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Why Saffron Colour Vastra Is Important In Sanatan Dharma

By August 24, 2024No Comments
The Auspicious Saffron Colour_ Importance in Hindu Religion

The Sanatan Dharma, or Hindu religion, is one of the oldest religions in the world. The people who follow this religion have always given high value to its culture, rituals as well as to its saffron or bhagwa colour. So, do you want to know the meaning of saffron colour and other details? Let’s learn about its meaning, history, and symbolism in Hinduism.


Saffron Color Meaning

The word ‘Saffron’ or ‘Bhagwa’ comes from the word ‘Bhagwan’. Hindus consider this colour auspicious, as sages use it for religious works. In ancient India, sages wore saffron dresses while performing yagnas or hawans. Also, using this colour for holy things shows our spiritual nature and selfless karma. In Hindu mythology, the bhagwa colour tells one to take part in religious practices and avoid a life of luxury.

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History of Bhagwa Vastra/ Saffron Color Dress

The Bhagwa vastra in Hinduism has a long history. The saffron or kesari colour dress is a symbol of purity and sacrifice. Let’s know about these in brief:

1. Bhagwa Vastra: In Hindu Mythology

According to Hindu mythology, Lord Shiva, in Satyug, told his wife (Goddess Parvati) about the holy Amar Katha. She listened to this and started to cut her nerves. All her clothes and the Chola got dipped in blood as a result. 

As a devotion, the goddess gifted the Chola to Gorakshanath. Since then, sages have started wearing the bhagwa clothes. In ancient times, sages wore saffron dresses or robes that symbolised that they carried fire and showed the power of purity and sacrifice. 

2. In Rig Veda: Saffron Color Dress

In Rig Veda, Agni is an essential element, so the sage who wore the saffron dress showed respect to deities. Also, it stated that they had left a luxurious life and moved on towards a life of dignity. As Agni or Fire tells one, life is not permanent, so the saffron colour is about the temporality of life and that luxury cannot give one forever happiness. Besides, the colour means simplicity, purity, wisdom and piousness. Sages also state that it denotes sacrifice as it is connected to sunset.

3. Scientific Importance Of Saffron/ Bhagwa Vastra 

In scientific terms, the saffron colour has a greater wavelength, impacting our minds when we look at it. It is also said that negative energy goes away from one’s body if one wears this coloured dress. Also, it’s believed that wearing Bhagwa colour strengthens our immune system.

Difference Between Saffron and Orange Colour

The Saffron Colour

Orange Colour

Saffron colour holds high value in the Hindu religion

Orange colour has no such importance in Buddhism

Saints and sages used the Saffron colour.

Buddhist monks mainly use orange Colour.

It shows a life of sacrifice, purity and wisdom.

This colour represents dignity and strength in Buddhism.

The saffron colour is related to the sacral chakra that states one’s good health.

The orange colour denotes meditation and understanding.

The saffron colour in the Hindu religion is about salvation.

Orange in Buddhism is related to Nirvana or enlightenment.

But Is There Any Relationship Between Saffron And Orange colour?

Did you know there’s a relationship between Saffron and Orange in Samudrik or Drik Shastra? The Kavi Vastra shares similarities between the two colours. Scientifically, the human eye mainly identifies orange because of its bright colour. People like the saffron colour socially because wearing this dress can help them lead a simple life, avoiding luxury. They prefer saffron and orange-coloured vistas (dresses).

Also, these are well noticed during the evening. Sanyasis or Monks consider fire an essential element, and thus, they prefer to wear saffron dresses.

The Symbolism of Saffron Colour in Hinduism

We may know that the saffron colour has been symbolised in various forms. But we aren’t aware of all it’s symbolisations. Let’s know about some of them:

1. The Fire (Agni) Element

Firstly, we learn this from the fire element of nature. The Agni, or fire, represents different aspects of the spiritual world. As the flames of the fire element are saffron-coloured, they are also considered pure. They also represent inner energy that inspires one’s vital spiritual growth with passion.

2. Self-Transformation

This colour represents spiritual and personal transformation, realising one’s true nature. It reminds one of one’s potential and encourages one to accept one’s journey of self-realisation.

3. Gaining Knowledge

This colour is something that is beyond its symbolism because a sage wears saffron or a bhagwa colour dress in different practices and rituals. This colour is responsible for bringing a change in a holy atmosphere. Pandits say the colour is connected to knowledge and wisdom.

Bhagwa Colour Importance In Other Religions

If a person wears a saffron dress, he can gain spiritual benefits, as it is also essential for meditation. This colour is crucial in the Santana Dharma, Buddhism, and Sikhism.

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Bhagwa Colour: The Rituals in Hinduism

Saffron or Bhagwa colour has great importance in Hindu rituals, festivals and ceremonies. Hindus regard this colour as sacred, making it a spiritual ambience.

Following are the uses of the colour and the rituals:

  • We use Saffron flowers, clothes and threads to boost a religious environment.
  • This colour is used for decorating altars, prayer rooms and temples.
  • Saffron colour is also used in the holy festival, and the powder is called Gulaal.
  • Bhagwa colour is used to decorate idols of gods and goddesses in Navaratri.
  • The robes and clothes worn in the festival are significant as they symbolise purity.
  • Baby naming ceremonies, upanayana (thread ceremony), and rites use the saffron colour.
  • The Bhagwa flags also represent the victory of good over evil in various religious processions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

1. What does saffron colour symbolise?

In Hinduism, the colour saffron symbolises purity, wisdom, and courage. It also symbolises sacrifice, light, and salvation.

2. Is Bhagwa mentioned in Vedas?

Rig Veda’s 10th book mentions that sages used this colour while performing rituals.

3. Why is Saffron used in Pujas?

Saffron is used in pujas as this colour means purity and devotion. Also, the Bhagwa colour is intended for spiritual awakening.

4. Why do Hindus wear Saffron?

Hindus wear saffron because this colour is associated with divinity, aesthetics, and purity.

5. Is Saffron good for one’s luck?

It is said that the colour saffron brings good luck to the family as a symbol of purity, prosperity, and fortune.

6. Which Chakra is Saffron for?

This colour is related to the Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra. Also, Dr. Chandrashekhar explained why it is essential for a person’s health.

Also Read: The Three Pillars Of Hinduism: Brahma, Vishnu And Mahesh

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Gargi Bagchi

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