Have you ever heard about the term ‘Twin Heart Meditation’? We bet that most of you are relating this term with a sci-fi movie plot or thinking, is this about meditation with your soulmate? Well, to your surprise, this is neither related to a sci-fi movie nor to your soulmate. Instead, it is a powerful meditation practice that blesses you with a sense of inner peace and overall well-being.
Imagine if you could not only meditate and heal for yourself but also can send blessings and love to your loved ones or even strangers. Sounds exciting right? This is when Master Choa Kok Sui meditation on twin hearts takes centre stage. So, why not give it a try first and explore the meaning, benefits and procedure?
What is Twin Heart Meditation?
Before diving deep into the concept of Twin Meditation, let us first understand why this meditation is called ‘Twin Heart’. So, the term ‘Twin Heart’ talks about the two chakras present inside the human body, the Anahata Chakra (heart chakra) and the Sahasrara (crown chakra). Heart Chakra, which is located in the centre of the chest, solely focuses on balancing emotions and makes a person empathetic towards others. On the other hand, the Crown chakra, located at the top of the head, works towards spiritual growth and enlightenment of an individual. Combined, together form a technique called the Twin Heart Meditation that focuses on spreading love and kindness and spiritual healing at the same time.
How does Twin Heart Meditation work?
Now let us explain to you how this magical meditation work. Also known as the Universal Subconscious, the Twin Heart Meditation solely works through two chakras inside the human body, which are the Heart Chakra and the Crown Chakra. Through these two chakras, the main goal is to create a connection between the two and invoke the emotions and spiritual self of a person. Once the connection is set, we see an energy creation called Prana. A person meditating experiences a flow of a white light (prana) that travels from the Crown chakra to the entire body.
Now you must be wondering how this white light would benefit someone. Well, let us talk about the emotional aspect first. With this white light, a person can release his emotional trauma or baggage and be set free from negative energies. Not only this, but this white light emitted from the Crown chakra can help cure diseases such as heart disease, kidney, liver, diabetes or even depression and anxiety issues.
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Twin Heart Meditation Benefits
Right from healing a person spiritually to reducing stress and anxiety issues, this meditation does wonders for you. Now you know Twin Heart meditation is not only about spreading love and kindness. In fact, it could act as your support system and would help you attain peace and harmony. So, without wasting any moment further, let us explore the magical pranic healing benefits.
1. Heightens Spiritual Awareness
With the help of the Crown Chakra, which is located at the top of the head, a person is able to connect with this spiritual side effectively. Moreover, it is believed that this type of meditation promotes a sense of inner peace and spiritual growth.
2. Improves Relationships
You must be wondering how meditation can help in improving relationships. Let us explain to you how. With the heart chakra, this technique focuses on making a person more empathetic and peaceful towards others. So, now a person would focus on giving love and blessings to others which will eventually improve his relationships, be it personal or professional.
3. Sharper Mind and Greater Happiness
With all the negative energies and traumatic experiences gone, the person would be able to think clearly and would make rightful decisions that will lead to his growth and advancement. It is fair to say that Twin Heart Meditation acts as an ‘energetic shower’ that boosts a person with enthusiasm and a zeal to do better in his life.
4. Reduces Stress and Anxiety Issues
Practising pranic healing Twin heart meditation would take a person to a more calm and peaceful state that will help in reducing stress and anxiety issues. Moreover, by working with chakras and auras, a person can release his emotional baggage and can live a happy and peaceful life altogether.
5. Improves Health
Last but not least is the most important Twin Heart Meditation benefits, which is improved health. There are several ways through which an individual can improve his health and overall well-being. Once a person starts practising this meditation, it is seen that the body starts to heal naturally. It also helps in curing the diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.
How to Practice Twin Heart Meditation?
Wondering about the process of practising Twin Heart Meditation? Or are you thinking about whether to do meditation before or after exercise? Say no more. Below is the step-by-step guide to how you can practise twin heart meditation.
- The first step involves preparation. Start by doing light exercises to warm up your body, such as neck rolls, stretching or pull-ups. Remember to do this light warm-up exercise for 10 minutes straight, and after that, head towards the next step, which is sitting in a comfortable position. The appropriate sitting position for Twin Heart meditation would be the Padmasana position. You can either sit on a floor or even a chair based on your comfort level.
- Once seated, the next process is to invoke the blessings of the Almighty. This process is important because you are asking the Almighty for guidance and protection. This is how you establish a strong connection between you and the divine energies.
- After the invocation and blessings, now you must focus on connecting your tongue to the palate (roof of the mouth). This step is to activate the circulation of energy in the whole body.
- Here comes the most important step in the Twin Heart meditation, where you have to activate your heart chakra. Think of a good memory by placing your hand on your chest. You can also think of a person who wants to see you in a happy and peaceful state.
- The next step is to activate your Crown chakra by doing the same. Think about a happy memory and try to feel as if you are reliving the moment. In this step, you are not only asking for peace for yourself but also for the person you are thinking about.
- Now release your hand free in the air and smile, and start chanting the powerful word ‘ॐ’ ‘AUM‘. Doing this will release all the negative energies present inside your body and will make you feel more self-aware and spiritually connected.
- In this step, conclude the meditation with a sense of gratitude and thankfulness. Moreover, ask for blessings for all the living beings on this Earth and pray that everyone may be filled with love, positivity, and compassion towards others. Try to visualise the white light (prana) flowing inside your body.
- The meditation ends with a light exercise or stretching. If you skip this process after the meditation, then chances are there your body may become weak. Some people often wonder whether to do meditation before or after exercise, so for them, the answer is that meditation should be done in between the process.
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Well, that’s a wrap on Twin Heart Meditation benefits. We hope that now you know how to manage your stress and make yourself more spiritually aware with this magical technique. If you are more curious about knowing the other forms of meditation, then visit the official website of InstaAstro and take a step towards self-discovery and inner peace.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What is Pranic Healing?
2. How long is twin hearts meditation?
3. Can twin hearts meditation be done at night?
4. Who should not practice twin heart meditation?
5. Is Twin Hearts worth it?
6. What are Twin Heart meditation benefits?
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