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Book Lovers Day: Ideal Book For Each Zodiac Sign

By July 30, 2024No Comments
Book Lovers Day Ideal Book For Each Zodiac Sign

Reading is considered a good habit. However, we often get confused about choosing the right book to read. Book Lovers Day, celebrated on the 9th of August every year, is right around the corner. So, we present you with the ideal book genres and books for each zodiac. Therefore, if you want to know the book that will interest you the most, continue reading below.

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Book Lovers Day: The Zodiac’s Ultimate Reading List!

With the coming of Book Lovers Day, we here have listed some books and book genres for all zodiac signs. These genres have been chosen after closely inspecting the qualities and personality traits of each zodiac sign. 

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Collaborating with their traits, the books and genres mentioned below will surely be enjoyable for the natives of these signs. Let us have a look at them. These astrology signs and their favourite books are as follows: 

1. Aries (March 21 – April 19) 

  • Ideal Book Genre: Adventure, Thriller
  • Book Names: Treasure Island, The Housemaid

Everyone is aware of the adventurous nature of the Aries zodiac sign natives. These individuals also enjoy activities with little competition, which takes their breath away. Therefore, the ideal Book Genre for the natives includes Adventure and Thriller. These books will surely catch the attention of the thrilling Aries and become one of their favourite reads. 

2. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

  • Ideal Book Genre: Romance, Lifestyle
  • Book Names: Beach Read, When Breath Becomes Air

The natives of the Taurus zodiac sign are calm and composed. They also tend to be quite sensual and creative. Therefore, the best books for them will come from the Romance or Lifestyle Genre. These books will be perfect companions for Taurus natives who want to spend time peacefully. 

3. Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

  • Ideal Book Genre: Lifestyle, Comedy Fiction
  • Book Names: Why We Sleep, Bossy Pants

The Gemini zodiac sign is quite expressive. These natives also desire to always better themselves and have a good sense of humour. Thus, the ideal read for Gemini natives includes books from the Lifestyle or Comedy Fiction Genre. These books are according to the tase of Gemini and will help them better themselves or become a good laugh essential in their bookshelf. 

4. Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

  • Ideal Book Genre: Adventure, Self-Help
  • Book Names: The Call Of The Wild, Ikigai

The natives of the Cancer zodiac sign have a curious nature. They always want to inspect and know everything. Moreover, they also enjoy praise; thus, they hustle to improve. Therefore, the ideal book genre for the natives of the Cancer zodiac sign is Adventure and Self-Help. These books can be enjoyable and help them relax their minds. 

5. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

  • Ideal Book Genre: Fiction, Family Drama
  • Book Names: The Lost Bookshop, Hamlet

Leos are dramatic, always trying to gain everyone’s attention. They love drama and have a fiery nature. Thus, the ideal book for the natives of the Leo zodiac sign is family drama or fiction. These books can truly satisfy Leo’s drama cravings. 

6. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

  • Ideal Book Genre: Adult Fiction, Mythology
  • Book Names: The Girl On The Train, The Palace Of Illusions

The natives of the Virgo zodiac sign have an analytical mind. These individuals think practically. To relax, they often read books and love their personal time. So, for the natives of the Virgo zodiac sign, the ideal book genres include Adult Fiction and Mythology. These books will entice them and can become favourites for their personal time reading. 

7. Libra (September 23 – October 23)

  • Ideal Book Genre: Classic Novels, Thrillers
  • Book Names: To Kill A Mockingbird, Gone Girl

Diplomatic and Curious are how one can describe a Libra zodiac native. These individuals have a keen interest in everything suspense and an appreciation for the classics. Thus, the ideal books for the natives include the Classic Novel or the Thriller Genre. Libras will love these books, and can become one of their personal favourites. 

8. Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

  • Ideal Book Genre: Mysteries, Suspense
  • Book Names: Verity, The Silent Patient

The natives of the Scorpio zodiac sign are quite passionate about everything they do. However, when it comes to entertainment, these individuals love anything intense and suspenseful. Therefore, the book genres that will be most liked by the natives include Mystery and Suspense. These books will provide the natives with the thrill they need. 

9. Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

  • Ideal Book Genre: Historical Fiction, Health & Wellness
  • Book Names: Gone With the Wind, The Complete Holistic Wellness Handbook

Sagittarius zodiac natives are knowledgeable people who want to be the best at whatever they do. Moreover, they also have a passion for reading stories. Looking at these aspects, the ideal book genres for the natives include Historical Fiction and Health and Wellness. These books can be good reads for the natives when they want to enjoy their company. 

10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

  • Ideal Book Genre: True-Crime, Biographies
  • Book Names: In Cold Blood, Wings Of Fire

We all know that the natives of the Capricorn zodiac sign are quite hardworking. However, when it comes to entertainment, these natives often find comfort in reading about their idols. So, the book genre that can entice the natives includes Biographies of their favourites. Moreover, the natives would also enjoy True-Crime novels with nail-biting endings.

11. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

  • Ideal Book Genre: Science Fiction, Romance
  • Book Names: Happy Place, Dune

The natives of the Aquarius zodiac are quite imaginative. Moreover, they have a romantic nature, which is only known by their loved ones. Therefore, the ideal book genre for the natives is Science fiction, which can entice their imaginative minds. Romance novels will also be well-liked by the natives.  

12. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

  • Ideal Book genre: Fantasy, Mythology
  • Book Names: Jaya, Circe

Last on the list is the Pisces zodiac sign. These natives are said to live in their fantasy world. They like everything, including fairytales and romance. So, the book genres that the natives will most enjoy include Fantasy novels and Mythologies. These books will feed the natives’ Fantasy-driven nature. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What zodiac signs read books?

The natives of the Gemini, Virgo, and Libra zodiac signs enjoy reading books the most.

2. Which book should the Taurus zodiac sign read?

The natives of the Taurus sign will surely enjoy reading books related to romance and wellness genres.

3. Which zodiac is a mind reader?

Zodiac signs, including Pisces, Cancerians, Scorpios, and Aquarians, have high intuition powers. This sometimes gets them known as mind readers.

4. Which zodiac enjoys reading romantic genre books?

The natives of the Pisces, Taurus, and Aquarius zodiac signs mostly enjoy romantic genre books.

5. Which book to gift Virgo zodiac sign?

The natives of the Virgo zodiac sign enjoy reading books related to the wellness genre. So, you can gift them books like Atomic Habits and others.

6. When is Book Lovers Day?

Book Lovers Day is celebrated on August 9 every year. This day represents the happiness and excitement one feels about books.

Also Read: Best Astrology Books for Zodiac Lovers of All Time

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About Rishika

A writer with a wicked pen and a passion for history. When not spinning tales, I dive into history's juiciest stories for inspiration. With a touch of sass and a flair for drama, I turn the mundane into the magnificent.