What does come to your mind when we say the word “mean”? We bet that now you must be thinking about your relatives who always say mean things at family gatherings or that one coworker who loves to show off in front of the boss just to make you feel small. Once in our life, we have crossed paths with such people who are mean to others. But if we see this through the lens of astrology, we will find out that not everyone is perfect and has their dark sides. This time we will find out the personality traits of these zodiacs that make them the meanest zodiac sign. So, it is your chance to expose the meanest zodiac signs ever! Be with us till the very end to know whether the mean person you know has made up to the list or not!
5 Meanest Zodiac Signs Ever in Astrology
Let us uncover the layers of the dark sides of these zodiac signs and find out what factors contribute to their mean behaviour towards others.
1. Aries (March 21- April 19)
Here is this fiery sign, Aries, that has topped the list of the meanest zodiac signs. Folks, Aries is your that relative who never leaves a chance to outsmart your parents at a family reunion. These people love to control others, and when they see someone else taking their place, they often get mad and reveal their darkest side, which is being mean. Well, credit should be given to their forceful personality and the need for control, which often pushes them to be mean to others.
Even in their relationships, be it personal or professional, Aries hates being told what to do. If you have ever come across a coworker or a batchmate who loves to take charge or authority over everything, then chances are there they must be an Aries. And if someone tries to confront their behaviour, then wait for the volcano to erupt. This fiery zodiac sign would say some mean things in their defence, leaving the other person deeply hurt and humiliated. So, now that you are aware of their dark side, it is better to be careful around them and not challenge their authority.
2. Taurus (April 20- May 20)
What zodiac sign has the worst attitude? Here is when this Earth sign takes centre stage. Interestingly, this zodiac sign has a heart of gold, but in some situations, they also know how to act meanly and selfishly. There are a lot of factors that make this zodiac the freak zodiac signs. First on the list is their stubbornness. If Taurus had set their mind on something, nothing in this world could change their mind. Sometimes their behaviour appears to be mean as Taurus only focuses on their goal ignoring the opinions of others.
Being blunt and honest is a good thing, but one should know their limits. And this zodiac sign is completely clueless about that limit. Suppose after your presentation, your team members were asked to give you feedback. Taurus would be your that colleague who would point out the flaws only to make you feel small in front of others. And at last, their love for materialistic things acts as an added bonus. Have you ever come across a relative who loves to flaunt their expensive clothes or items at every opportunity? If yes, then chances are there they must be a Taurus.
Also Read: Zodiac Signs Who Are Likely To Cheat
3. Scorpio (October 24- November 22)
Let us hop onto the next meanest zodiac sign on our list, which is Scorpio. The word ‘sugar coating’ does not exist in their dictionary this is why these people are not afraid of expressing their true emotions to others even if they sound mean. But do you know what the worst part is? If this zodiac sign gets angry with you, they will not hesitate to give you silent treatment. And now you must be wondering what you did wrong. But wait, let us tell you theirs another personality trait that acts as the icing on the cake. People born under this zodiac sign are super aggressive and do not forget the betrayal. It is fair to say that the aggressive nature is the enemy of Scorpio.
If you have done something wrong to them, they will make sure you will not forget it for the rest of your life. Sounds scary, isn’t it? Their hunger for success and power often makes them aggressive, and they are not the ones to mess with. When it comes to their personal life, these people can be mean by exposing their little dark secrets in front of others just to look cool. All in all, Scorpios can be the meanest zodiac sign you will ever come across, so you better be careful around them.
4. Aquarius (January 20- February 18)
Folks, you must be wondering what makes Aquarius make it to the list. Their direct nature is what makes them a bit mean sometimes. These people do not believe in the concept of buttering and would utter the reality out of their mouths without even thinking of the consequences. It is fair to say that such people are born without filters. When it comes to their relationship, their habit of being alone and enjoying their own company sometimes appears to be mean to their partners.
Invade their personal space and watch them turn out to be the meanest person you will ever come across with. Yes, that’s true! And did we forget to tell you about their rebellious nature? If Aquairans see that something does not fit perfectly as per their own perceptions, they would not think twice before discarding it, eventually hurting others’ sentiments. Yes, Aquarius is that rebellious kid in your neighbourhood who thinks he is the superior one, ready to break the rules.
5. Pisces (February 19- March 20)
Pisces has made it to the list of the meanest zodiac sign, taking the final spot. What factors make this zodiac sign mean and selfish? Let’s find out! Known for their dreamy and intuitive nature, people born under this zodiac sign get lost in their own thoughts and feelings, and they often can become a bit moody and mean. Suppose you are having an argument with your coworkers over some issue. Pisces is that friend who will leave you alone instead of taking your side and supporting you.
But wait for the twist, dear readers! Their oversensitive nature can also play a major part in their mean behaviour towards others. How? These people will be the ones saying mean things to others the whole time. But when people do the same thing, they are the ones who would create the scene and accuse people of triggering their insecurities. Not only this, but their nature of putting other people down can be mean sometimes, as they live with the perception of superiority.
Also Read: Is It Okay to Date a Same Zodiac Sign?
Well, that’s a wrap on the meanest zodiac signs ever. Whether your zodiac sign made it up to the list, you need to remember that everyone has their own dark sides. However, they can be taken into control with understanding and proper care. And if you want to explore more about the zodiac sign, then don’t skip a beat and follow InstAstro. Here you will find out everything about your zodiac sign in detail, be it about love, career, health or even personality traits.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What zodiac sign has the worst attitude?
2. Who is the enemy of Scorpio?
3. Which zodiac sign has the most anger issues?
4. Are Virgos mean?
5. Which zodiac sign is more sensitive?
6. Which are the freak zodiac signs?
Also Read: Who Is Your Perfect Partner According To Your Zodiac Sign?
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