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EnglishLove Astrology

Breakup Happens for a Reason; It Can Be an Astro Reason

By September 12, 2020September 14th, 2023No Comments
Breakup Astrology

Breakup simply means the termination of an intimate relationship. A breakup happens when a relationship between two people fails to work. There can be a long list of the reasons that lead to breakups. These are likely to include poor communication, inadequate moral values, impulsive behaviour, bad self-control, impatience, stress, lack of perseverance, or other blah, blah, blah. A large number of people consulting astrologers generally ask: Why did your breakup happen? Astrologers are not going to answer your queries like a psychiatrist or psychologist. They have their reading and predictions. They can help you find out a breakup astrology reason (Punarphoo Dosha) and save a relationship from going into the grip of a breakup. Read this content and check out what Breakup Astrology’s reason lies in your birth chart that can make you face the odd situation of the breakup. Also, find everything you need to know about Breakup Astrology and the effects of Punarphoo Dosha.

Also Read : Is Your Partner Depressed? Astrologers Suggest Ways To Help!

Let the stars tell the outcome of a relationship

Why do couples break up after living together for 2-3 years or more? Moreover, why is there a lack of love? This is one of the most usual questions that you might have come across. There is no dearth of people going to preach on this current topic. Like psychologists, love astrologers also share their views and perceptions on the breakup. As per the Breakup Astrology, a breakup happens if the birth chart of the native has bad effects of  Punarphoo Dosha or yoga. Such yoga in the horoscope indicates to the sudden termination of an intimate relationship. Before you jump to any conclusion, an explanation of the Punarphoo Yoga can help you understand things properly. It is nothing but the unification of Saturn and Moon planets that give birth to this dosha.

  • Moon – Mind, psyche, sensitivity, home, family, and mother
  • Saturn – Discipline, redundancy, harshness, delay, and order

The moon has an association with sensitive things whereas Saturn is hard-lined. In this dosha, Saturn starts seizing the quality of the Moon. Moreover, it is said that yoga results in headache, fear, and anxiety with some other possibilities like broken engagement, rescheduling of fixed marriage date, not getting first choice spouse, or facing delays in reaching the place of marriage.

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Effects of Punarphoo Dosha

When harsh Saturn and sensitive Moon meet each other, Saturn and Moon, this combination results in turmoil in mutual relationships, conjugal harmony, and overall peace. Punarphoo Dosha is one of the villains in a broken relationship. The ill-effects of this dosha make the native:

  • End relationships without any valid reason
  • Feel insecure and emotionally weak
  • Become selective about relationships
  • Feel the lack of love from partners
  • Get diverted toward spiritual deeds
  • Think excessively and affect his psyche
  • Lose interest in materialistic needs and pleasures

Also Read: Things To Look For In Your Partner’s Horoscope

The combination of Moon and Saturn in the 7th house indicates Punarphoo Dosha in people. Situations like Saturn falling in the Star of Moon or Moon falling in the Star of Saturn can also be blamed for this dosha. Any person having this dosha in the birth chart is likely to face a breakup, legal separation, divorce, etc. Saturn dominates the 7th house and makes people depressed. Interestingly, a strong Moon over Saturn can help the native overcome the ill-effect of this dosha.

If you are facing a breakup-like situation or your partner has started losing any interest in you, it can be possible due to the dosha. Simply ask online astrologers for the best remedies to save your relationship or cement the ongoing relationship.

Just chat with the astrologer of your choice when you are online and get rid of all ill effects of Punarphoo Dosha without facing the stress of a breakup and wasting your precious time.

Also Read: The DOs And DONTs To Make Him Miss You

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Neeraj Kumar

About Neeraj Kumar

An astrology enthusiast, avid writer, and content curator who loves to see how stars predict fortune beyond this metaphysical world.

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