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Astrological Meaning of Venus Retrograde In Your Relationship

By November 11, 2023No Comments
Venus Retrograde In Your Relationship

Are you aware of Venus Retrograde? An occurrence that happens every 18 months and lasts for six weeks. More importantly, have you had a rough time in your love life recently? Did you start dating someone and see things go downside after a few weeks? Chances are the last Venus Retrograde impacted your love life. There is an astrological meaning of Venus Retrograde in your relationship that simply doesn’t get noticed until you consult an astrologer.

Here is how a client reached out to our platform at the right time and survived the storm that caused confusion in her new love connection. Our astrologer informed the client that her relationship with his partner is one of Venus retrograde relationships. Next, she went curious and started noting down all the information about starting a relationship during Venus retrograde.

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What Does Venus Retrograde Mean?

The client was clearly troubled. It was 23rd July 2023 when the last Venus Retrograde had just started, which stayed until September 3, 2023. Just a month before that, she started dating someone.

At first, everything seemed perfect – she had an instant connection, couldn’t stop talking, and was thrilled to have found each other. But after a few weeks, little annoyances started sneaking in. Communication felt off, insecurities arose, and she began questioning whether this new person was really suitable for her after all.

Our astrologer explained to her what was going on. When the planet of love turns retrograde, relationships often experience hiccups, misunderstandings, and challenges. That’s the meaning of Venus retrograde in your relationship.

Venus retrograde means Venus appears to be moving backwards from our viewpoint on Earth. Astrologically, this phase signifies a time for reevaluating relationships and addressing relationship issues.

Clearly, in the case of the client, she was starting a relationship during Venus retrograde. For new relationships, Venus retrograde can indicate the connection may end once it goes direct again. But the astrologer reassured her that the retrograde period is meant for relationships that can stand the test of time, allowing one to work through built-up tensions or regenerate the chemistry.

Also Read: 8 Impactful Effects Of Venus In 8th House You Are Unaware 

How Venus Retrograde Impacts Your Zodiac Sign

So, Neha, the client, had started dating Manish, a Sagittarius, a month before Venus went retrograde. Now, their relationship felt like it was taking a rough turn. She took an online session with one of our astrologers who shared the meaning of Venus Retrograde in your relationship.

The astrologer explained that Venus retrograde can shake up relationships. “Venus rules love and relationships, so when it’s retrograde, it’s reevaluating them.” She told Neha what to expect for each zodiac sign through Venus retrograde horoscope.

1. Aries: Passion may go away. Work on creating the spark!

2. Taurus: Issues around intimacy and security may arise. Reassure your partner.

3. Gemini: Communication breakdowns are likely. Talk through your feelings.

4. Cancer: Emotions intensify. Express your affection and be extra nurturing.

5. Leo: Drama and power struggles could flare up. Compromise and share the spotlight. 

6. Virgo: Criticalness or nitpicking may increase. Focus on the good in your partner. 

7. Libra: Extreme emotional dependency and irritation could surface. Maintain your independence. 

8. Scorpio: Jealousy and control issues may emerge. Build trust and give each other space. 

9. Sagittarius: Restlessness or distance could crop up. Plan engaging dates together. 

10. Capricorn: Responsibilities may feel overwhelming. Make quality time for just the two of you.

11. Aquarius: Feelings of being trapped or limited could arise. Respect each other’s freedom.

12. Pisces: Escapism into fantasy and lack of boundaries can stop one from solving real issues at hand. Stay present and set healthy limits.

Neha was a Libra, while her love interest, Manish, was a Sagittarius. She marked the insights against these two zodiac signs. She was relieved knowing now what to expect and that the issues with Manish were temporary.

Tips During Venus Retrograde for Relationship

When Venus went retrograde last summer, it flipped Neha’s blossoming relationship upside down. She had just started dating someone new, full of hope and possibility, when communication issues arose, and plans went wrong. What did it all mean? Here are some tips that an astrologer gave Neha for dating during Venus retrograde or simply handling issues during that time.

1. Slow Down

Venus retrograde is not the time to rush into commitment or make big relationship decisions. Avoid moving in together or getting engaged during this transit. Take things slow and really get to know your partner before advancing to the next level.

2. Double-check

Miscommunications and misunderstandings are common during Venus retrograde. Be extra careful with texts, emails and plans. Double-check that you and your partner are on the same page to avoid hurt feelings or confusion. Repeat what they’ve said to you to confirm the details.

3. Reflect on the Relationship

Use this time to evaluate how things are going between you two. Think about what’s working well and areas that could use improvement. Then, once Venus goes direct, have an open and honest conversation with your partner about your feelings. This can help strengthen your connection and set you up for success long term.

4. Give Your Partner Extra Patience and Understanding

Venus retrograde stresses relationships, so do your best to be patient, forgiving and compassionate. Your partner may be moody or distant at times, so give them the benefit of the doubt. Offer a listening ear if they want to talk about their feelings. Your patience and support can mean the world during this retrograde.

5. Focus on Self-care

Make sure to also nurture yourself during this time. Engage in activities that boost your confidence and self-worth, like exercising, journaling, spending time with supportive friends or pursuing a hobby you enjoy. Taking good care of yourself will make you a better partner, even when the cosmic weather works against relationships.

Also Read: What happens When Venus is in the 7th House?


Though the retrograde was difficult, Neha could really understand the “meaning of Venus retrograde in your relationship”. She now had a better understanding of herself and her relationship. She learned not to sweat the small stuff to communicate openly with Manish. The retrograde ultimately made their partnership stronger. For those in a relationship during Venus retrograde or in a Venus retrograde new relationship, the key is patience, reflection, and learning from the hurdles. Neha thanked our astrologer, who replied, “ Onwards to New adventures!”. 

Greetings! I’m Ritu Mahali, a content writer at InstaAstro. Your positive feedback motivates me to continue creating valuable content. If you found this blog beneficial, feel free to connect with our in-house astrology experts by clicking here and gain insights to stay ahead of life’s challenges.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

1. Does Venus Retrograde ruin the relationship?

No, but it makes the early days challenging. Venus retrograde tests relationships, especially new ones, but it doesn’t necessarily end them.

2. Why did my ex come back during Venus Retrograde?

Venus rules love and relationships, so when it’s retrograde, the past often comes back to the present. It was a blast from the past that shook you up but ultimately reconfirmed your decision to move on.

3. Does Venus Retrograde create chaos and miscommunications?

Venus retrograde is notorious for crossed wires, misunderstandings, and confusion in relationships. It can mean hurt feelings over unanswered texts, awkward conversations where you talked past each other, and misreading each other’s needs and signals.

4. Do I have to reassess the relationship during Venus retrograde?

Venus retrograde holds up a mirror to relationships and shows you where the cracks are. It forces you to evaluate whether this new relationship really met your needs or if you were just caught up in the excitement of something new.

5. Should I have avoided big commitments during Venus retrograde?

Yes, it’s best not to make major commitments during Venus retrograde, like getting engaged, married, or moving in together. You must focus on meaningful conversations and experiences together rather than superficial steps forward.

6. Will things improve after Venus is direct again?

Absolutely. Once Venus goes direct, communication becomes easier, exes stay in the past where they belong, and you are able to reconnect on a deeper level. Big commitments seem less scary. The drama fades, leaving a quiet confidence in what you have together.

Also Read: Venus: Astrological Planet Of Love And Luxury

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About Ritu

There's a saying, " Description begins in the writer's imagination but should not finish in the reader's ", and I truly believe that. I have colossal love for vocabulary and I wish to continue creating impact with writing. Talking about the professional realm, I am a Content Writer having decent work experience.