Planning your week sounds like a cool thing to do, right? Knowing what will be good for you and what to avoid will be relaxing. Well, good news for you, Numerology helps precisely with that. InstaAstro’s Tarot Swati has created a specially curated numerology-based weekly horoscope to help you make good weekly decisions. Continue to read what the week of 24th and 30th October has in store for you!
Weekly Numerology Predictions
The weekly numerology, combined with weekly zodiac signs has the following predictions for the given different numbers:
Number 1 (For birth dates 1, 10, 19, and 28)
To have a good week ahead, you should walk out from any potential conflicts and stay away from people who bring negativity into your life. You also need to release the negativity you have bottled up within yourself and seek a healthy balance between your work life, social life, and time. You have been pushing yourself too hard and need to slow down. Having a peace-filled break for some time can do wonders for your mind and emotions. Suppose you learnt to ignore specific problem-causing elements in your life. In that case, a whole new world of opportunities will open up for you, which will be exceedingly favorable for you even in the future. Your career will witness new milestones this week, especially if you are into some business. It is an auspicious time for you to invest and get good returns in the long run!
Number 2 (For birth dates 2, 11, 20, and 29)
A new chapter in your life is about to start this week. Be ready to find yourself involved in new things. But there is nothing to worry about, as these new starts will take you towards better options and a brighter future. This holds for both your personal and professional life. Now onwards, you will experience the people around you acknowledging and appreciating your work and presence. Whatever you are doing for others will not be overlooked. As for your health, that is a bit of a concern in the upcoming week. Try not to push the natural limits of your body. With the forthcoming festive season, you might be tempted to overeat. You should actively avoid doing that as that may lead to gastric complications like acidity.
Number 3 (For birth dates 3, 12, 21, and 30)
Overall, it’s time for you to heal. The healing may be a physical one, or in terms of mental health or haywire emotions. You are now standing at an edge of a new beginning. The unfortunate past may have shaken you up. Still, now you will find the energy and motivation to leave it all behind finally. The upcoming week is a perfect time to start planning your future, but you don’t have to rush through things. Instead, take your time to introspect and understand yourself. You will be surprised to see how the situations have changed you for the better. Then, you can use your learnings to create a better future for yourself. Also, this week will be highly beneficial for you if you have been suffering from some chronic disease. You will find a cure or treatment that works for you, and you will notice positive changes in your health shortly.
Also Read: Life Path Number Meaning and Calculation
Number 4 (For birth dates 4, 13, 22, and 31)
This week is an excellent time to leave behind your previous problems. You can find a solution to something you have been thinking about for a long time. It is also a good time when you overcome a mental or physical obstacle holding you back and somehow hampering your life. If you feel like not being able to reach your goal, you should probably try to tap into your subconscious mind to look at what is causing your failure. You will undoubtedly be rewarded with a clear way out of your problem. This week is going to be a learning and growing period for you. It is time you should take a step in the right direction.
Number 5 (For birth dates 5, 14, and 23)
You would be awarded a new authoritative position. This increase in power will be accompanied by financial gain too. In other words, a promotion or invite to an influential group of people is knocking at your door. It would help if you now started considering ways to maintain this respectful position. Your decisions will reflect on how long your tenure will last in the said authoritarian position. This an excellent opportunity to grow and surpass your original plans. It will be better if you start to network and build up your image. Also, from a relationship point of view, your materialistic drive will cause your partner to become distant from you. It is a great time to understand that fact and concentrate more on strengthening your bonds with friends and family.
Number 6 (For birth dates 6, 15, and 24)
This week is not your people’s week. Everything others tell you will not be suitable for you, so it is better to let their talks fall on deaf ears. Also, someone trusted may misbehave or consciously cause you some damage, but don’t worry too much about it. Life and things like these are going to happen all the time. It would help if you kept on your wits and confidence while working through the situations. Your optimism and pleasant attitude will go a long way in this matter. It is more of a time to see and plan rather than action or executions. Lastly, it is not a good time to make asset investments or seek a new marriage proposal.
Number 7 (For birth dates 7, 16, and 25)
This week, you will be rewarded for all your hard work and sacrifices. This is your time to enjoy what you have worked for. Since you have crossed all the obstacles between you and your goal, carry yourself with confidence and this week, whatever you have hoped for will finally be within your reach. A new venture or business, especially with a friend as your partner, will give you good returns and benefits. Also, your love life is up for a good surprise this week. You may be lucky enough to find your soulmate or a life partner. A long-term relationship may blossom during this period.
Number 8 (For birth dates 8, 17, and 26)
A stressful week is waiting ahead of you. So be cautious about your health. Stress may lead to overthinking and sleep disorders, which will noticeably degrade your health. So try to stay out of potential stressful and adverse situations. Also, this time is not favourable for you to commit something, as the final results will not be as fruitful or as the other party had envisioned. So it is best to leave work and other commitments aside and concentrate on yourself and what matters in your life. Meditate, sit with people you like, read a book, and enjoy this break.
Number 9 (For birth dates 9, 18, and 27)
The start of the week is not favorable for you. Some event may happen that is going to disturb your daily life. This situation may be a consequence of your actions, and you may or may not be able to bring it in your favor. Approach all your solutions with caution and try to maintain a safe stance on whatever decision you take regarding the problem. Be true to yourself. Otherwise, you would be dissatisfied with the turn of events. Also, if you’re planning to end any relationship, be prepared for some drama! This matter will be dragged to the courts, and you will have to face legal hassle. It is very uncertain in whose favor the sentence will be. You will be at severe risk of legal repercussions.
Numerology is a static concept, but nowadays, influences of other components of predictive sciences are also considered while making interpretations. It is done because different aspects of the cosmos and surroundings have different kinds of effects, and calculations that factor in all of them are the most successful. Also, it has been observed that different zodiacs have fixed lucky numbers. Like, the lucky numbers for Libra are 5, 6 and 9. Similarly, Virgo’s lucky numbers are 3, 6, and 7.
Therefore, weekly predictions that consider all these things are now an industry standard. And InstaAstro is well known to consider all the important parameters while they release their weekly forecast decided by date of birth. Hence, InstaAstro’s Weekly numerology predictions should be a must-check for you, if you want to be up to date with what’s happening in your life.
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