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August Weekly Predictions: Horoscope For Coming Week

By August 6, 2022November 27th, 2023No Comments
Weekly Horoscope Predictions

Do you have any major big plans for the week? Then, check out the horoscope for coming week or the 2nd week of August to see if your goals align with what’s in store for you this week. Did you know this week’s horoscope will be more about damage control than visible actions? As the week continues, we might see a bout of emotions splurging and truths coming upfront. Let’s find out what your zodiac has in store for you.

Horoscope For Coming Week

Read and know about what the week holds for you and what you should prioritise to make the most of things!



The week is all about friendships, relationships and belongingness for you. Relationships all over will take a 180, and even professional relationships with your coworkers are likely to change. You might feel a lack of social support by mid-week but do not trust any stranger in the process. A piece of advice for you is to go back to your past relationships and self-reflect. You might mend a few or at least introspect. 

Go to mantra for the week: “Trace what’s important and follow your heart.”

Also Read:-  Will August Favour You? Read the Monthly Horoscope to Find Out!


There are all kinds of pleasant things in the Horoscope for coming week for Taurus. However, you need to remember to breathe! Even if it’s a promotion, venturing into a new business or committing to a relationship. Breathing between these moments will take you places and also calm you down. Don’t overthink and do not indulge in self-doubt as it is not the right place to be.   

Go to mantra for the week: “Whatever the future holds for you, just focus on the present.”


This week should be about you and should focus on your growth as an individual. Whether it’s about getting into a new university, or getting a job or even starting a family, just focus on yourself. Group chats, social circles and other commitments can take a back seat for this week. What matters is how you’re giving yourself time and allowing your growth as an optimistic individual.

Go to mantra for the week: “My life, my rules.”



Horoscope for coming week for Cancer says that the week will have a rocky start but rest assured, they will end up in a better place. Whether it’s about paying loans, business contracts, or negotiations, all of this will be at the beginning of the week. It’s better if all of this is sorted out then. The mid-week will be emotionally taxing, so you should be prepared for that. When everything is over and dusted at the end of the week, you must take a day off and indulge in self-care.  

Go to mantra for the week: “I deserve the best, and I will also work for it.”


For Leos, the week will be a breakthrough for commitments, and you must take significant decisions during the week for successful outcomes. Moreover, do not handle crass language from anyone. This is your time for a “my way or the highway” approach in life. Whether it’s a romantic relationship or a business partnership, if anything messes up with your mental peace, you must break up with it instantly. 

Go to mantra for the week: “Nothing above my own mental peace.”


This is the week you need to take up responsibilities and fulfil your duties. And this will help you know your level of compassion. Mercury rules over this zodiac, making them the master of communication. So focusing on your work and moving forward will work the best for you this week. 

Go to mantra for the week: “My time is valuable and belongs to me.”


Your love will be questioned and go through roadblocks this week. Moreover, this week will be pivotal in your relationships. The full moon day will make many new changes in your life, so brace yourself for that. There will be a few challenges for you in the days to come but remember to keep your head up and just keep doing the right thing. Venus rules over this zodiac and thus encourages you to be more open and bold with your social relationships.  

Go to mantra for the week:  “Nothing can subside my job and peace.”

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The horoscope for Scorpio says that this week will be a reality check for you, and there will be one too many revelations. Your domestic life will be under the radar by mid-week, so you must be prepared for that. Moreover, you might feel isolated or alone in the fight of life, but focusing more on your friendships and family equations will get you through the lone phase. The end of the week reminds you to know what’s essential for you and what you should prioritize.

Go to mantra for the week:  “I will decide the rules for my life.”


You have had a rough last week with countless difficulties in your work schedule or daily routine. However, this week will be like a breath of fresh air for you. Remember to not forget about your physical life and never skip regular exercise. It would help if you calmed down, slowed your thoughts, and focused on what’s important. Concentrating on what’s necessary is what matters at the end of the day. 

Go to mantra for the week:  “Keeping it simple will get you through.”


Financially, you’ve been doing rather well, and this week will be no different. After giving so much importance to money and finances, you should finally give more time to family and friends. Your present relationships should matter more to you than those in the past. So, remember to prioritize them as they will help you largely in getting through the week. 

Go to mantra for the week:  “Friendships and Family over anything else.”


You have been incredibly cool, calm and collected during most part of the previous week, and the horoscope for coming week says that you will feel extremely sensitive and might need a shoulder to cry on. Your walls are way too high for people to get to you, so you should lower them a bit to make new friends. Moreover, you shouldn’t build your emotions up and let things out. 

Go to mantra for the week: “Crying wouldn’t make you weak.”


The previous week has been hectic for you, so you can take the back seat and observe in the coming week. Being mindful and healthy will help you get through the week. Focusing on your mental health and putting your phone on “Do Not Disturb” is the right thing to do for now.

Go to mantra for the week: “My health is what matters right now.”

Also Read:-  Is There Love Marriage Yog In Your Horoscope?

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