Waking up Early
Early to bed-Early to rise! This is an old-school phrase we’ve all grown up on. However, how many of us have actually managed to materialise it? Waking up early doesn’t just save us time and increases our productivity. It also has a plethora of astrological benefits. Vedic astrology strongly believes that waking up early has visible health benefits and increases our lifespan by a lot. Furthermore, there are also various astrological facts on waking up early. Whilst there are numerous scientific benefits of waking up early, we shall focus on the spiritual and astrological aspects of it. So let’s find out some astrological facts on waking up early and the spiritual benefits of waking up early!
Planteray Influence
Houses under the influence of Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and the Sun often wake up early and are healthy early risers. These people enjoy the morning sun and the breeze and also like to exercise. Moreover, they are less exposed to diseases and other health problems. Therefore, they are more active and have more time to spend with their families.
Also Read : Spiritual Meaning Of Waking At These Night Times
Astrology Explains Why You Have Trouble Waking Up
People under the effect of Rahu, the Moon and Shani often take a backseat when it comes to seeing the early sun. And this is one of the astrological facts about waking up early. So, these people often get irritable when woken up early. Them waking up early fairly contributes to their lazy routine and lethargic way of living. However, these people are nocturnal and the most awake during the night. Rahu and Shani influence such people who stay up during the night. These planets really need to be careful as the planets influencing them are known to impact the brain’s thinking capacity a lot. Moreover, their mental health is likely to go down the hill from the age of 35. The moon especially heavily influences nocturnals and is responsible for causing emotional turmoil in their lives.
How to Wake up Early in the Morning?
The question of the hour, and the most important one, is, what can we do and practice to ensure that we wake up early?
Read More : How To Sleep Better According To Your Zodiac Sign
Here are some Remedies and Astrological Facts On Waking Up Early
- Eating a few munakkas at night (from 2-3) is ideal if you wish to wake up early in the morning. This also helps in balancing the accumulated excess body fat because of over-eating.
- Drinking fresh amla juice in the morning on an empty stomach will ensure that you stay fresh throughout the day. Moreover, this will motivate you to wake up early more often and also bring an ever-lasting glow to your face. This is among the most reliable astrological facts on waking up early.
- Before sleeping at night, hold a copper glass with water in it and recite a small prayer and then go to sleep.
- Those with a combination of Moon and Saturn or Moon and Ketu are required to recite the Hanuman Chalisa or Mahamrityunjaya Mantra in their bed at night and offer their prayers to Lord Hanuman and Lord Shiva.
Therefore, adopt this habit and follow these remedies and see visible changes within you. All the best!