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Weekly Tarot Predictions: 8th Sept to 14th Sept 2024 

By September 7, 2024No Comments
Weekly Tarot Predictions: 8th Sept to 14th Sept 2024 

This upcoming week might just be the turning point you have been waiting for! Whether love confessions or career changes, our weekly tarot predictions are here to drop hints about everything. Curious about what’s coming for you? Scroll down and find out how the tarot card energies serve your zodiac! 

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Weekly Tarot Predictions for All Zodiac Signs: 

Challenges or surprises sum up the upcoming week! Read the weekly tarot predictions for all zodiac signs and find out what your zodiac sign gets. 

1. Aries Weekly Tarot Reading (March 21- April 19) 

Tarot Card of the Week: Ace of Wands 

Aries, a sudden work project or business deal may keep you busy throughout the week. Don’t worry, though! Your free love tarot reading hints that a romantic date planned with your partner or spouse will take away all the work stress.

Consider the appearance of the Ace of Cups in your tarot forecast a positive omen, especially for your finances and health. Females trying to conceive may receive good news soon.

  • Tip from the universe: Pursue your dreams no matter what 
  • Tarot Affirmation: My life is filled with abundance and joy 
  • Key areas to focus on: Finances and work responsibilities

Ace of Wands tarot card

2. Taurus Weekly Tarot Reading (April 20- May 20) 

Tarot Card of the Week: Nine of Pentacles 

Taurus, you usually prefer stability and balance in everything. The arrival of success and independence this new week may change this approach. With power and success in hand, the weekly tarot predictions reveal that you may feel inclined towards gaining more success.

Interestingly, the universe will grant this wish and bless you with good fortune, peace and passion in a loving relationship and stable health. You might earn popularity and recognition even at the workplace due to your hard work and skillset. 

  • Tip from the universe: Explore your independence 
  • Tarot Affirmation: Everything that happens serves my growth 
  • Key areas to focus on: Career skillset and financial security

Nine of Pentacles  

3. Gemini Weekly Tarot Reading (May 21- June 21) 

Tarot Card of the Week: Page of Swords 

Gemini, being around people charges you the most! Your jolly and friendly nature this upcoming week will help you attract new connections. But beware! Not everyone around you is meant to be your close one. Some people who claim to be your friends may gossip about you.

At a personal level, these new connections may trouble you, but in professional life, it may benefit you. This week, a new friend or connection could help you get a desired job opportunity. Blood circulation problems and leg pain may surface. 

  • Tip from the universe: Stay away from controlling or manipulating people 
  • Tarot Affirmation: I am ready to make good decisions 
  • Key areas to focus on: Job opportunities and social life

Page of Swords  

4. Cancer Weekly Tarot Reading (June 22- July 22) 

Tarot Card of the Week: Queen of Cups 

Cancer, whatever is right and meant for you, will knock at your doorstep this week. So, whether it is the perfect job opportunity, an exciting financial deal or a loving partner, the Queen of Cups will take care of everything.

However, real luck shines on business owners, as their business expansion idea will yield results. Amidst these new changes, don’t forget to pay attention to your mother’s health. 

  • Tip from the universe: Take time for your family 
  • Tarot Affirmation: I trust my inner senses 
  • Key areas to focus on: Family matters, love life 

Queen of Cups 

5. Leo Weekly Tarot Reading (July 23- August 22) 

Tarot Card of the Week: Knight of Wands 

Leos, the energies of the upcoming week match your personality perfectly! Per your weekly tarot predictions, you will be the most energetic, lively and confident person around. Of all the aspects of life, your career and love life will benefit the most from these energies.

Students or working-class professionals considering shifting abroad may hear good news soon. Moreover, this week is an excellent period of travel and business expansion. 

  • Tip from the universe: Plan now for your future 
  • Tarot Affirmation: I am strong and filled with the power of love 
  • Key areas to focus on: Travel expenses and love life 

Knight of Wands

6. Virgo Weekly Tarot Reading (August 23- September 22) 

Tarot Card of the Week: Two of Pentacles 

‘One can’t be in two places at once’. Virgos, remember this phrase, as you will need this a lot. The upcoming week will test how efficiently you juggle between two things. So, don’t be shocked when the universe sends multiple challenges or opportunities your way.

On the one hand, you will be handling numerous work responsibilities and balancing your family matters. Conversely, you may juggle your money or find ways to boost your income this week. Watch out for weight and joint-related health issues. 

