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Why Are Fixed Zodiac Signs The Most Powerful In Astrology?

By June 29, 2024No Comments
Why Are Fixed Zodiac Signs The Most Powerful In Astrology

Astrology is a system that represents the relationship between the position and movement of the planets and the stars. You are aware of the fact that each zodiac sign is ruled by a different planet and has different personality traits. 

All twelve zodiac signs have been divided into three groups: Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. Here, we will discuss what are the fixed signs. So, let’s get started.


What is a Fixed Sign in Astrology?

What are the fixed zodiac signs? Fixed zodiacs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. These zodiac signs are known for their stability, determination and patience. The four fixed zodiacs are centred on the four different levels of desire. Let’s move ahead and learn more about it. 

Also Read: Top Listed Zodiac Signs With Smart Minds 

1. Taurus: The Persistent Earth Sign

  • Taurus dates: April 20 – May 20
  • Key traits: Reliability, practicality, and sensuality.

Fixed Taurus in Love: In love, Taurus, the fixed signs astrology is loyal and caring. They provide steady and long-term care and support. They seek comfort and stability in their relationships and create a loving environment. Their commitment and reliability make them devoted and dependable partners.

Fixed Taurus in Career: The Taurus careers are reliable. These folks are very patient and work hard for their careers. This nature helps them succeed in different projects or businesses and grow further in their careers. 

Fixed Taurus in Money Matters: Taurus is the fixed zodiac signs that believes in keeping or storing money. This habit of making sure that their bank balance is full with the stack of money. They are also very cautious while spending their money. 

2. Leo: The Fire Sign Leader

  • Leo dates: July 23 – August 22
  • Key traits: Confidence, charisma, and creativity.

Fixed Leo in Love: Leo, one of the fixed astrology signs, is passionate about their partners and generous in love and romance. These people are very expressive and shower their partners with attention and compliments. Their happiness to see their partner and loyalty towards them create an exciting environment in a relationship. 

Fixed Leo in Career: Leo is ambitious and confident in their careers and businesses as they own the natural leadership qualities. They are quite good in the authoritative positions. Their creativity and passion inspire others to be like them and grow in their careers. 

Fixed Leo in Money Matters: Leo, the fixed zodiac signs works very hard for money, and they always want everyone to know about it. Leo loves to have a luxurious life. It doesn’t matter if the luxury means spending money, they are up for spending money for the quality. 

3. Scorpio: The Intense Water Sign

  • Scorpio dates: October 24 – November 22
  • Key traits: passion, resourcefulness, and intuition.

Fixed Scorpio in Love: Scorpios is one of the fixed horoscope signs that form deep and extraordinary connections in love. They believe in showing devotion to their partners and seek intimacy in the relationship, which often helps develop bonds. Their passion and loyalty make them committed to their partners. 

Fixed Scorpio in Career: Scorpios are very focused and appreciate the resources that help them grow in their careers. They love to work in challenging and demanding situations, not only in jobs but also in businesses. Their strategic mind ensures consistency and effective work. 

Fixed Scorpio in Money Matters: Scorpio, the fixed zodiac signs is the most effective zodiac sign for handling money. They become very secretive related to the topic of money. Their intuitive nature helps them make the right decisions about spending the money or where to invest.

4. Aquarius: The Visionary Air Sign

  • Aquarius dates: January 20 – February 18
  • Key traits: innovation, independence, and humanitarianism.

Fixed Aquarius in Love: In love, Aquarius is one of the fixed astrology signs independent and loyal to their partners. They appreciate their partners who respect their freedom and individuality. Aquarius are known for their open-mindedness. This nature brings a ground for mutual respect and understanding in their relationships. 

Fixed Aquarius in Career: Aquarius is innovative and determined in their career, doing excellent work in creative and research fields. They believe in working in an environment where people appreciate their original ideas. Their curiosity and dedication make them achieve long-term goals. 

Fixed Aquarius in Money Matters: Aquarius, the fixed zodiac signs is good at managing their finances and investing them. Aquarius believes in investing a lot and is known for being the smart one with the money. They plan for the future, spend wisely and invest. 

Qualities of the Fixed Zodiac Sign

Now, we will see which of the qualities are there for the fixed zodiac signs, which ones are their strength and which ones are their weaknesses. Let’s move ahead to see. 

1. The Bright Side

  • Taurus: Persistence, loyalty, and financial acumen.
  • Leo: Leadership, generosity, and enthusiasm.
  • Scorpio: Determination, bravery, and loyalty.
  • Aquarius: Originality, progressiveness, and intellectual prowess.

2. The Dark Side

  • Taurus: Stubbornness and resistance to change.
  • Leo: Arrogance and inflexibility.
  • Scorpio: Jealousy and secrecy.
  • Aquarius: Disinterested and unpredictable.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the fixed signs meaning?

Fixed signs in astrology are stable, determined, and persistent. They appear in the middle of each season and help keep things steady and strong after the Cardinal signs start new energy.

2. What is unique about fixed signs?

The unique thing about the fixed zodiac sign is that they are steady and disciplined in everything.

3. Who do fixed zodiac signs get along with?

Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) bring change and flexibility to the steady lives of fixed signs, which helps these two groups get along very well.

4. What are the powers of the fixed signs?

Fixed signs are gates of power. It is believed that Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius hold and release energy, grounding it for practical use.

5. How do you know if you're a fixed sign?

You can tell if you’re a fixed sign by your birth date. The fixed signs and their date ranges are: Taurus: April 20 – May 20; Leo: July 23 – August 22; Scorpio: October 23 – November 21; Aquarius: January 20 – February 18. If your birthday falls within one of these ranges, your sun sign is fixed.

6. What fire sign is fixed?

Leo is the zodiac sign, which is the fixed sign of the fire element. It is also said that they are the stabilisers of the zodiac.

Also Read: Best 7 Zodiac Signs: Masters of Communication 

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About Rakhi

Hi! I love reading and writing and I am always passionate about writing my thoughts and share them with all the reader.