. The Grahan or Eclipse occurs when the shadow planets, Rahu and Ketu, are in close meeting with the Sun or the Moon.
This co-existing of Rahu and Ketu with either the Sun or the Moon happens at different times and has different impacts on individuals. So, when a person is born when Rahu and Ketu are in close conjunction with the Sun, the native is impacted in a certain way. On the other hand, when Rahu and Ketu are sitting together with the Moon during a native’s birth, the influences are different. All these happen in a certain house of Kundli.
Types of Grahan Dosha In Kundli Astrology
There are four main types of Grahan Dosh that can negatively impact your life, according to Vedic astrology. And you know what! Understanding these astrological concepts and how they relate to your own kundli is the first step you take toward preventing yourself from Grahan Dosha symptoms.
1. Purna Surya Grahan Dosh (Full Solar Eclipse Dosh)
When the Sun and Rahu are conjunct in the house of someone’s Kundli, it leads to Purna Surya Grahan Dosh. During the eclipse, the sun is completely covered by the moon, i.e. a full Solar eclipse. These graha dosha symptoms include problems with authority figures, lack of confidence and self-esteem issues.
2. Partial Surya Grahan Dosh (Partial Solar Eclipse Dosh)
The conjunction of the Sun and Ketu forms Partial Surya Grahan Dosh or Surya Ketu Dosh. Moreover, if only part of the sun is covered during an eclipse, this indicates Partial Surya Grahan Dosh. This often signifies a lack of peace of mind, feelings of loneliness or isolation, and physical ailments related to hormones or digestion.
3. Purna Chandra Grahan Dosh (Full Lunar Eclipse Dosh)
The conjunction of the Moon and Rahu is known as Purna Chandra Grahan Dosh or Chandra rahu grahan dosh. A full lunar eclipse points to Purna Chandra Grahan Dosh and causes Chandra dosha symptoms like sleep disorders, lack of focus and relationship troubles.
4. Partial Chandra Grahan Dosh (Partial Lunar Eclipse Dosh)
When the Moon and Ketu are conjunct, it leads to Partial Chandra Grahan Dosh or Chandra ketu Grahan dosh. When only part of the moon is eclipsed, this signifies Partial Chandra Grahan Dosh. This dosh symptoms include restlessness, anxiety and lack of peace of mind.
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How can I tell If I have Grahan Dosh?
Some possible indications of Grahan Dosh in your kundli or birth chart include:
- Eclipses occurring in the 1st, 5th, 7th, 8th or 12th houses.
- The ascendant lord or moon is eclipsed.
- The eclipse is aspected or conjoined by malefic planets like Saturn, Mars or Rahu.
- The eclipse causes the formation of malefic yogas like Kalasarpa Dosha, Pitru Dosha, etc.
Effects of Grahan Dosha In Kundli Astrology
The effects of Grahan Dosh can be far-reaching, impacting many areas of your life. Therefore, you must be aware of any kind of Surya grahan dosh or Chandra dosha symptoms. The following effects are the common negative influences you see during any Garhan Yoga.
1. Delay in Marriage and Conflict After Marrying
For those looking to get married, Grahan Dosh can cause issues. If you have a strong presence of Grahan Dosh in your birth chart, it may lead to obstacles and delays in finding a suitable life partner. Even after getting married, frequent arguments, lack of understanding, and compatibility issues between the couple.
2. Uncertain Career and Stress at Workplace
The presence of Grahan Dosh can create struggles in your career path, causing job instability, lack of growth and excess workload or stress at your workplace. You may face difficulties in getting a desired promotion or salary hike. With Grahan Dosh, you may look frustrated and constant anxiety in a work environment would slowly eat you up.
3. Failure in Business and Burden of Debt
For those in business, Grahan Dosh can lead to losses, failure of ventures and accumulation of debt. Your efforts may not yield expected returns, and growth can remain stagnant or unchanging. Excess expenditures and loans can become a constant burden. The natives affected by the dosh may also struggle to form business relationships.
4. Loss of Reputation and Feeling of Isolation
Due to the malefic effects of Grahan Dosh, you may experience a downfall in social status and a loss of prestige and reputation. A sense of loneliness, lack of support from friends and family and feelings of isolation can also arise. Therefore, You may feel alone and face social isolation alongside a lack of respect in society.
5. Serious Health Issues
The positioning of planets in Grahan Dosh can make you prone to health problems like high or low blood pressure, heart disease, digestive issues, insomnia, depression, and other chronic ailments related to eyes and bones. You may face long-standing health concerns that do not get cured easily.
Remedies For Removing Grahan Dosha
To remedy Grahan Dosh in your kundli, several solutions and measures can be taken. These grahan yoga remedies aim to reduce negative impacts and strengthen the positive effects of eclipses in your chart.
1. Mantra Chanting
Chanting mantras related to the planets involved in the eclipse is an effective remedy. For Surya or Solar eclipse, chant mantras of the Sun like “Om Suryaya Namah”. For Chandra or Lunar eclipse, chant Moon mantras like “Om Chandraya Namah”. Chanting these mantras 108 times during the eclipse period helps strengthen benefic effects.
2. Daan or Donation
Donating items to the needy and less fortunate holds high importance in Vedic Astrology. Donate items related to the planet involved in the eclipse. For the Solar eclipse, donate items like wheat, red lentils, Ruby, Copper or Gold on Sundays. For the Lunar Eclipse, donate items such as rice, Silver or white lentils on Mondays. Donate as per your capacity on the day of the eclipse.
3. Gemstones
Wearing gemstones can help strengthen impacted planets. For Surya Grahan Dosh, wear Ruby. For Chandra Grahan Dosh, wear a Pearl. Gemstones should be worn only after consulting an expert astrologer regarding suitability and method. This will make sure your gemstone avoids the energy of Grahan dosha in kundli
4. Fasting
Observing a fast during eclipses helps reduce malefic effects. For Surya Grahan, observe a full or partial fast. For Chandra Grahan, consume milk, curd or fruit only. Fasting, when done with devotion and faith, helps strengthen planets and nullify the negative impacts of eclipses.
5. Pujas and Havans
Lord Vishnu rules the Sun, while Lord Shiva rules the Moon. So, while any of the Solar eclipse or Lunar eclipse occurrences, pujas and havans must be conducted in the name of respective lords. This will definitely help the native reduce the effect of the eclipses.
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So, by now, you know the basics of Grahan dosh and how to remedy it. While grahan dosh can negatively impact various areas of your life, the good news is there are effective upaays or remedies you can do to reduce and reverse the effects. So, take your kundli into your own hands and make the most of your bright future.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What is Grahan?
2. What exactly is Grahan Dosh?
3. How can I know if I have Grahan Dosh using Kundli?
4. What are the effects of Grahan Yog?
5. Can you eliminate your Grahan Dosh?
6. What should we not do during Grahan?
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