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Blue Full Moon 2023: Witness the Rare Lunar Event

By August 12, 2023September 8th, 2023No Comments

In the world of astrology, there’s something called the “Blue Full Moon,” which is a rare and stunning eyesight that catches the attention of people who love looking at the stars. Imagine a bright full moon with a beautiful blueish glow, lighting up the night sky in a magical way. This amazing event will happen on August 31, 2023 (Thursday), and it’s called “Once in a Blue” because it doesn’t happen very often only once every two to three years. So, remember to mark your calendars because this unbelievable lunar show is coming soon! Get ready to take sight of a special celestial event!

Moon Phase Details for Aug 31st, 2023

  • Phase: Full Moon 
  • Moon age: 14.47 days 
  • Moon illumination: 99.99% 
  • Moon tilt: 68.888° 
  • Moon angle: 0.56 
  • Moon distance: 357,314.87 km 
  • Moon sign: Pisces

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Meaning of Blue Full Moon 

A Blue full moon is a rare happening that occurs when there are two full moons in a calendar month. The term “blue” does not really refer to the colour of the moon. However, it actually refers to the rarity of the event. It is also believed that during this time, one must choose to take a deep thought about what they intend to achieve and accomplish in life. So read below to learn about the astrological and spiritual meaning of the Blue Full Moon:-

Astrological Meaning of Blue Full Moon 

The astrological meaning of a blue full moon is related to the energy of abundance and opportunity. This rare event occurs when there are two full moons in a month, which happens once every two to three years. However, during a blue full moon, we are reminded to focus on our goals and take action towards manifesting our desires. Moreover, this is a time to release unusual thoughts and trust in the universe to provide us with what we need. If you happen to witness a blue full moon, take advantage of this powerful energy and use it to bring positive changes into your life. 

Spiritual Meaning of Blue Full Moon 

Blue Moon meaning spirituality, is often associated with the power of communication and expression. Moreover, during a full blue moon, you will have more ability to communicate with others and express yourselves more clearly. 

Furthermore, this is a time when you should focus on being honest and clear in your communication. Remember not to hold back your true feelings or thoughts. It is also a moment to listen carefully to what others are saying and be open to their viewpoints. In addition to that, the blue full moon is a reminder to stay connected to our higher selves and trust in our intuition, as it can guide us towards our true purpose and path in life.

Also Read: Know All About The Half Moon In The Palm!

Significance and Symbolism of the Blue Full Moon 

As we have already mentioned, Blue Full Moon is a very rare and significant event that occurs when there are two full moons in a calendar month. It is a time when it symbolises deep emotions, spiritual awakening, and the manifestation of our dreams. 

However, the Blue Full Moon represents a time of change and transformation in many cultures. It is associated with the element of water, which is why it helps in cleansing and purifying our thoughts and emotions. 

Furthermore, Blue Full Moon can also help release negative energies and let go of things that no longer is important. In astrology, the Blue Full Moon is said to represent a time of powerful energy and potential. It is a time when our intuition and psychic abilities are heightened, and we are more in tune with our inner selves. This can be a great time for meditation and self-reflection. 

All in all, the Blue Full Moon is a powerful and symbolic occurrence celebrated by many cultures around the world for centuries. Whether you believe in its spiritual significance or simply appreciate its beauty, the Blue Full Moon is a reminder of the power and mystery of the natural world.  

Rituals and Practices During Blue Full Moon 

Here are some of the rituals to be followed during the occurrence of the Blue Full Moon. Follow this ritual to avail positive benefits. 

