InstaAstro brings weekly tarot predictions! To boost you all with a bit of surprise, warning and excitement to start this new week. Tarot Swati has shared these predictions as per your horoscope tarot reading.
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Weekly Tarot Predictions for the upcoming week (5th to 11th February 2023) are as follows:
Tarot Cards have been consistently associated with darkness. But they are sometimes known to find ways to get rid of that darkness within you. Are you ready to know what your “Tarot Card of the Week” will be? Read to know how the coming week will unfold as per your zodiac.
Tarot Card of the week: Three of Wands
Element: Fire
Sun Signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius
As per the weekly tarot reading, the card predicted for Fire element zodiacs is “Three of Wands”. The pictorial representation of this card is a man wearing a colourful robe. Standing at the end of a cliff with his back turned. Around him, there are three wands grounded deep.
Now, if we see the depiction of this card, the three wands determine principle, determination and strength. But, moreover, as the man sees in the other direction, that depicts a vision.
Similarly, according to your weekly tarot predictions, the upcoming week will bring many situations where you must reconsider your decisions. But, again, try to see the bigger picture, not today’s perception of what could be done.
But stick to the originality of your principles, motivation and power. Moreover, you might have the appropriate energy and resources to finish something but make sure to analyse the situation first because you might need to hold back.
In your relationships, you may also have to hold back. Otherwise, there could be a serious argument between you and your partner. But, again, being patient is the only thing which will make things easier for you.
Tarot Card of the week: Ace of Swords
Element: Air
Sun Signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
The week’s Tarot card is “Ace of Swords” for the Air element sun signs. If we look at the pictorial representation of this card, it has a hand coming out of a white cloud. It holds a sword upright in the air.
This picture also has a throne at the top of the sword’s tip. This entire picture depicts firmness (the hand holding the sword), success (the throne), and Ace (a sign of being on top). However, this newness also means a lot of challenges coming your way.
The upcoming week focuses on removing all the negativity from your life. Please don’t waste any more seconds of your life overthinking and trying to act upon them. You will have new opportunities to prove your worth per your weekly tarot spread.
There will be new ideas that will help you grow professionally and in personal relationships. Moreover, you will also see a new and improved vision towards your future goals. A new renewal and growth will be in every aspect of your life.
Also Read: Weekly Career Predictions: 5th February To 11th February 2023
Tarot Card of the week: Ten of Pentacles
Element: Earth
Sun Signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
The pictorial depiction of the weekly tarot card is of a wealthy old man. Two dogs sit right next to his feet. Also, there is a couple with a baby standing beside the man.
The message “Ten of Pentacles” is trying to tell us is that the man has earned enough wealth for his family. He is free and has given them financial stability and good fortune.
Similarly, the coming week will help you finally achieve that stability. It will throw situations at you, making you see through things and ultimately make the changes required in your life. So, keep patience and avoid unnecessary discussions.
In your personal or professional life, focus on your potential and how you could utilise it. Moreover, you can restart or begin with positive things in your life as per the tarot cards prediction.
Tarot Card of the week: Ace of Wands
Element: Water
Sun Signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
According to the weekly tarot reading, the week will be relevant to “Ace of Wands”. The card portrays a hand from a silent white cloud holding a Wand. But not just any wand it is sprouted, which means new opportunities and chances in life.
The gist of this representation is that the card promotes growth and potential. So, as per your weekly tarot predictions, the upcoming week will give you a good and favourable time in terms of relationships and emotional support.
Moreover, there will be a lot of love and support from the people around you. You will also spend quality time with your family and friends. Professionally also, you will see a lot of motivation and appreciation from your seniors.
It might be possible that old friends or people like your exes could get in touch with you. Acting up on it or not is your choice. However, the timing is perfect for you, so if you mess up a little bit, you have plenty of people to cheer you up.
Also Read: Weekly Numerology Predictions: 5th To 11th February 2023
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Where could I find weekly love tarot reading?
InstaAstro brings you weekly love tarot reading which are detailed and accurate. Moreover, you could also read our weekly financial, numerology, health and career predictions.
Which card depicts the circle of life?
The most appropriate card to represent the circle of life is the “Wheel of fortune”. It states that change is the constant of life. Light and dark, bad and good, are two situations that will never remain forever. After every dark night, a bright sunny morning is waiting for you or vice versa.
What do weekly tarot predictions say about the Scorpio zodiac?
There will be a lot of emotional backup for you. Moreover, you may catch up with your ex. Finally, professionally there will be a lot of opportunities for you to prove your worth. All in all, the entire week will be a happy one for you.
What is the numerology for the death card?
As per the deck number, this Major arcana card is associated with “13”, which is considered unlucky in various cultures. Moreover, this number is added and counted as 4 to determine the prediction in accordance with numerology science.
Are tarot cards associated with colours?
Yes, the primary colours associated with tarot cards are Red, Blue and yellow. It is believed that each colour represents an element Red (fire), Blue (water) and Yellow (air).
Apart from these three, white, black and grey (an amalgamation of white and black) are prominent colours in all the tarot cards.
Which gemstone could be for the “Lovers” tarot card?
Rose Quartz is one of the best gemstones associated with the Lovers card. This gemstone resonates with the calming as well as the passionate energy of the card. Moreover, the brightness could be easily related to the light of eternity.
Also Read: Weekly Love Horoscope: 5th To 11th February 2023
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