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Debunking 7 Common Tarot Card Myths

By February 7, 2023December 6th, 2023No Comments
Debunking Common Tarot Card

The moment you hear the word ‘tarot reading’, questions like ‘Are tarot cards evil’ or ‘Are tarot cards related to black magic’ pops up in your mind. Right? We hate to burst your bubble, but probably all the conceptions you have heard about tarot reading until now may be incorrect. The movies and web series must have messed up with your head and served a brand new definition of tarot cards that is not even true. Now is the time to debunk all the tarot card myths. 

A tarot card is a divination practice that uses a deck of tarot cards to gain insight, advice, and understanding into a person’s life and situations. Folks, you are in for a treat; if you want to learn tarot reading step-by-step for beginners, click here. One of the most common misconceptions about tarot reading is that professionals can only do it. However, all you have to learn is the correct process, and you are good to go. 

Together let us unravel the mystery of tarot and debunk the common myths about tarot reading. 

Common Myths about Tarot: 

1. Tarot cards are not evil or satanic: 

Folks, can you recall any scene from a movie that shows tarot reading? We bet that most of the scenes you recall involve a fortune teller sitting in a dark room, giving off vibes and a weird and mysterious score in the background. And that is when you developed a notion that tarot cards are evil or satanic. The practice of Tarot is a tool for personal growth and self-discovery, not a form of divination or black magic. Additionally, 

evil or satanic girl

2. Tarot is not always accurate: 

Two things that people unaware of tarot cards believe religiously are that first, it tells a one hundred per cent accurate future and has magical powers. It may sound disappointing to some that mystic tarot cards reading are not always accurate. It should be noted that tarot card readings are just predictions, it may or may not resonate with everyone. 

The cards can provide guidance and insight, but they do not predict the future with certainty. Suppose you are facing a rough patch in your life; you can take the help of tarot card readings and ask for help. It may give you guidance and a path devoid of worries. 

Also Read: Tarot Reading: How To Perform A Tarot Reading On Yourself

3. Tarot is not just for women: 

This is one of the most common tarot card myths you will come across. Most people believe that tarot card reading is not meant for women, and men can only perform it skillfully. But no, it is not true. Both men and women can practice Tarot, regardless of their gender identity or expression. On the contrary, a different section of people believes that tarot is a feminist act and should be done only by women. Tarot card reading needs patience, experience and skills, nothing else. 

Tarot is not just for women

4. Tarot is not only used for personal development: 

Another tarot reading myth that has messed up with people’s heads. Some people relate tarot card reading with black magic, and some think it can only be used for personal development. Debunking your myth, let us tell you that tarot can be used for a variety of purposes, including creative problem-solving, career exploration, and relationship counselling.

personal development

5. Tarot is not limited to one culture or religion: 

Next on the list of tarot card myths is that it is limited to one culture or religion. 

Tarot is a universal tool that has been adapted and incorporated into many different cultures and spiritual traditions. Remember one thing your card represents your personality. Tarot card is not limited to one culture or tradition. For example, suppose you believe in Buddhism, and so will your cards. On the other hand, if you do not believe in any religion, so won’t your cards. 

Tarot is not limited to one culture or religion

Also Read: Top 10 Tarot Cards For Relationships

6. Tarot does not require special skills or talents: 

Surprisingly, anyone can learn to read Tarot cards with practice and dedication. If being a good tarot reader is your goal, Having been blessed with psychic or supernatural powers in a tarot, reading is not necessary. In fact, it is a totally baseless assumption made by people unaware of tarot reading. Only your devotion, practice, and the correct process will lead you to the way of a good tarot reader. 

Tarot cards with practice

7. Death Card means ‘Death’

The last but not least and the most common tarot card misconceptions is the meaning of the death card. If you are doing a reading for yourself or maybe seeking guidance from a professional tarot reading, and you get a death card, don’t panic. We understand that the death card for a person unaware of the tarot card’s meaning is enough to worry them. 

The meaning of death card in tarot card means the end of a situation. It may be a relationship, situation, hardships, or phase in your life. 

Death Card

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

1. What are the common myths about Tarot?

One of the most common tarot myths is that it can only be done by professionals. In addition, some people believe that you must first be psychic for a tarot reading. The next common tarot card myths is that your cards should be gifted, and buying your own cards invites misfortune.

2. What are the cons of Tarot?

If there are pros to reading tarot cards, there is space for cons too. However, if you have second thoughts and doubt about tarot reading, then we must tell you it will not help you in any way. The more you misinterpret the cards, the more you will get confused.

3. When should you not do a tarot reading?

Your headspace matters in tarot reading. For example, suppose there is another whirlwind of emotions going through your mind, and then you are sitting for a reading session; there are higher chances that you may misinterpret the message or may even miss it. Also, if you are unsure about how effective tarot reading is and have doubts regarding the same, it is advised not to sit for the reading session.

4. Is there a wrong way to shuffle tarot cards?

Luckily, in a tarot reading, there is no correct or wrong way to shuffle your cards. Yes, you read it right. If you are a beginner and have just started reading for yourself, you can take guidance from famous methods such as scrambling method, cut the deck method or insertion method. Moreover, once you gain experience, you may invent your own way of shuffling tarot cards. All you need to know is the correct process and focus on setting your intention.

5. Is it compulsory to cleanse tarot cards before reading?

Yes. Some professional tarot readers advise you to cleanse the deck of cards every time you do a reading. This is because the tarot cards carry certain energies from the last reading session. As a result, these energies may affect your current reading, and you may struggle to get an accurate reading.

6. Is it okay to read tarot cards daily?

If you are a newbie in tarot reading or have a habit of reading cards just for yourself, you must have been curious to know how often you can read the cards. Can it be done daily? There is no harm in reading the tarot cards daily as it will help you to get better with time if you have just jumped into tarot reading.

Also Read: The Perfect Tarot Card For You As Per Your Zodiac

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Kasak Shirotriya

About Kasak Shirotriya

Creating content that hooks you from the very start is what I do best. When off-duty, you can find me binging the latest Netflix crime documentary, glued to the edge of my seat!