  • Tip from the universe: Juggle the ups and downs of life 
  • Tarot Affirmation: I prioritise what matters most and bring balance to my life 
  • Key areas to focus on: Work-life balance and finances ‘

Two of Pentacles 

7. Libra Weekly Tarot Reading (September 23- October 22) 

Tarot Card of the Week: Six of Swords 

Libras, get ready to see logic and clarity take the lead this week. The universe will remove all the things that hurt you in the past. With all the negative stuff gone, you can work towards your growth.

However, committed or single Libras could have a rough start to the week as they might have to deal with love life problems. A sudden monetary gain in the mid-week will balance everything out. 

  • Tip from the universe: Leave behind negativity and welcome positivity 
  • Tarot Affirmation: I know I am safe and supported 
  • Key areas to focus on: Relationship issues and healing 

Six of swords

8. Scorpio Weekly Tarot Reading (October 23- November 22)

Tarot Card of the Week: Five of Cups 

Scorpios, you can take a sigh of relief as your problems or hardships are slowly fading away. Your weekly tarot predictions hint that soon, you will enter a phase of relief, peace and recovery. You will pour all your energy into recovering from past problems.

Getting back on your feet after a financial crisis and health issues could be the top of your priorities. But beware of the controversies or gossip at the workplace. 

  • Tip from the universe: Don’t feel sorry for yourself, and stand strong 
  • Tarot Affirmation: I learn from my losses and move on 
  • Key areas to focus on: Business or financial deals 

Five of Cups 

9. Sagittarius Weekly Tarot Reading (November 23- December 21) 

Tarot Card of the Week: Knight of Swords Reversed 

Sagittarius, keeping your expectations high this week will surely disappoint you. Till last week, you enjoyed the moments of self-reflection, but not anymore. Tarot card predictions for this week hint that impulsive and arrogant energy might hit you.

With these aggressive fights with partners, unpleasant workplace environments, financial loss, or fraud might become common. As you deal with these unfortunate situations, don’t forget to take care of your health. Females may go through hormonal imbalances or headaches. 

  • Tip from the universe: Move forward with confidence and determination 
  • Tarot Affirmation: I speak my truth but still respect other people’s truths 
  • Key areas to focus on: Health issues and workplace relationships 


10. Capricorn Weekly Tarot Reading (December 22- January 19) 

Tarot Card of the Week: Three of Pentacles 

Capricorn, the upcoming week will test your teamwork skills. Whether in your personal or professional life, the weekly tarot predictions hint your approach will be to bring everyone together. For example, you and your partner might consider making a big investment this week.

The same energies follow in your professional life, where working with your teammates will bring a successful outcome. However, following this strategy in finances could drain all your money, leading to losses. 

  • Tip from the universe: Expand, grow and collaborate 
  • Tarot Affirmation: I am open to learning new skills and working with others 
  • Key areas to focus on: Teamwork and career development

Three of Pentacles 

11. Aquarius Weekly Tarot Reading (January 20- February 18) 

Tarot Card of the Week: The Hermit 

Aquarius, the upcoming week will separate you from the outside world, bringing out the hidden anti-socialite in you. Away from chaos, your focus will be on introspection and self-growth. People around you, especially your loved ones, might mind your sudden change.

But your development and growth later will fade their resentment. Speaking of development, investing for the long term will surely boost your bank balance. But watch out for joint or knee-related pain. 

  • Tip from the universe: Maintain a balance between alone time and social life 
  • Tarot Affirmation: I deserve solitude and privacy when I desire it 
  • Key areas to focus on: Financial investments and career plans

The Hermit 

12. Pisces Weekly Tarot Reading (February 19- March 20) 

Tarot Card of the Week: Seven of Cups Reversed 

If the world of dreams and fantasies is your favourite place to be, Pisces, then beware! The energies of the Seven of Cups will make you dance around your illusions and realities. So, whatever you believe in till now, get ready to see it all change.

Misunderstandings with a partner, lack of clarity in career and financial disruption may become common this week. The universe likely has strings of your destiny, and you have no choice but to surrender. 

  • Tip from the universe: Stop daydreaming and work realistically 
  • Tarot Affirmation: I am making all my dreams come true 
  • Key areas to focus on: Financial habits and love connections 

Seven of Cups

Disclaimer: These are general predictions and are subject to change from person to person. To get more in-depth predictions, talk to astrologers.

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Kasak Shirotriya

About Kasak Shirotriya

A content writer passionate about creating informative, entertaining and engaging content that captivates the readers from the first sentence to the last. When not tapping away at laptop, you can find me binging sitcoms on Netflix.