Krishna And Sudama Friendship
Indian mythology flourishes with bright and delightful stories, each with a hidden moral or lesson. While most of these stories deal with bravery and heroic acts; others relate in detail, occasions of affection and kinship.
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Lord Krishna and Sudama inspire us with their friendship but also teach us the value of friendship, emotions, and devotion towards God.
Story of Krishna and Sudama Friendship
God has gifted us our relationships whether it is father, mother, uncle, aunt, sibling, child, or little girl, but there are two relationships that we choose ourselves. One is our ideal partner and the other is our best friend.
The story of the Krishna and Sudama friendship shows us some important examples. Friendship is a wonderful relationship. Today, finding a pure and selfless friendship is very difficult in this selfish world, and friendship like Shri Krishna and Sudama is next to impossible.
Most famous Krishna Sudama friendship Story
There are many stories in Hindu mythology about Lord Krishna and his childhood friend Sudama. They tell us many morals and the true meaning of friendship. One of the most famous stories about them is when Sudama went to meet Lord Krishna after he became the King. Sudama was a very poor man living with his wife. He used to ask for bhiksha every day and live on that money. It was a tough life. When no money or food was left in his house, Sudhama’s wife told him to visit Lord and King Krishna to ask for help. Sudama was against the idea of doing so because he was shy and embarrassed about his living conditions.
He told his wife, “He is a King now, and I am a man of no possessions. We were friends when we studied together. I do not know if he will even recognise me now”. However, Sudama’s wife still insisted by reasoning that Lord Krishna is a kind king. Sudama knew they had nothing to offer Lord Krishna. But his wife gave him the last three palmfuls of rice in a small bag.
When Sudama reached Lord Krishna’s palace gates, the guards did not let him enter. After asking about his identity, they informed Krishna, “A feeble man in rags is at the front of the palace, Lord. He calms to be your old friend. His name is Sudama”. As soon as Lord Krishna heard that, he ran to the gates of his palace and embraced Sudama. Krishna saw Sudhama’s feet bleeding with a lot of cuts. Sudama had travelled with no footwear due to his poverty.
Once they both entered Lord Krishna’s palace, he made Sudama sit on his throne and washed Sudama’s feet all by himself. Playful Krishna asked Sudama what he had gotten for him. Sudama showed him the small potli of rice and said, “This is all I can offer you as I have nothing else to give”. Lord Krishna understood Sudama’s financial and living conditions. But he was overjoyed and started eating the rice. After two palms of rice, Lord Krishna’s wife, Rukmini stopped him and said, “This is enough. You should leave some for us”.
After the visit, Sudama returned home. He had asked for nothing from Lord Krishna and was worried about his future and how his wife would be angry. After reaching his place, he saw a huge palace instead of a small hut. Without even asking, Krishna had given him a lot of wealth as he was eating the rice. The first palm of rice represented the wealth of Swarg Lok, and the second palm of rice represented the wealth of Prithvi Lok. The last palmful was Vaikuntha Lok’s wealth. Lord Krishna had made Sudama the Lord of 2 worlds and wanted to give the 3rd world to him as well. This is the most beautiful Krishna and Sudama friendship story.
Morals and Lessons from the Story of Krishna Sudama
- The story of Krishna and Sudama shows us the real importance and value of friendship in this world.
- We must figure out how to build and help our friends without considering their financial status.
- Lord Krishna stopped Sudama and hugged him in public. It shows the immortal example of friendship, so whenever we talk about friendship, they are remembered to date.
- As God knows better than us what we need and what we don’t? God makes better arrangements than us.
- In the case of Sudama also, Lord Krishna rewarded him with money and wealth, even Sudama did not ask Lord Krishna anything.
- True love does not differentiate between wealth and poverty or between people of high and poor status.
- Krishna rewarded him because, throughout his life, Sudama followed the path of spirituality and showed moral obligations, dharmas, to many individuals.
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This story of the friendship of Sudama and Lord Krishna says that the love of a true devotee always compels the Lord to bestow manifold love and grace. While God in no way is committed to answering everyone’s prayers, he does need to answer to his devotee who showers this level of adoration and devotion to him.
Frequently Asked questions (FAQs)
1. Who is Sudama?
2. How is Lord Krishna as a friend?
3. What did Sudama bring when he went to meet Lord Krishna?
4. Why did Sudama decide to visit Lord Krishna after a long time?
5. Are there any stories of true friendship in Hindu mythologies?
6. What is the moral of the Krishna Sudama story?
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