Zodiac signs and relationships
Zodiac signs are the best way to understand many things, including a person’s future with respect to relationships, their habits and quirks while in a committed relationship, or maybe their shortcomings. While some zodiacs are incredibly loving, fulfilling, and nurturing in their commitments to their partner, some zodiac signs may be pretty lousy at their relationships. Here are zodiac signs that are terrible at relationships and are a tad self-occupied. So, read on to know if you or your partner are one of these or not!
Aries (March 21-April 19)
The lack of consideration towards the partner and the fact that you were too self-absorbed to realise this makes your relationship harder. Your focus should not be on acting too cool or as someone who does not care. It should be on providing a safe space and a certain degree of thoughtfulness and care to your partner that will go a long way. Your ‘no-care’ attitude is what ends your relationship even before it has a chance to flourish properly.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Your bad habit of testing people’s boundaries and limits is what tends to end all romantic relationships for you. While you do this, be sure of your partner. An incessant crossing of lines pushes your partner away and makes them feel neglected and disrespected. Try to take a leap of faith and trust your partner and their judgment.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
In a relationship, it is essential to give up on all inhibitions and believe in your partner completely. But unfortunately, your commitment-phobic personality acts as a deal-breaker in all your relationships.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
Kindness goes a long way! Your impulsive and blunt perspective in a relationship drains your partner of their emotional needs and makes them feel unwanted. Dig your feet into long-term commitments rather than short-term, casual relationships, and notice an immediate change in your outlook towards relationships.
Pisces (February 19-March 20)
You allow your emotions and feelings to cloud your judgment, leading to unnecessary animosity between you and your partner. Instead, pay attention to the decisions you’re making while emotional, and don’t forget to impart support and strength to your partner along the way!
Less Compatible Zodiac Signs
While these are the zodiac signs that are terrible in relationships, some other signs are incompatible with them, thus also falling in the same category of being terrible in relationships. Some of the most incompatible pairings are as follows:
Aries and Cancer
Residing at the two extremes of a pole, Aries and Cancer are entirely different in their perspective of relationships. While Aries natives love to explore themselves, new experiences that come with meeting new people, and fiery short-lived affairs with other people, Cancer natives tend to stay alone until the time is right, according to them, to end up in a relationship. Trust is a significant factor for both these signs, and while Aries natives trust others quickly, Cancer natives take time to put their faith in someone completely.
Capricorn and Sagittarius
Although Sagittarians can be highly impulsive, they are also positively charming individuals who can compel anyone to like them, a quality detested by Capricorns, who are headfast, decisive individuals. Unfortunately, these qualities make both signs quite incompatible and at odds most of the time.
Gemini and Scorpio
Geminis, with their carefree and easy-going attitude, can freak out Scorpios. The latter obsess over their partner and worry more than usual when their partner is not responding to them according to their expectations.
Leo and Pisces
Leos can be quite possessive of their partner. They can expect loyalty to them over anyone else. Leos can also act like people who do not want their partner to socialise a lot with other people. Pisces natives, on the other hand, are social creatures who love to support their friends and acquaintances besides their family. But they can often forget to impart the same support to their partner.
Taurus and Aquarius
Taureans love to be in tune with their partner. They also want to stay as close to their partner as possible, and also want grand gestures from their partner. But Aquarians can be opposite to Taureans, they feel suffocated and trapped if their partner is too clingy.
Virgo and Libra
While Librans are big-time optimists who prefer to sugarcoat situations and believe that all’s well when in love, Virgos are people who are not afraid of the harsh truth and prefer to be hurt by reality than to live in a delusion.