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InstaAstro Hosts The International Astrology Meet In India

By September 19, 2023July 23rd, 2024No Comments
InstaAstro Hosts The International Astrology Meet In India

Ever wonder how astrologers’ growth can solve life problems on a major scale? With various technological advancements like AI, it’s time to improve astrologer’s stand in the industry. Through an agenda to select the best few astrologers and develop their niche, InstaAstro aims to solve the issues of various life aspects in the best possible manner. With this arrangement in mind, InstaAstro marks another golden string under its wing by being the sponsor of the International Astrology Meet, held at the Constitutional Club of India, New Delhi. Many well-known astrologers became a part of this event and made it an occasion of great exchange of astrological knowledge and insights.

Let us get into the details of the International Astrology Meet by InstaAstro and witness how it can be a stepping stone for giving a new meaning to the well-established science called Astrology.

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From the Founder’s Room of Thoughts

Nitin Verma, The InstaAstro Founder, was requested to share a few golden words to have conducted the International Astrology meet so successfully. His speech got a huge round of applause when he shared the core principle that drives InstaAstro, which is “Quality over Quantity”. He shared how InstaAstro astrologers are giving quality consultations to users to solve their life problems regularly, supported by our Astro Team, which makes them earn more from the platform.

Furthermore, he conveyed his vision to take astrology to the next level, where it is able to offer astrological insights to an even wider population. He quoted – “We are highly selective in terms of onboarding astrologers at InstaAstro. This ensures that the customers are whole-heartedly satisfied. At the same time, the earnings of astrologers would increase substantially as they ensure great and rich-quality consultations.He further emphasised that through their focus on just “Quality over Quantity, they aim that people’s problems are solved greatly through their medium, and hence, astrology be rewarded in its true essence.

He said in his precious token of thoughts, “Just like a software engineer with 4-5 years of experience earns a salary in lakhs, traditional problem solvers for people’s lives, our astrologers also deserve to be paid well for their skills and experience.

Summarising the agenda of the event, he stated a very important point – As an IIT graduate, I must say that lakhs of students take its entrance exam, but only 3000-4000 students are chosen. Our method of selecting the Astrologers is similar.” He further concluded – “Our focus is to double-up the earnings of our talented astrologers exactly as we ensure top-notch customer guidance.

About the International Astrology Meet By InstaAstro

The International Astrology Meet-up was a great success! It was only possible because of the strong vision of Nitin Verma, the founder of InstaAstro. When we reached a milestone with many astrologers earning over 3 lakhs through consultations, he recognized the need for global recognition of astrologers’ growth. And henceforth, the idea of this event became a real experience.

Under the supervision of the organising committee members of Panch Daivagya Jyotish Sansthan, the event started with the warm welcome of renowned and well-read astrology scholars of the world. Many astrology celebrities illuminated the International Astrology Meet-up with their presence. They all shared their in-depth observations on astrology, steps to solve real-life problems, understanding the impacts of planets and other celestial bodies, and taking Vedic astrology to a new level using technology.

Esteemed Astrologers List Recognised Globally

Following were the esteemed astrologers’ panellists or chief guests at the International astrology meet held under InstaAstro. We were blessed to hear them speak and share their great knowledge of how astrological insights and predictions can transform society by solving people’s problems in various life situations.

The Internationally acclaimed Dr. Ajay Bhambhi

Starting with the Internationally acclaimed Dr. Ajay Bhambhi – He truly is an astrology maestro who illuminated our minds with his profound outlook on Astrology at the event. He is a celebrity astrologer, a well-read scholar and has a doctorate in Astrology. Famous film celebrities and many business billionaires seek astrological guidance from him. He has helped a lot of people in improving their personal and professional situations.

The Other Chief Astrologers At the Meet

Additionally, we have these major astrology chief guests.

  • Mr. Manvendra Rawat –  A Popular astrology influencer. He really enlightened everyone on how astrology can serve the nation at its best.
  • Dr. A.M. Mitra – A distinguished scholar whose astrological wisdom spans generations.
  • Pandit Shailendra Pandey – Master of universe secrets, guiding seekers with precision. He is famously known for his insights on Aaj Tak news channel.
  • Dr. Shaifali Garg – A visionary astrologer fusing ancient insights with modern perspectives.
  • Dr. Sashank Dayal – Brightening the universe, Dr. Dayal’s astrological knowledge is an example of clarity.
  • Dr. Bhupendra Bhuvaneshwar – A true astrological guru offering deep guidance to seekers.
  • Dr. Aswani Gautam – Bridging science and spirituality, Dr. Gautam’s insights are transformative.
  • Acharya Vikramaditya – Channelling ancient wisdom, Acharya Vikramaditya is a beacon of tradition.
  • Dr. Arvind Sharma – Melding intellect and intuition, Dr. Sharma’s astrological acumen is unparalleled.
  • KK Bharadwaj – A universe storyteller, KK Bharadwaj threads astrology foretelling with finesse.
  • Shri Rohit Pant – Guiding with compassion, Shri Pant’s astrological knowledge touches the soul.
  • Dr. Swami Neeraj Ji – A spiritual luminary, Dr Neeraj Ji’s insights inspire profound transformations.

InstaAstro Hosts The International Astrology Meet In India

Proud to have InstaAstro add this incident to their progress book. This will further draw people’s attention toward the most pressing problems we are trying to solve through deep astrological insights. Furthermore, InstaAstro has successfully tried to make use of its services easier through an easy-to-use mobile application. Monthly, we witness a large number of InstaAstro app downloads. This clearly indicates that we are in the right direction to solve problems using astrology. Thereby giving a mirror to traditional astrological practices.


International Astrology Meet by InstaAstro took place on 17th September 2023, Sunday, under the organiser, Panch Daivagya Astrology Institute. On behalf of InstaAstro’s team, we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who became a part of this event. We thank the organising committee (Dr Anil Shravan, Dr Aparna Sharma, Sanjit Shastri & Charvi Thakur) for the perfect arrangement.

We are especially grateful and forever indebted to the highly respected and renowned astrologers who participated in the event. And who took the time to discuss the significance of astrology in problem-solving with the growing technology. With this, we expect that more and more talented astrologers become a part of our family in the coming years.

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About Ritu

There's a saying, " Description begins in the writer's imagination but should not finish in the reader's ", and I truly believe that. I have colossal love for vocabulary and I wish to continue creating impact with writing. Talking about the professional realm, I am a Content Writer having decent work experience.