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Why Are Indigo Aura People Special?

By November 4, 2023January 15th, 2024No Comments
Indigo Aura People

Do you have a thing for the colour Indigo? Did your eye glow with joy the last time you saw someone wear an Indigo-coloured Kurta? Possibilities are you have an Indigo Aura. Does it make you curious of what it is all about? Well, curiosity is the first sign that you have an Indigo Aura – that intense deep blue shade that signifies you are an old soul with a visionary spirit.

For now, let’s just say that a person having the aura color Indigo reflects a personality that is creative, imaginative and asks a lot of questions. Moreover, their intuitions are on point. But there’s more to it. You will get to know as you move further.

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What Does Indigo Aura Mean?

An Indigo Aura is considered as an energy involving the Indigo spirit. If you have an Indigo Aura, consider yourself lucky, as it is one of the rarest auras that one gets. And something rare in terms of energy levels always works in your favour. An Indigo soul meaning indicate you have a strong intuition and a deep spiritual understanding of the world. You are likely an “old soul” who feels deeply connected to something greater than yourself. As someone with an Indigo soul meaning, you march to the beat of your own drum

You see the world differently than most. You have a sharp intuition and see success when you help others in a meaningful way. Routine and ordinary tasks bore you – you’re always seeking new paths to expand your mind and fulfil your soul’s purpose. Moreover, you tend to “just know” things without a logical explanation. With your vision, intuition and depth, the Indigo aura color meaning signifies an old, wise heart seeking to grow in knowledge and make a difference in the world.

Want to know what Aura you have? Play our ‘What Color Is My Aura Quiz‘ right now!

Different Shades of Indigo Aura

By understanding the shades in your Indigo aura, you gain insight into how to balance your energy and meet your soul’s potential. Let us introduce ourselves with different shades of Indigo.

1. Clear Indigo Aura

A clear, deep indigo aura means you have a strong connection to an energy point of focus, enhancing your intuition and the way you look at the world around you. You’re likely an idealist and deep thinker focused on spiritual growth and helping humanity. Creative and imaginative, you often think out of the box. You wish to make the world a better place.

2. Dark Indigo Aura

A dark, inky Indigo aura can signify that you’ve closed yourself off from spiritual or emotional connections in some way. You may not trust others easily and feel isolated or different. You are analytical and have deep questions about life, driven to understand complex topics. Working on chakras indigo, you can connect with people and help shift a dark indigo aura to a brighter, healthier shade.

3. Bright Indigo Aura

A bright, vibrant indigo aura indicates you have a powerful imagination and visionary mind. You’re able to see possibilities and solutions where others may not. However, you need to stay grounded and practical. Bright Indigo auras often belong to psychics, healers, and leaders.

4. Muddy Indigo Aura

A Muddy Indigo aura suggests you may have difficulty understanding or expressing your spiritual gifts and life purpose. You benefit from practices like meditation, art or journaling to gain clarity on your talents, values and direction. Don’t be afraid to ask others for guidance as well.

5. Lilac Aura

A lilac aura, which combines the intuition of indigo and the imagination of violet, means you have a gift for creativity and tapping into spiritual wisdom. Lilac auras are often seen in visionary artists, mystics, and innovators. Moreover, you find a great understanding of healing plants and have an unusual connection with nature, the environment, and the inner spirits of people.

Also Read: What Does Blue Aura Mean In Your Daily Life? 

Connection of Indigo Aura With Third Eye Chakra

Indigo is the colour of the sixth chakra, known as the Third Eye chakra, your centre of intuition and wisdom. When this chakra is open and balanced, you may find yourself experiencing strong gut feelings or visions. Learn to trust those intuitive points and act on them. Your indigo aura gives you a direct line of communication with the spirituality, indicating Indigo spiritual meaning. 

To strengthen your connection to the third eye chakra and Indigo aura, engage in activities that stimulate this energy centre, i.e. meditation, visualisation, and breathwork. With an open and balanced Third eye chakra, you’ll find your intuition grows stronger and more accurate over time. Remember to count on your Indigo aura and the wisdom it provides. This special ability is a gift, one that can guide you to a life of deeper purpose and meaning.

Also Read: What Your Yellow Aura Says About You

Effects of Indigo Aura on Life

Indigo aura color meaning is one of wisdom, vision and purpose. This is a gift – use it wisely by understanding its effects on different aspects of your life.

1. Personality

Indigo personality meaning indicate idealists, intuitive and deep thinkers. You see beyond surface appearances and are often able to sense the motivations and intentions of others. This ability, combined with your strong principles, means you will not hesitate to speak out against injustice or dishonesty. Your thoughtful nature gives you a tendency to be private, reserved and sometimes perceived as unfriendly. You still prefer being alone and deep thinking.

2. Love & Personal Relationships

In relationships, Indigo spirits value authenticity, shared ideals and spiritual connection. You seek out those who can engage in philosophical discussions and understand your emotional depth. However, your idealism and tendency to overanalyse can lead to disappointment in others. Learn to balance your higher expectations with acceptance of human flaws. With the right partner, indigos can form lifelong bonds based on trust, empathy and shared purpose.

3. Career

Indigos succeed in careers where they can express their creativity, strong intuition and desire to serve the greater good. You are well-suited to work as teachers, counsellors, writers, artists and healers. Avoid highly structured or bureaucratic environments that will stifle your innovative spirit. Look for work that aligns with your values and allows you to contribute to positive change in some way. Your vision and passion for progress can inspire others.


If Indigo is your dominant aura colour, you now understand why you always tend to live life by your own rules and see the world through a lens of vision and purpose. Your indigo spirit is connected to your Third Eye chakra, giving you intuition, imagination and a desire to help humanity.

Greetings! I’m Ritu Mahali, a content writer at InstaAstro. Your positive feedback motivates me to continue creating valuable content. If you found this blog beneficial, feel free to connect with our in-house astrology experts by clicking here and gain insights to stay ahead of life’s challenges.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is an Indigo person?

An Indigo person lives life the way they like. They can sense illusions and read things beyond realities. They are creative, intuitive, have spiritual understanding and like to be isolated.

2. What is Indigo Aura?

An Indigo aura signifies a deep inner knowing and spiritual wisdom. Indigo souls tend to be highly thoughtful, empathetic and insightful.

3. How do indigos face trouble in relationships?

In relationships, Indigos look for deep emotional and spiritual connections. They want a partner who shares their vision and values, which is rare and often causes trouble.

4. Am I an Indigo child?

The term “indigo child” emerged in the 1970s to describe children with Indigo auras who seemed wise beyond their years. If you have an Indigo aura, you likely feel like you don’t quite fit in and are on Earth for a special reason.

5. Do indigos have psychic abilities?

Many indigos report having psychic or mystical experiences, such as prophetic dreams, seeing auras, or communicating with spiritual guides. Your intuition is highly developed.

6. How can I enhance my Indigo aura?

To strengthen your indigo aura, engage in activities that stimulate your third eye chakra, like meditation, yoga, tai chi, reiki, art, music, creative visualisation, and spending time with nature.

Also Read: How to Increase Aura: The Rainbow of Energies!

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About Ritu

There's a saying, " Description begins in the writer's imagination but should not finish in the reader's ", and I truly believe that. I have colossal love for vocabulary and I wish to continue creating impact with writing. Talking about the professional realm, I am a Content Writer having decent work experience.