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How Breakup Tarot Reading Help You Move On After Heartbreak

By November 15, 2023No Comments
How Breakup Tarot Reading Help You Move On After Heartbreak

Just when you thought you had finally met the one, or everything was going smoothly in your relationship, destiny plays its part and introduces a plot twist: breakup. You can overcome any obstacle life throws, but not this one. Right? Carrying lots of pain, confusion and unanswered questions in your heart, you wonder what actually went wrong. This is when Breakup Tarot Reading enter your life to provide you with the comfort, ease and relief you were looking for.

‘What could tarot cards have to do with my breakup?’ Your mind must have popped up with the question. Be with us till the very end, and you will see what magic breakup tarot spread can do for you. 

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How Tarot Can Help You Move On after Breakup? 

Breakups: the most painful and confusing period of our lives. Whether it was you who decided to end the relationship or it was the other way around, our heart is the one who suffers in the end. Right? Even if you do not get closure, you always are left with some questions and a sense of uncertainty. But don’t worry; tarot cards are here for your rescue.

Just to make you understand, a broken heart tarot card speeds up the process of healing and recovery; here is the example of Emily, who is similar to you in the matter of the heart. Following are the five major ways through which tarot cards can help us to move on after breakup. 

1. Gaining Perspective 

Like many of us, Emily was a bit unlucky in matters of the heart. She recently went through a painful breakup and struggles to come out of the rough phase she is dealing with. While taking the help of breakup tarot reading, she will get a fresh and new perspective on her situation.

Tarot card reading will answer unanswered questions such as “Should I move on or should I wait for my ex-partner?’ With this, a fresh perspective will help her see the bigger picture. Gaining new perspectives about her current situation will ease her pain. 

2. Emotional Release 

With everything going on at the same time, it is important for Emily to let out the emotional baggage she has been holding out for so long. Calling the breakup tarot spread is no less than a personal therapist! Well, knowing that it is only a breakup tarot reading, who could know what emotions Emily is dealing with? This situation would give her a safe space to express her emotions, such as sadness, anger, confusion and guilt.

For example, in a broken tarot card, if Emily draws a ‘Three of Swords, ’it only indicates that working on her healing journey would become easier when she expresses her emotions and inner thoughts freely. 

3. Self-Reflection 

What happens when Emily realises that her relationship with her partner was all in the past? This is when tarot cards enter the scene as the mirror of her soul. Well, taking a breakup tarot reading at this time would help Emily to take a deep dive into her relationship and her expectations, reasons why her relationship failed and where she was wrong and needed to grow.

Let’s just take an example: The Six of Cups would encourage her to cherish the sweet memories she made in the past but, along with this, also makes her realise what went wrong in her relationship and how to move forward.

4. Guidance and Support 

Well, a tarot card is no less than your best friend because no matter how big the problems seem to be. After having a heart-to-heart conversation with tarot cards, Emily would start looking for solutions. See, before this, Emily was surrounded by problems, but now, with tarot cards, she has solutions, too. 

Drawing tarot cards such as ‘The Chariot’ would bless her with the determination to move on after breakup. But at the same time, this would help Emily to set clear goals and take major control of her life. With a changed mindset and a healed heart, Emily would soon overcome the obstacles and control her destiny. 

5. Transformation 

With all things done, now is the final and important part of moving forward after separation. At first, her healing journey began with a simple set of tarot cards, and now she is on her path to transformation. Healing through tarot cards does not mean erasing your past. Instead, it focuses on making space for the future.

Soon, Emily will realise how tarot cards have helped heal her heart, provided her with the emotional support and guidance she needed and brought positive changes in her life she always longed for. 

Also Read: Tarot Reading: How To Perform A Tarot Reading On Yourself

The Power of Breakup Tarot Reading: How to Unlock Healing in 5 Simple Steps

Are you in a similar situation to Emily, struggling to move on or just wanting to give your past a permanent rest? Well, in this case, a breakup tarot reading can be a key to finding clarity, guidance and a new perspective towards a healed and happy future. In just five simple steps, you can do all of that! So, let us discover these steps and start our healing journey together. 

