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Weekly Tarot Predictions: 6th Oct to 12th Oct 2024

By October 5, 2024No Comments
Weekly Tarot Predictions

Zodiac Signs, it’s that time of the week again when you must keep your fingers crossed to see what’s aligned for you this week. You heard it right: we are back with our weekly tarot predictions for you, revealing much about your love life, career, health, family and finances. So, get yourself something to sip while you sit and read your tarot scope weekly. 

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Weekly Tarot Predictions for All Zodiac Signs: 

With our Weekly Tarot Spread, we will reveal some of your secrets by looking at the week’s card for you. Let’s see what your weekly card tries to convey or warn you about this week. So, stick around with us to get some exciting weekly predictions. 

1. Aries Weekly Tarot Reading (March 21- April 19) 

Tarot Card of the Week: The Emperor

First on the list is the fiery sign Aries, and their card of the week is The Emperor. This card indicates that this week, you’ll probably play the role of a father in someone’s life. You’ll also make some critical decisions, not emotionally but practically. However, a minor health problem might arise, so you need to seek medical treatment quickly. 

  • Tip from the universe: Don’t forget to take care of yourself. 
  • Tarot Affirmation: I’m strong, and I can do it all. 
  • Key areas to focus on: Mental and Physical Health

2. Taurus Weekly Tarot Reading (April 20- May 20) 

Tarot Card of the Week: The Hierophant

Per your weekly tarot predictions, your card suggests you will attain some spiritual values and beliefs. However, you might be lacking the motivation to work, but some spiritual practices can push you to feel optimistic. This practice will connect you with the divine and help you live a meaningful life. 

  • Tip from the universe: Connect with like-minded people. 
  • Tarot Affirmation: I’m in my self-discovery journey. 
  • Key areas to focus on: Continue practising spiritual self-care activities. 

3. Gemini Weekly Tarot Reading (May 21- June 21) 

Tarot Card of the Week: The Lovers 

Your Weekly love tarot reading indicates that you must stick to your values even in a relationship. This helps and encourages you to find balance and harmony. As per your weekly tarot predictions, you have an upright Lovers tarot card, which means you will be committed to forming strong and unbreakable bonds. 

  • Tip from the universe: Stay true to your values and remain individual. 
  • Tarot Affirmation: I invite gratitude and harmony. 
  • Key areas to focus on: Growing and thriving together in a relationship. 

4. Cancer Weekly Tarot Reading (June 22- July 22) 

Tarot Card of the Week: The Chariot 

You are lucky this week, Cancerians! Your unwavering determination and efforts will overcome all your obstacles and challenges. Just be calm, as your patience might also be tested during the process. So, have control over your mind and try to conquer the difficulties that come your way patiently. 

  • Tip from the universe: Don’t let anything shake your inner strength. 
  • Tarot Affirmation: I’m doing the right thing. 
  • Key areas to focus on: Being patient and not losing hope. 

5. Leo Weekly Tarot Reading (July 23- August 22) 

Tarot Card of the Week: Strength 

Your reversed strength card says a lot about your finances this week. It seems that you might go broke or have to struggle with hanging on the budget. This means you must compromise on certain things, which makes you feel frustrated and agitated. So, try managing your finances effectively and do not overspend on useless things, says your horoscopes tarot reading. 

  • Tip from the universe: Align your money goals with your spending habits.
  • Tarot Affirmation: I’ll keep track of my finances. 
  • Key areas to focus on: Money Management

6. Virgo Weekly Tarot Reading (August 23- September 22) 

Tarot Card of the Week: The Hermit 

Lately, you’ve been caught up with too much work and pushing yourself to meet the deadlines conveys your Weekly Tarot Predictions. However, the Hermit card hints that you must take a break and reboot yourself, or else you might have to undergo severe health issues. Atleast taking 10 mins every day to meditate can keep you free from physical and mental health problems. 

  • Tip from the universe: Health should always be your first priority. 
  • Tarot Affirmation: I will meditate daily. 
  • Key areas to focus on: Making time to feed your body with a healthy lifestyle.

7. Libra Weekly Tarot Reading (September 23- October 22) 

Tarot Card of the Week: Justice 

The Justice card reminds you to be courteous and righteous with your actions. It says that your actions are what you’ll be rewarded for. So, always be fair and do justice with your actions and decisions. Your honesty and fair-mindedness will always allow things to work out better for you, as suggested in your weekly tarot reading. 

  • Tip from the universe: Your honesty and fairness are what attract trust and healthy relationships. 
  • Tarot Affirmation: I am always honest with myself and others. 
  • Key areas to focus on: Being fair in your decisions and acting with integrity. 

8. Scorpio Weekly Tarot Reading (October 23- November 22)

Tarot Card of the Week: Death 

You have another reason to overcome your past sufferings, loss and failure. A death card in your weekly tarot predictions tells you to look forward and seize opportunities ahead rather than just being stuck. Just move ahead and accept what’s yet to come with open arms. 

  • Tip from the universe: Accept the change to grow and evolve. 
  • Tarot Affirmation: I’m not looking back anymore. 
  • Key areas to focus on: Transformation, new beginnings and opportunities. 

9. Sagittarius Weekly Tarot Reading (November 23- December 21) 

Tarot Card of the Week: Temperance

According to your tarot cards prediction, the temperance card appears in your love reading. It suggests that you and your partner are finding calmness and understanding in your relationship through patience and compromise. 

  • Tip from the universe: Work together to create a harmonious and stable connection. 
  • Tarot Affirmation: I’m patient and considerate in love. 
  • Key areas to focus on: Strengthening your bonds and flourishing together. 

10. Capricorn Weekly Tarot Reading (December 22- January 19) 

Tarot Card of the Week: The Devil

According to the weekly tarot predictions, you have a Devil card, which suggests you’ve been obsessed with and addicted to some habits. This further explains that you might experience negative feelings of jealousy and overprotectiveness that can greatly impact your relationships. This card also means that you are obsessed with materialistic things that can act as the greatest setback in life. 

  • Tip from the universe: Don’t chase temporary things in life. 
  • Tarot Affirmation: I let go of the greed for constant accumulation.
  • Key areas to focus on: Focus on what truly matters in life, not just material possessions.

11. Aquarius Weekly Tarot Reading (January 20- February 18) 

Tarot Card of the Week: The Star

The star card in its upright position is a sign that things are going to be in your favour. You’ll probably see an increase in your finances, leading to financial stability and increased confidence. It also indicates that you will feel energetic and motivated to make changes and make crucial decisions. 

  • Tip from the universe: Trust the universe’s plan 
  • Tarot Affirmation: I will be the best version of myself. 
  • Key areas to focus on: Seizing every opportunity to be a star. 

12. Pisces Weekly Tarot Reading (February 19- March 20) 

Tarot Card of the Week: The Moon 

Your weekly tarot predictions show that the Moon card will help you dive deep into your subconscious mind and identify your true emotions. Also, this card suggests that never neglect your intuitions because that is what will lead you to the path of success in long run. 

  • Tip from the universe: Never avoid your gut feeling. 
  • Tarot Affirmation: I trust my inner wisdom. 
  • Key areas to focus on: Listening to my subconscious mind to navigate the uncertainty of life. 

Disclaimer: These are general predictions and are subject to change from person to person. To get more in-depth predictions, talk to astrologers.

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Sonali Prasad

About Sonali Prasad

As a content writer, I am fueled by a passion and a sense of purpose to pour my thoughts, experiences, and creative ideas into compelling stories. I am here to not only entertain but also educate and engage the readers.