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Weekly Tarot Predictions: 31st Dec 2023 to 6th Jan 2024 

By December 30, 2023January 2nd, 2024No Comments
Weekly Tarot Predictions

Introducing the first-ever edition of weekly tarot predictions for January 2024. Whether you are confused about what career path to choose or how to bring peace to your married life, our weekly tarot spread is here to help. Based on your element, Tarot Swati has come up with solutions for every problem you are facing right now.

Take these tarot cards predictions as guidance or help from the universe and say goodbye to all twists and turns coming ahead. So, what are you waiting for? Let us uncover the mysteries of the tarot cards one by one and decode the message from the universe for you.

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Weekly Tarot Predictions for the Upcoming Week: 

Get ready for some extra special guidance from the universe this upcoming week! Especially for you, our tarot card expert, Tarot Swati, has brought exclusive tips from the universe and the key areas that you need to pay close attention to this week. So, let us see where the weekly tarot horoscope leads us to this week. 

1. Tarot Card of the Week: Knight of Swords 

Element: Fire 

Sun Signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius 

How does the first week of the year serve the energetic Fire sign? Let’s find out! As per your weekly tarot predictions, your major energy will be going against the flow, be it in your personal or professional life.

However, one thing you should be taking care of in this upcoming week is your short temper. The energies of the Knight of Swords predict that your temperament will affect your personal relationships.

Professionally, this week will be all about coming out of your comfort zone and using your talent to outshine others. Financially, taking calculated risks in investments will take you to profits, as per the tarot cards prediction. 

  • Tip from the universe: Avoid following the trends 
  • Signal from the guardian angels: Stay calm and composed at all times
  • Key areas to focus on: Skillset and financial projects 

Knight of Swords

2. Tarot Card of the Week: The Empress 

Element: Earth 

Sun Signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn 

For balanced and peaceful Earth signs, the weekly tarot predictions bring lots of good omens and opportunities ahead. Starting with your personal life, the Empress tarot card indicates energies of strong and committed relationships.

While your career and business this week demands creativity and out-of-the-box thinking. Choosing to do your tasks a bit differently will show you results as per the expectations, says your weekly tarot reading.

Financially, the first week of the year will serve you with an abundance and opportunities to make more money, especially in investments. Health-wise, females suffering from hormonal changes will witness positive improvements. 

  • Tip from the universe: Focus on your creativity and artistic skills 
  • Signal from the guardian angels: Avoid doing the bare minimum at work 
  • Key areas to focus on: Health issues and professional relationships 

The Empress

3. Tarot Card of the Week: Ten of Cups 

Element: Air 

Sun Signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius 

The energies of the Ten of Cups tarot card predict happiness, get-togethers, or celebrations in your familial life. This positive energy will surely smoothen your personal relationships, especially with your extended family, as per the weekly tarot predictions.

The appearance of the Ten of Cups in your weekly tarot reading means that your work or business seems to run at a normal pace. In other words, this week, you will gain the fruits of your hard work, appreciation from colleagues and support from the authorities.

Moreover, the financial decisions you make this week will benefit you in the long run, according to your horoscopes tarot reading. 

  • Tip from the universe: Strengthen your bonds with family and friends
  • Signal from the guardian angels: Focus on making rightful financial choices 
  • Key areas to focus on: Personal relationships 

Ten of cups

4. Tarot Card of the Week: Four of Wands 

Element: Water 

Sun Signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces 

For the dreamy and sensitive Water signs, this week will be all about enjoying stability in all walks of life: career, finances, health and love life. Starting with your career prospects, the weekly tarot predictions hint towards a positive and supportive environment at the workplace. However, those looking for a better job opportunity will receive good news at the end of this week.

Financially, investing your hard-earned money into stock money will lead you to a phase of financial stability and security as per your weekly tarot spread. But the real luck shines for the single Water signs looking for a committed and long-lasting relationship. Your weekly love tarot reading predicts the arrival of your ‘special one’ soon. 

  • Tip from the universe: Enjoy support and a positive environment 
  • Signal from the guardian angels: Keep an eye on the better financial opportunities
  • Key areas to focus on: Love life and investments 

four of wands


Here come our first-ever weekly tarot predictions of January to an end. The cards have spoken and shown you the right path that can lead you to your desired destination. All you have to do is follow the guidance of the tarot cards and achieve your goals one by one. 

Hey! I’m Kasak Shirotriya, and as a content writer at InstaAstro, your appreciation encourages me to keep my words flowing! If you found this blog helpful, then don’t hesitate to reach out to our in-house astrology experts by clicking here and staying one step ahead of all your problems.

Also Read: Weekly Horoscope Predictions: 31st December to 6th January 2024    

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Kasak Shirotriya

About Kasak Shirotriya

Creating content that hooks you from the very start is what I do best. When off-duty, you can find me binging the latest Netflix crime documentary, glued to the edge of my seat!