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16 Kalas Of Lord Krishna: The Purna Avatara Of Lord Vishnu

By August 21, 2024No Comments
16 Kalas Of Lord Krishna_ The Purna Avatara Of Lord Vishnu

Do you know why Lord Krishna is called Lord Vishnu’s “Purna Avatara”? The 16 Kalas of Lord Krishna represent his divine qualities, making him the ultimate and ideal manifestation of Lord Vishnu. Each of his Kala teaches a lesson about living a righteous, balanced, and joyful life. 

So, let us learn about all the 16 kalas of krishna and understand how these qualities make him the greatest. 


Lord Krishna and His Divine Virtues 

The 16 kalas of Lord Krishna make him the perfect and ideal deity worshipped worldwide. He is flawless, having attained all 16 kalas. Also, he is the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu and the only one who has gained all 16 sampoorna kala. 

Moreover, he is also Lord Vishnu’s purna avatar, which means he is a complete or entire incarnation. He carries all divine attributes and powers in their greatest manifestation. Also, you might wonder, why aren’t other avatars referred to as purna avatars? While other avatars are perfect in their duties, they don’t reflect the entire variety of divine kalas and roles that Krishna does. 

Also Read: Why Does Lord Krishna Wear a Peacock Feather?

16 Kalas of Lord Krishna: Perfect In All 16 Ways

All of us know that krishna is an ideal and flawless divine lord. But now, we will look at all the 16 qualities that make him a complete avatar of Lord Vishnu. 

1. Daya – Compassion

Lord Krishna’s compassion knows no bounds. It is evident in the Bhagavad Gita, where he forgives Arjuna’s wicked advice. Also, from saving the Pandavas to calming his devotees, Krishna’s actions continuously show deep empathy and constant support, reflecting his goodness.

2. Dharjya – Patience

Krishna’s patience can be seen through his words of wisdom during the Kurukshetra War. Despite Arjuna’s objections, Krishna gently explains the concepts of Dharma and duty. His calm and patient nature helped Arjuna overcome his fears, which shows Krishna’s deep understanding of the human situation.

3. Kshama – Forgiveness

Lord Krishna teaches the act of forgiveness when he says, “Forgiveness is a godly quality that can lead to liberation”. This means that when you forgive someone, you are at peace with yourself and far away from grudges and anger. 

4. Nyaya – Justice

Among 16 kalas of Lord Krishna, the fourth is Justice. Lord Krishna says tolerating injustice is like committing a crime. Thus, one must learn to fight for justice. He adds that true justice lies in virtue (Dharma) and responsibilities (Svadharma).

5. Nirapeksha – Unbiased

In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna teaches Nirapeksha (unbiased and equal opportunity) by doing one’s duty without unbiasedness for fair results. For example, Arjuna is told to act selflessly, without favouritism or expectation of return, and to showcase true fairness in his acts and decisions.

6. Niraskata – Detachment

The sixth Kala of Krishna, Niraskata (Detachment), refers to the ability to be unaffected by external factors. For example, during the Kurukshetra War, Krishna showed detachment by guiding Arjuna without being emotionally affected by the intensity of the war or its consequences for him.

7. Tapasya – Meditation and Spiritual Powers

According to Lord Krishna, Tapasya, or deep spiritual practice, strengthens spiritual qualities and improves one’s relationship with God. Krishna himself practised Tapasya to obtain control of his divine kalas and fulfil his purpose. Such dedication indicates the path to spiritual enlightenment and power.

8. Aparchitta – Unshakeable

Lord Krishna’s unshakeable attributes point out his constant calm and firm personality. It shows his ability to remain focused despite challenges. For example, during the Mahabharata, Krishna remained strong while guiding Arjuna on the battlefield, maintaining his clarity and purpose despite a chaotic situation.

9. Danasheel – Giver of Wealth 

Krishna says to always be a giver and never flaunt it. He says to take some part of the wealth you have earned through rightful means to help the needy. Moreover, he also highlights the importance of charity and being kind enough without trying to be superior. 

10. Saundarjyamaya – Attractive Features and Beauty 

Among the 16 kalas of lord krishna, the 10th attribute is his attractive features and personality, making him appealing in and out. Krishna states that there is nothing in physical beauty; be attractive from within. Furthermore, many people often praise Krishna for his lovely appearance, but he asserts that beauty truly comes from one’s own nature and qualities.

11. Nrityajna – Best of Dancers

Nrityajna Kala of Krishna is about the art of dance and its spiritual meaning. It focuses on the importance of balance and elegance throughout every phase of life, not just at joyous moments. This concept encourages people to keep dancing through difficult times, representing the ability to overcome tough times patiently and calmly. 

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12. Sangitajna – Best of Singers

Krishna says music is a life that connects you to the outer world. He says music is a spiritual way to inner peace that uplifts the mind, body, and soul. One can connect with Krishna’s pleasant energy through chants and music, which brings joy to one’s heart.

13. Neetibadi – Manifestation of Honesty

In the Bhagwad Gita, Lord Krishna explains to Arjuna that “Truthfulness is the highest dharma” and that “one who speaks the truth always prospers.” By this, he means that you will win in life if you are honest and truthful. There is no bigger goodness than being honest and genuine. 

14. Satyabadi – Truth Itself

In the Mahabharata, Lord Krishna talks about the value of truth (Satyam) as an essential trait in both personal and spiritual practice. Krishna constantly reminds his devotees to live a life that revolves around the principles of honesty and truthfulness. 

15. Sarvagnata – Perfect master of all arts, such as poetry, drama, painting, etc.

In the 16 kalas of Lord Krishna, the second-last quality is that he is the master of all-rounders. He excels in dancing (Raas Leela), singing, battles, and the arts. Krishna says to his devotees that everyone should be capable of doing everything. He also states that higher knowledge, determination, and perseverance can help achieve all of this.

16. Sarvaniyanta – Controller of All

Krishna, known as the “controller of all,” represents great strength and divine power as he controls the universe with justice and goodness. This explains the importance of self-control and controlling emotions, ego, pride, and anger. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

1. What makes Krishna the greatest of all?

The 16 qualities of lord krishna make him the most widely worshipped deity. He is mainly appreciated for his compassion, protection, affection, and love.

2. What makes Lord Krishna the Purna avatar of Lord Vishnu?

Krishna is considered the Purna Avatara because he holds all 16 Kalas, making him the complete and powerful incarnation of Vishnu.

3. How do the 16 Kalas relate to Krishna's role in the Mahabharata?

Krishna’s 16 Kalas helped him guide Arjuna, and his unique understanding of the Bhagavad Gita led the Pandavas to win by killing the Kauravas.

4. How did krishna attain all 16 kalas?

Lord Krishna, Vishnu’s eighth avatar, was born with all sixteen Kalas. His divine nature reflected these qualities, making him the most perfect and powerful incarnation.

5. What is the lesson for devotees from Krishna's 16 kalas?

Krishna’s 16 kalas represent his excellent qualities, inspiring devotees to achieve perfection with wisdom, love, compassion, and honesty.

6. Which Hindu texts discuss Krishna's 16 Kalas?

Multiple Hindu texts, including the Shrimad Bhagavatam (Bhagavata Purana) and other Puranas, describe Krishna’s 16 Kalas.

Also Read: How Many Children Did Lord Krishna Have?

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Sonali Prasad

About Sonali Prasad

As a content writer, I am fueled by a passion and a sense of purpose to pen down my thoughts, experiences, and creative goals into compelling stories. I am in a mission to not only entertain but also educate and engage the readers.