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Sawan Month 2024: History, Rituals and Important Dates

By June 28, 2023July 20th, 2024No Comments
Sawan Month 2024 History, Rituals And Important Dates

Sawan month 2024 is one of the holiest months in Hindu culture, and it is right around the corner. The month of Shravan has five Somwars (Mondays). Do you know why people fast on Mondays during the monsoon months?

This is because Shravan Somvar fasts are considered highly auspicious. Keeping a Sawan Monday fast can have great benefits. Here, we will cover all aspects of the month of Shravan, from its history to its celebration.

Sawan Month 2024: Dates

Many people, especially the devotees of Lord Shiva, celebrate this month with great enthusiasm all across India. Let us first know the start and end dates for the month of Shravan. These are listed below: 

  • Shravan Month 2024: July – August
  • Sawan Start Date: Monday, July 22nd, 2024
  • Sawan End Date: Monday, August 19th, 2024

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Five Auspicious Mondays of Sawan Month

There are five Mondays for fasting this year. These auspicious days can bring you great benefits from the first Sawan Somwar 2024. Let’s check the dates below:

Sawan Month 2024 Somvaar Date
First Monday July 22, 2024
Second Monday July 29, 2024
Third Monday August 5, 2024
Fourth Monday August 12, 2024
Fifth Monday August 19, 2024

Shravan Month 2024: Mythology

Sawan Somwar 2024 holds significant meaning in ancient Hindu scriptures. This month is an auspicious month for worshipping Lord Shiva. According to Hindu mythology, once upon a time, all Gods in the heavens and the demons of Hell started Samudra Manthan.

They did this because they were in search of Amrit. They churned it for months, and they gained many auspicious gifts. However, one of the things they gained was poison. The poison had the power to destroy all creations if it fell anywhere.

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Neelkanth: The Story of the Poison

All the Gods went to Lord Shiva to ask for a solution. Therefore, Lord Shiva consumed the poison, and Goddess Parvati held his throat so that the poison didn’t spread. This made his throat blue, which gave him the name Neelkanth. People decorate Shiva temples with flowers and lights and offer special prayers and offerings.

Devotees fast on Mondays and offer milk, honey, and bel leaves to the Shivalinga. People say that keeping the fast of Sawan Somwar can bless women and unmarried girls with a successful married life and help men overcome their financial, physical, and mental problems.

Sawan Month 2024: Rituals and Vrat

Our country and its cultures are diverse, so rituals differ from region to region. However, these are the most widely followed rituals during Shravan month. 

1. Sawan Puja

To celebrate Sawan Month 2024 in the most beneficial way, you can follow the Puja Rituals:

  • Devotees wake up, bathe and get dressed in clean clothes.
  • Then, people make offerings to the idols of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati.
  • Panchamrit is a holy offering made of Lord Shiva’s favourite ingredients.
  • People also visit Shiva temples and make donations.
  • People also chant Lord Shiva mantras and Hymns dedicated to Lord Shiva.

2. Sawan Fasting

Fasting is one of the most important Shravan month rituals. People fast to show their love and devotion to the god. There are many different fasts that people follow during this month:

  • Shravan Somvar Vrat

People keep this fast every Monday of the Sawan month. The month usually has 4-5 Mondays. This fast is a way to connect with Lord Shiva.

  • Solah Somvar Vrat

People keep this vrat for sixteen Mondays, starting from the first Sawan Monday. Women keep this fast, praying for an ideal husband.

  • Mangala Gauri Vrat

Devotees observe this fast on the Tuesdays of the Sawan month. Women pray for a harmonious marriage and for their husbands’ longevity.

3. Rudra Abhishek

The word “Rudra” means anger or fury, which are prominent qualities of Lord Shiva, and Rudra is another name for him. He shows his anger through his cosmic dance, Tandav. During Sawan, devotees perform Abhishek, pouring holy water and Panchamrit on an idol of Lord Shiva.

Doing this helps them get rid of their sins. Panchamrit is a mixture of milk, sugar, ghee, honey, curd, Ganga jal, Bael Patta and other favourite ingredients of Lord Shiva. Rudra Abhishek is a very auspicious ritual. Therefore, doing this purifies your body and mind and leads you to enlightenment.

4. Kanwar Yatra

In north India, devotees show their love for the Lord by carrying water on their backs. They perform this auspicious act barefoot. This is known as the Kanwar Yatra. It’s one of the most significant rituals of Shravan Month in north India.

Devotees dress up in saffron clothes and carry Kanwar pots from holy rivers. They also visit sacred places related to Lord Shiva. This is a gesture of showing their great dedication to the god.

Also Read: What is Shravana Putrada Ekadashi? Know the Vrat Katha

Sawan Month 2024: Somvar Vrat Katha

According to Hindu mythology, once there was a moneylender who lived with his wife. He desperately wanted a son, but he was childless. He was a great believer in Lord Shiva. Therefore, he decided to keep a fast for Lord Shiva every Sawan Monday.

His act of devotion greatly impressed Maa Parvati. She told lord Shiva that he should fulfil the wishes of his dedicated devout. Shiv ji told Maa Parvati that the world has rules that should not be broken, but he eventually gave in to her stubbornness.

The wish Granted by Lord Shiva

Lord Shiva granted the moneylender a boon, and a son was born to him. However, the son could only live for twelve years. The moneylender took great care of his boy and raised him well. But as per the Lord Shiva’s condition, the boy died, and his parents were in great distress.

Coincidentally, Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati were passing by and saw this. Seeing the parents’ state left Maa Parvati in deep grief; she once again requested Shiv Ji to bring the boy back to life. Shiv Ji agreed and brought the boy back to life.

The next night, lord Shiva came into his father’s dream and told him that he was impressed by his dedication. His Sawan Monday fast was a token of his faith and love for the god who saved his son’s life.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How many Mondays are there in Sawan month?

In Sawan month, there are five sacred Sawan Mondays.

2. When does Shravan end?

Shravan Month ends on Bhadrav month according to the Hindu calendar.

3. What are 16 Monday fast benefits?

People observe Monday fast to fulfil their wishes. Mainly, unmarried women observe this as it helps them to get a good husband like Shiva.

4. Do we cut hair in Sawan?

Some of the practices followed during the month of Shravan include not cutting hair and not eating onion and garlic.

5. What to eat during Shravan Somvar Vrat?

You can have nuts, fruits, dairy products like milk and butter, and selected flours like Kuttu ka Atta (buckwheat flour), Singhare ka Atta (water chestnut flour) or Rajgira ka Atta (amaranth flour).

6. Can we marry in Savan?

Yes, Shravan is an auspicious month for weddings, believed to bring blessings of birthing healthy children. The rains are often associated with fertility rituals.

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