Step 1: Finding your safe space 

The first and most important step is to look for a space or a private spot where you can conduct the breakup tarot reading. Remember, the more peaceful the environment will be, the more introspective experience you will get in a broken heart tarot card reading. 

Step 2: Try deep breathing 

Before shuffling the breakup tarot spread, first, take a few deep breaths. Doing this will help you to get direct access to peace and calm. Along with this, it will calm your mind and open up the channel to your intuition. So, breathe out the tension and breathe in all the positivity and calmness. 

Step 3: Mindful Meditation

Just in case you are not able to put your thoughts to rest, doing meditation is the best option. Just think of it as a warmup exercise before playing a sport. Doing this will first make you feel relaxed and prepared also it will help you to set an intention before drawing the correct card. 

Step 4: Creating the right question 

Now is the perfect time to enter into the tarot zone. The question you ask in a breakup tarot reading plays a major role in your healing. Instead of asking questions that still reside in the past, try asking a question that encourages you to move on after breakup. You can ask for clarity or guidance from the tarot cards or the ways to heal and move forward. 

Step 5: Open doors to healing 

Now you have done your part, now is the time for the tarot card to answer. Whatever readings the tarot cards present you with, you should accept it as is. This step will help you to gain a new perspective and push you forward to a path of personal growth and transformation.

Also Read: Top 10 Tarot Cards For Relationships


Well, now it is your turn. Like Emily gained perspective and guidance from the tarot cards, it is your chance to heal and grow. All you have to do is make the first move, and the rest will be taken care of by tarot cards. Would you be able to get guidance, clarity and a fresh perspective all at once? The answer is breakup tarot spread. 

Hey! I’m Kasak Shirotriya, and as a content writer at InstaAstro, your appreciation encourages me to keep my words flowing! If you found this blog helpful, then don’t hesitate to reach out to our in-house astrology experts by clicking here and staying one step ahead of all your problems.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

1. What is the strongest love card in tarot?

When it comes to matters of the heart, it is only The Lovers tarot card that shines the most. As per the tarot card reading, this card revolves around the spiritual and deep connection two people feel when in love.

2. Can tarot cards tell about your love life?

Among all the other powers of tarot cards is the one predicting your love life. Based on your situation, a tarot card reader takes the wisdom of the cards and tells you about potential challenges or surprises in your love life. This is the most important tool when you need clarity and guidance in your relationship.

3. What to ask a tarot about an ex-partner?

What to ask a tarot about your ex-partner in a breakup tarot reading depends on your current situation. If you are struggling to move on after breakup, then you ask for some clarity and guidance.

4. What tarot cards signify a breakup?

Of all the tarot cards, there are some that drop you hints about your breakup and also provide you with guidance. Breakup tarot reading cards include Three of Swords, Five of Pentacles, The Hermit, The Tower, Five of Cups and so on.

5. Can tarot cards predict breakup?

The possibility of a breakup tarot spread predicting your breakup is slightly low. This is because the breakup tarot reading is just guidance given by the tarot card reader. There is no way that tarot cards can predict breakup, but still, they can indicate the possibilities or the guidance to prevent the situation.

6. What is the card of cheating in Tarot?

When it comes to cheating and betrayal, there is only one tarot card that surfaces: The Seven of Swords. So, if in a breakup tarot reading, this card appears, then it means that there is someone in your life who is not being completely honest with you and might betray or deceive you.

Also Read: The Perfect Tarot Card For You As Per Your Zodiac

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Kasak Shirotriya

About Kasak Shirotriya

Creating content that hooks you from the very start is what I do best. When off-duty, you can find me binging the latest Netflix crime documentary, glued to the edge of my seat!