The zodiac is a divination system that uses the Sun, Moon, and Planets to predict an individual’s future. In Astrology, each of these heavenly bodies guides people through different periods of their lives. If you want to know more about your astrological profile through tarot cards or how it affects your life journey—whether it’s love life or career path—this list will help shed some light on your tarot card!
Aries – The Magician
The Magician card is the first in the tarot deck and represents your Personality. The Magician is a master of illusions who uses magic to make things happen. This perfectly describes your tendency to be a natural leader and take control of any situation you’re in. Your drive and ambitions are second to none, and you have no problem taking charge when others are unsure or uninspired.
The Magician also shows up when someone approaches you with an exciting idea that might not seem practical on paper—but if anyone can make it work, it’s going to be you!
Taurus – Strength
Taurus is the sign of the Bull, and the card of Strength is the card of the Bull. This makes sense because Taurus is also a sign that embodies many qualities related to Earth, including stability, Strength and patience. The Strength card represents these same characteristics. So it’s no wonder that this is one of your favourite cards!
The Strength card represents Earth. It also describes things like stability, Strength and patience – all attributes associated with Taurus!
Gemini – The Lovers
Gemini, the sign of the twins, is represented by two different signs: Gemini and Sagittarius. The Lovers card represents partnerships, and all that they entail—our relationships with other people are essential to our happiness. So how does it connect to Gemini?
Gemini is a mutable air sign that works fast and thinks even faster! This means you can quickly fly through your work because you’re so quick on your feet, but there’s one downside: boredom sets in quickly when you find yourself doing tasks over or dealing with monotonous tasks (like filling out paperwork).
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Cancer – The Chariot
The Chariot is a card of victory and determination. It’s a sign that you can overcome any challenge if you stay strong and don’t let fear get in your way. The Chariot represents courage, bravery, and success in overcoming challenges. If you’re afraid of something, use these traits to overcome those fears! The Chariot also represents Strength, power and confidence. It’s a sign that you can achieve anything if you work hard enough. The Chariot also represents Strength, power and confidence.
Leo – Justice
Leo is a fire sign, so you’re hot-headed and passionate. You’re also very loyal to friends and family members, but you need to be careful not to let your temper flare up when things don’t go your way. This card represents balance, fairness and equality in all aspects of life — including love! You like things fair, so partners in relationships need to treat each other as equals, too (including casual and serious relationships). The Star shows hope for what’s coming next in your love life or career path.
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Virgo – The Hermit
The Hermit is a card that encourages you to spend time alone and connect with your inner being. The Hermit can help you find wisdom within yourself. This card also represents the need for self-reflection. It can show how you can grow and develop by spending time alone. This is a great card to see if you’ve been neglecting yourself in some way (e.g., not taking enough time off). The Hermit reminds us that we are all connected, so taking time out of our busy lives is essential, so we don’t lose sight of what matters.
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Libra – The Star
The Star is about hope, faith and moving forward. It’s about the future and what you want it to be. The card’s energy is positive, meaning that things are going well for you when you draw it. You might find yourself having good luck with money or love. You might also feel incredibly optimistic about your life and look at things from a more positive perspective than usual—seeing all that’s right with the world rather than all that’s wrong with it.
The Star card can also represent a new beginning; maybe now would be a great time to make significant changes in your life (like travelling somewhere new).
Scorpio – Death
For Scorpios, the Death Card means a transformation is coming. You might be able to see it as an ominous card, but think about how you’ve had to overcome obstacles in your life before and how those were positive experiences for you. The Death Card could mean a change of career or location—the ultimate end of one chapter and the beginning of another.
Maybe that move will lead to a new romance or marriage! Or maybe being stuck in one place has kept you from meeting someone special. Whatever it may mean, try not to feel too anxious when this card comes up; as with any tarot reading, there’s no predicting what will happen until it happens!
Sagittarius – Temperance
The Sagittarius Tarot card is called Temperance. It shows a woman pouring water from one cup into another, representing the process of tempering and purifying the mind and spirit. The card reminds us that we are all capable of change and must recognize that in ourselves and those around us.
Each zodiac sign has its tarot card, so if you’re curious about what yours means or what your fortune may hold for you this year, pick up a deck at your local bookstore or head over to Amazon!
Capricorn – The Devil
The Devil is a card of temptation. It’s the card of materialism, addiction, anger, greed, lust and vanity, possession and domination. The Devil can represent any situation where you feel like an outside force or person is controlling you. This can be anything from an abusive relationship to someone who has more money than you do (and uses that money to make you feel inferior).
There may also be situations where someone has convinced you that their way is the only way (if it isn’t their way, then there must be something wrong with yours).
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Aquarius – The Moon
The Moon represents your emotions, and it’s all about intuition. The Moon is a card of the subconscious, imagination, and dreamer. It shows that you are more in touch with your feelings than other people might be, and you have a creative side to you that others may not see.
The Moon tarot card can also show that something has been hidden from you, or there are things in your life that need to be put out into the open so they can be resolved or dealt with.
Pisces – The Hanged Man
This card is about letting go of the past and moving forward. It’s about surrendering to a higher power, whether that power is God or your higher self. This can be difficult for you at times, but it will help you grow as a person. First, you must learn to trust yourself more and stop worrying about what other people think of you.
The Hanged Man is also a card of sacrifice and surrender—sometimes, we must give up what we love to serve others or fulfil our destiny.
Your birth chart will guide your life, but your tarot cards can help you on your journey.
If you’re looking for guidance in your life, tarot cards are a great tool. They can help you understand your situation better and make decisions that will improve your future. But what if you don’t know how to use them?
That’s why we’re here! Read on to learn the zodiac signs’ corresponding cards and get started on a path toward inner peace and happiness.
If you’re looking for a deeper understanding of your life path, the tarot cards can help. Each card represents a different person in the universe, each with its strengths and weaknesses. For example, the Magician is an ambitious leader who knows how to get things done through hard work—but he may also be arrogant about his success. The Chariot represents someone who strives for perfection but may be too caught up in their thoughts to hear others out when they need advice from others around them. You get the idea!
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