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Which Shape Watch is Best as per Astrology?

By May 30, 2024May 31st, 2024No Comments
Which Shape Watch is Best as per Astrology

Ever found yourself curious about the wrist watch according to astrology suggests for you? We’re here to provide the answers. Let us be your trusted guide, leading you to the watch shape that astrology indicates could influence your life’s journey. 

It is very important to select the right shape as it will bring positivity and happiness in your life as well as bring you closer to your success. Let us continue with our discussion and explore the shape of the watch that aligns with your zodiac sign. 


Circle and Square Watches Shape as per the Zodiac Sign

Let’s continue to understand the influence of the circular as well as square wrist watches dial on our life. Not only this, but the colour is per our zodiac signs. 

1. Aries (Mar 21 -Apr 19): Red Strap or Dial

The person with the Aries zodiac sign has a very vast nature. He loves to take on new challenges and be a leader. A round-shaped wrist watch astrology increases their focus and helps them with positive energy.

On the other hand, the Aries zodiac signs people with the square-shaped wristwatch increase their strength and determination. As well as let them stay focused on their goals. 

2. Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20): Green Strap or Dial 

The person with the Taurus zodiac sign, the circle wrist watch according to astrology, shows the personality of being stable. The watch shape also influences the individual life with financial and emotional stability. 

Whereas the square-shaped watches bring practicality. They help them with the focus that is required for them to achieve their goals. Not only this, the watch shape increases their effectiveness towards work. 

3. Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21): Yellow Strap or Dial 

Geminis are very good with their communication and are always curious. With a round-shaped watch, their logical thinking increases. They are very open-minded compared to other times and fair with everyone. 

On the other hand, the square shaped watches helps Gemini with organizing their thoughts and increases the fairness in their nature. This creates a situation where they are able to understand everything in a better way. 

4. Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22): Silver Strap or Dial 

The people with the Cancer zodiac sign are very intuitive and caring. Wearing the circular shape wrist watches astrology makes a situation to create a sense of home and security for the people they love. 

Watches with square dial shape provides stability to the person. This makes them focused on their deepest emotions. Not only this, it also help in the flow of positive energy. 

5. Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 22): Golden Strap or Dial 

Leo zodiac signs people are very attractive and are born leaders. The circular-shaped wrist watch according to astrology, makes their presence more impactful and inspires others with their warmth. 

Whereas, the Leo people become more confident with the square shaped watches. It makes their nature more bold and more confident. This aura can be felt by others when around them.

6. Virgo (Aug 23 – Sept 22): White Strap or Dial 

For a person with the Virgo zodiac sign, the circle wrist-watch creates a space where the Virgo person can feel safe and balanced from fear. He will be balanced in his life and will have a sense of safety with him.

On the other hand, the square share wristwatches make Virgo people very detail-focused. It helps them maintain their daily task with clarity and in an efficient manner. 

Also Read: Seeing Snake In Your Dream? Here’s What Astrology Says

7. Libra (Sept 23 – Oct 23): Blue Strap or Dial 

Libra are the social butterflies. Having a circular watch on their wrist promotes balance and positivity in their soul. The desire for peace increases within them, and this makes them feel the happiness they are looking for. 

With the square shaped wrist watches, the Libra people promotes balance and fairness in them. This brings peace for them and help them judge a situation without any second thought. 

8. Scorpio (Oct 24 – Nov 22): Purple Strap or Dial 

The Scorpio zodiac sign with the effects of a round-shaped wrist watch according to astrology compliment their mysterious nature. Their emotions become powerful and they grow in their personal as well as professional life. 

On the other hand, A square watch provides with stability and control over the emotions. They will be able to balance their deepest emotions very effectively and can maintain focus. 

9. Sagittarius (Nov 23 – Dec 21): Orange Strap or Dial 

The people with the Sagittarius zodiac sign love adventure and are very curious. The circular-shaped wristwatch aligns with their love for exploring the world and staying positive in every situation. 

Whereas the square-shaped zodiac sign can make them very positive. This makes them look at the positive side even when the situation is not working out for them. 

10. Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19): Brown Strap or Dial 

For the person with the Capricorn zodiac sign, the circular wristwatches increase their caring nature. The person with the round dial shape watches in their daily use makes them more compassionate towards others. 

Now, the square watch makes Capricorn fall in love with being a practical person. It also helps them stay organized and focused on their long-term goals, which they have been manifesting. 

11. Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18): Turquoise Strap or Dial 

The round-shaped wrist watch according to astrology, has a very innovative effect on the Aquarius zodiac sign people. They become more independent, and the watch dial helps them with unique ideas to connect with people. 

On the other hand, the Aquarius with the Square shaped watches become more independent. It helps them with clarity and organising their thoughts to maintain a peaceful nature. 

12. Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20): Pink Strap or Dial 

The wrist watch astrology for the Pisces zodiac sign increases their ability to be intuitive and become very good at hiding their emotions. Wearing a round watch will increase their compassionate nature and their creative nature. 

Pisces are very dreamy and the square shaped wrist watch helps them manage their emotions and helps creates a balance between their dreamy world and the reality. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are the astrological benefits of wearing watch?

The astrological benefits of wearing a watch are that it promotes positivity, helps you focus on your goals and creates the environment to understand everything better.

2. Can you wear someone else’s wristwatch?

If you are borrowing someone else’s wristwatch and they are going through a bad phase with the watch, it will get transferred to you.

3. Which hand should wear the watch to increase its benefits?

Wearing watch in right hand astrology is beneficial, but it depends on the person. It is advisable to wear the wristwatch on your dominant hand to increase its benefits.

4. Is there any superstition or belief related to the watch?

Yes, there is. It is said that the watch can transfer your bad luck to the other person taking the watch.

5. How can we choose the right shape of wrist watch according to astrology for us?

You can see what type of nature and behaviours you want to have more influence on you as per your zodiac sign. This will help you understand which watch shapes are better for you.

6. Should we prefer customized colours for the wristwatches?

Yes, you can prefer to wear the watches in customized colours as per your zodiac signs.

Also Read: Seeing Clocks In Dreams: A Reminder From The Universe!

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About Rakhi

Hi! I love reading and writing and I am always passionate about writing my thoughts and share them with all the reader.