  • Reflect on your current state: Take a moment to reflect on how you are feeling physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Write down any of the negatives where you feel you need to release or let go.
  • Cleanse your space: Use essential lamps or diya made of oil or ghee. You can also use scented candles to clear any unfavourable energy in your environment. 
  • Charge your crystals: Place your crystals outside under the light of the blue full moon to cleanse and charge them. Doing this will enhance positive energy and make you feel vibrant and recharged. 
  • Create Blue Moon Water: Place a jar of water outside under the moonlight during the blue full moon. Use the water for cleansing and charging your energy. 
  • Meditate: Take time to sit in silence and connect with the energy of the blue full moon. You can also visualise releasing any negative energy and welcoming positive energy. 
  • Perform a Blue Full Moon Ritual: Create a ritual that resonates with you, such as writing down things you want to release. Moreover, burning them or creating a ritual bath with blue crystals. 
  • Express Gratitude: Take time to express gratitude for the lessons learned and the growth you have experienced. 

Also Read: Your Lucky Gemstone According To Moon Sign

Impacts of Blue Full Moon 

The Blue Moon, which is the second full moon in a calendar month, has a great impact on some of the aspects of an individual’s life. Let’s see what impact it has on the zodiac signs due to its occurrence. 

  • When a blue full moon happens to appear, individuals face extremely mixed emotions. They feel increasingly sensitive, which makes them feel sad and nervous at the same time. 
  • Many individuals also feel that troubles are occurring in their relationships with their partners. Blue moon meaning love signifies that if it’s favourable on your planet, then you will definitely see changes in your love life. 
  • The effect of the Blue Full Moon entirely depends on individuals’ favourability, which makes individuals creative and more focused on things that can help them achieve great things in life. It also allows people to be more inclined towards what they have always dreamt of. 
  • The blue moon also brings a shift in your energies that makes you feel more inclined towards people. It will make you more outgoing and socially active.
  • Many astrologers suggest that the occurrence of a blue moon is the best time to reflect on your selves and make transformative decisions in life. Furthermore, it’s also the perfect time to welcome new beginnings in life and be grateful for them. 

As we wrap up here, let us always be grateful for things that bring us the opportunity to adopt changes. Also, we hope you take the steps mentioned above to give you positive benefits. However, for such interesting content, you must remember to visit InstaAstro. Here you’ll get an ample amount of astrology information. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

1. Is a blue moon rare?

The blue moon is usually rare because it doesn’t appear frequently. However, this moon appears once every two to three years. So, this blue moon is said to be rare.

2. What does a blue moon mean in astrology?

Astrology does not hold any deep significance in astrology. However, astrologers usually prefer the regular cycle of the moon, like a new moon, full moon or half moon. Although many astrologers suggest that they hold some symbolic significance and thus give favourable or unfavourable outcomes.

3. Why is it called a blue Full Moon?

The term “Blue Moon” doesn’t have a proven logic behind its origin. However, it’s similar to how we use the phrase “Once in a Blue Moon” to refer to rare occurrences. Due to the infrequent nature of this moon’s appearance, it is named a blue moon.

4. Is any zodiac sign or element affected by a blue full moon’s energy?

Astrology connects the moon’s influence with emotions, intuition. However, a blue moon doesn’t bring any specific energy to a particular zodiac sign or element. So, the astrological effects are more related to the regular moon cycle, such as the new moon, full moon, etc.

5. What rituals do you follow during the full moon to align with its energies?

People follow certain everyday rituals when a rare moon occurrence happens. You must let go of all the things that make you feel disturbed. Moreover, you can write down your feelings which make you feel light. Furthermore, you can place all the objects like crystals, water, or jewellery under the moonlight to give them positive energy.

6. Can a blue full moon strengthen any aspects of a birth chart?

The regular moon does influence and can be significant. However, the effects of a blue moon on a birth chart Instead, when looking at the birth chart, astrologers consider various factors, including planetary positions, aspects, and transits.

Also Read: Moon Bath Ritual For Each Zodiac Sign

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Sonali Prasad

About Sonali Prasad

As a content writer, I am fueled by a passion and a sense of purpose to pour my thoughts, experiences, and creative ideas into compelling stories. I am here to not only entertain but also educate and engage the readers.