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The Favorite Flowers Of Hindu Gods And Goddess

By July 20, 2024July 27th, 2024No Comments
The Favorite Flowers Of Hindu Gods And Goddess

Do you know which are the favorite flowers of Hindu Gods and Goddesses? There are a couple of flowers that our Gods and Goddesses love. These flowers play a crucial role in our daily puja ritual. 

So what are you waiting for? Let us move ahead and explore the favourite blossoms of the divine and their importance.


Significance of Flowers in Hinduism

The delicate flowers that look so beautiful and have a sweet smell play a significant role in Hindu culture. If you are thinking, how? Then let us help you with an answer. It is because the flowers symbolise purity, strength and generosity.

There is also some mythological significance related to the flowers. According to Greek mythology, the flowers symbolise self-love. In addition to Norse mythology, they represent innocence, and flowers also represents a change in life. 

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Divine’s Favourite Flowers

We now understand the importance of beautiful, pure, and delicate flowers. Therefore, let’s learn the favourite flowers of Hindu gods and goddesses. Thus, let’s start with Devo ke Dev – Mahadev (Lord Shiva).

1. Lord Shiva

According to the Vamana Purana, when the Gods and Demons churned the ocean, a poison was released. Furthermore, to save everyone Lord Shiva drank it, making the Dhatura flower appear on his chest. Since then, Lord Shiva favourite flower has been Dhatura, and any puja or yagya would only complete with the offering of Dhatura. 

Why it fits: Dhatura is offered to Shiva to symbolise the removal of negative qualities like ego, jealousy, and hatred. 

2. Lord Vishnu

Lord Vishnu favourite flower is Parijata (Night-flowering Coral Jasmine). According to Hindu mythology, the Parijata tree came out from the ocean churning. Therefore, Lord Indira took it to heaven, and the fragrance from these flowers made the deities very happy.

Why it fits: Parijata symbolises divine beauty, and the flower’s fragrance is believed to please the divines, making it a significant offering to Lord Vishnu.

3. Lord Krishna

Tulsi is both a flower and a leaf. It symbolises devotion and purity. In addition, Lord Krishna loves blue lotuses and coral flowers. The leaves of Tulsi are offered as prasad in the temples as it is known as Krishna favourite flower. Furthermore, Tulsi is also called as Krishna Tulsi. This leaf has many medical and spiritual uses. 

Why it fits: According to mythology, Tulsi is the wife of Lord Krishna. Also, Devi Tulsi is the reincarnation of Vrinda, a devotee of Lord Krishna.  

4. Goddess Kali

Kali maa favourite flower is the Red Hibiscus due to its similarity to her tongue. The red colour symbolises her strength and divine powers. In West Bengal, during Kali pooja, she is adorned with a garland of 108 of these flowers, which makes the flower a beautiful tribute to Goddess Kali. 

Why it fits: The Red Hibiscus represents the Goddess Kali’s divine powers, change and strengths.

5. Lord Ganpati

The marigold flower is Lord Ganesha’s favourite flower among the favourite flowers of Hindu gods due to its bright yellow colour, especially the red marigold variety. The separation of petals makes this flower unique. In addition, the marigold also represents how people connect spiritually with nature’s beauty.

Why it fits: In Hindu tradition, the marigold flower symbolises auspiciousness, purity, and prosperity. Thus, it aligns with Lord Ganesha’s qualities of wisdom, happiness, and overcoming obstacles.

6. Goddess Lakshmi

The Goddess Lakshmi favourite flowers is the Lotus. Goddess Laxmi is the Goddess of wealth and prosperity and sits on the lotus flower. Whenever you offer a lotus to the Goddess while worshipping, she becomes delighted and grants her blessings. In addition, keeping a lotus seed mala in the house temple makes the Goddess very happy.

Why it fits: Goddess Laxmi sits on the Lotus flowers and considers it home, making Lotus her favourite flower. 

7. Goddess Saraswati

Saraswati maa favourite flower is the Palash flower. The Goddess of Knowledge, wearing a white saree, sits on a white lotus flower. If you worship Goddess Saraswati, the palash flower is essential to the offerings. Thus, offering the palash flowers will make the rituals complete. 

Why it fits: The Palash flower represents Goddess Saraswati with wisdom, knowledge and learning. 

8. Lord Hanuman

Lord Hanuman favourite flower is Jasmine. Jasmine has a sweet fragrance and medicinal qualities. Furthermore, it holds a religious significance, making it perfect for offering while worshipping. This flower’s qualities perfectly represent Hanuman’s strength, purity, and devotion.

Why it fits: Its pure, white petals symbolise purity and devotion, which are key qualities of Lord Hanuman.

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The 10 Flowers Mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita

Do you know specific flowers are mentioned in the Holy Book of the Bhagavad Gita? Yes, there are a few favourite flowers of Hindu gods mentioned in the Gita. Let’s move ahead and learn which flowers are those.

  • Parijaat
  • Champak
  • Lotus
  • Kanak Champa
  • Madhavi Lata
  • Kewda 
  • Neel Kamal
  • Bhandhook
  • Genda

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Why are flowers important in Hindu worship?

Flowers symbolise purity, strength, and generosity. They are used in rituals to show devotion and attract divine blessings.

2. Why is Tulsi important in worshipping Lord Krishna?

Tulsi, both a leaf and flower, symbolises devotion and purity. Also, Devi Tulsi is the wife of Lord Krishna.

3. What is the most sacred flower in Hinduism?

The Lotus, Laxmi Devi’s favourite flower, is considered the sacred flower in Hinduism.

4. Can we offer any flowers to God?

There are specific flowers that are least liked by the God and Goddess; except for that, you can offer any flower to the divine. However, offering their liked flowers makes them very happy.

5. Why do Hindus offer flowers to gods?

While worshipping and offering flowers to God and Goddesses is a part of the rituals, offering fresh flowers is considered auspicious.

6. What is the flower of heaven in Hindu mythology?

Parijata is considered the flower of heaven as per the Hindu Mythology.

Also Read: Who Created God? Truth and Myths Revealed!

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About Rakhi

Hi! I love reading and writing and I am always passionate about writing my thoughts and share them with all the reader.