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Mars Transit 2023: Effects on each Zodiac Sign

By December 29, 2022December 4th, 2023No Comments
Mars Transit 2023

Mars is one of the most ruthless and strict planets out of all. It is also known as the “God of War” in different mythologies. Moreover, the native on this planet usually has a hot temperament. When Mars goes from one zodiac to the other, this variable placement is Mars transit. The duration of each zodiac is almost one and a half months. Meanwhile, it influences everything in the native’s life. Let’s take a look at how Mars transit 2023 is going to affect each zodiac:

1. Aries under Mars Transit 2023

Aries, the first zodiac sign of the charts, the transit effects will only be positive. Professionally you will get a lot of opportunities to prove your worth. A lot of appreciation from your teammates. Moreover, your seniors and bosses will be in full support of you. Health will also be in good condition. And if we talk about personal relationships, you can maintain a cordial relationship between your parents and partner.

Aries under Mars Transit 2023

2. Taurus under Mars Transit 2023

For a Mars transit in Taurus, finances should be kept in check. Taureans, you need to remember that you don’t splurge your Money. However, there are signs that you might get a promotion or make a noticeable profit in your business. Also, if you have been looking for a perfect bride or groom, then you can find a good match during this time. However, if you are already married, make sure to have healthy conversations with your partner.

3. Gemini under Mars Transit 2023

There could be a lot of negative thoughts coming to your mind as a result of Mars transit 2023. But make sure not to suppress your feelings and emotions. Instead, try to diverge them into something positive or indulge in some spiritual activity. Health might get affected, but this is just a phase, try to cope with it. Moreover, make sure to take up work according to your workplace abilities. Personal relationships will be good.

Gemini under Mars Transit 2023

4. Cancer under Mars Transit 2023

According to Mars astrology, the Transit could bring a lot of stress for Cancerians. There will be situations which could provoke you to get upset or angry. It’s your choice to indulge in them or not. Meditation could help you a lot in focusing back on your main purpose. Moreover, your health could be highly affected by all these ups and downs.

Also Read: Mars In 8th House Effects And Remedies

5. Leo under Mars Transit 2023

Mangal Grah astrology for the Leo zodiac will be majorly positive. There will be a rise of opportunities for you to prove yourself in your job or business. And as a result, you might get a promotion or a huge profit in business. Moreover, there are signs that you might find someone special if you are single. And if you are married, you will go on a family trip. You will have surprisingly good effects of the Mars transit 2023.

Leo under Mars Transit 2023

6. Virgo under Mars Transit 2023

You might face a lot of work pressure but stay calm. Also, keep calm and choose how you want to operate because work pressure will be there. However, it will be satisfying to discuss your personal life. You might get surprises from your partner, like candlelight dinners, long drives etc. It will be a perfect blend of personal and professional for you to enjoy!

7. Libra under Mars Transit 2023

Mars Transit effects for Libra could be highly influential. You could have an urgent need to fix everything around you. But keep in mind that not everything is your business. Moreover, it will deplete your energy and not leave you time for valuable things. Here, you need to set your priorities.

Libra under Mars Transit 2023

8. Scorpio under Mars Transit 2023

According to Mars Transit for Scorpio, this zodiac will have a hard time professionally. Although, there will be a lot of financial help coming your way. However, you need to put in more hard work to make things work again. You have to be your support system for a while. Moreover, to fight out all the negativities, you must ensure you are in the right mind.

9. Sagittarius under Mars Transit 2023

Mars transit astrology shows that Sag might get overwhelmed with whatever is happening around them. Like in the professional sphere, there could be people demeaning your work and trying to push you down. But instead, they will act as your well-wishers, so be careful. However, there will be much affection and support in your personal life. So make sure you treat your loved ones right.

Sagittarius under Mars Transit

10. Capricorn under Mars Transit 2023

Mars transit in Capricorn will be a mix of both good and bad. Professionally speaking, there will be work pressure, but you will be able to survive it. Moreover, make sure to give yourself some time to detox from whatever is happening. Otherwise, it could affect your health. Finally, personal relationships will be a good time, as you will have a fun and fulfilling time with your partner.

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11. Aquarius under Mars Transit 2023

The Mars Transit is going to affect your love life very much. But don’t worry in a good way. You will have easy and smooth sailing with your partner. In case you are married, this is a perfect time for family planning. Expenses could be on the higher side if you are not paying attention. Make sure you save your Money and use it wisely.

Aquarius under Mars Transit

12. Pisces under Mars Transit 2023

Your water sign will have everything in your favour. If you want to pitch a new idea in your workplace, then go for it because it could be a total game-changer. Moreover, you could get a promotion based on your outstanding performance. For your Personal life, you need to make sure you are spending quality time with your family. However, if you are not married then going for one isn’t advisable during this transit.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1. What are the accurate Mars Transit dates?

The starting date for the Mars transit 2023 is 13th March to 28th December 2023.

2. What does Mars in Bharani nakshatra do?

This interpretation of Mars in Bharani nakshatra leads the person to practise the dark occult.

3. Where could I find genuine astrology-related help?

InstaAstro is here to offer you genuine astrological answers to your every query.

4. What could be the effect of mars transit 2023 on the Sag-Cap cusp?

Sag-Cap cusp will have a mix of positive and negative aspects in their life as an effect of Mars transit 2023.

5. Is Mars transit inauspicious for every zodiac?

Not exactly, it depends on which house Mars is in; according to that, it will affect your zodiac.

6. How long does Mars take to transit?

The time that Mars takes to transit is about one and a half months

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Shivani Negi Aswal

About Shivani Negi Aswal

A mathematics enthusiast who also loves to write. She also scribbles words into poems or something her heart tells her to write. Lives to watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S and eat a lot of chocolates.