The future depiction is also a scientific process based on various astrological means. For example, one of the most popular and trending methods nowadays is “Tarot card reading”. But how to decide which predictions are genuine and which are not?
InstaAstro brings you a team of experts who give genuine weekly tarot cards predictions. Our team astrologer, Tarot Swati, has shared these updates on the upcoming week’s predictions. Read to know which card has come up in your tarot reading.
Weekly Tarot Predictions for the upcoming week (26th March to 1st April 2023) are as follows:
Tarot card of the week: Judgement
Element: Fire
Sun Signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius
The weekly tarot reading brings “Judgement” tarot cards into your reading. This card picturises a man, a woman and a child (in between) coming up from their graves. They are pleading with the messenger of God to take them to heaven.
Although they know they have made some astonishing judgements in their lives. In the background, there is an extended range of mountains which means an insurmountable amount of doubt and judgements in a person’s life. Similarly, the card depicts a new dawn after a painful journey. It shows that this is the time for self-healing.
Recovery from some uncertain and unfavourable situation from your past. It’s time to analyse and prepare yourself for a better future ahead. Finally, it’s time to relax and recharge your batteries for further complexities.
If you’re suffering from any prolonged illness, you will get proper treatment. Moreover, it could also result in entirely diminishing that illness from your body. So overall, this week indicates a healing time for you.
Tarot card of the week: 5 of Wands
Element: Air
Sun Signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius
Horoscope’s tarot reading highlights “The five of Wands” tarot cards in the Air element-based zodiac signs’ reading. This card has a picture of 5 men with wands, which appear to be used as weapons to fight each other.
However, when we closely observe, we see that these wands are not striking each other. Also, all five men wear different uniforms, representing different cultures and behaviour. This concludes that they can’t find common ground within themselves, so they are mentally and not physically fighting those differences.
Also Read: Weekly Horoscope Predictions: 26th March to 1st April 2023
The weekly tarot spread suggests this week to be highly competitive for the natives. It might bring stress and workload, so remain calm and positive. Conflicts will be thrown at you, which could shake your belief system, but don’t worry; it will all pass away.
A week where you must balance your emotions and expectations from the people around you. Try to indulge yourself in activities you like. This way, you will learn more about yourself and what you desire. You may possess high energy to prove yourself to all extents. But your temperament needs to be taken care of too.
Tarot card of the week: Queen of Pentacles
Element: Water
Sun Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces
For my tarot reading, the week’s tarot card is “Queen of Pentacles”. This card has a picture of a lady sitting on a throne decorated with gems, fruits, and other symbols of materialistic pleasures.
She holds a gold coin and sees it with love and nurturing spirit. Moreover, she is surrounded by luscious plants and creepers, which depicts her closeness to mother nature. A small rabbit is peeking from behind her; it is a pure symbol of fertility and flow in life.
The free weekly love tarot reading suggests being calm and enjoying nature. Time to spend time with yourself and forgive the past old stories. Moving on is only possible when you entirely let go of the past baggage.
Also, this card appears when the universe wants you to prioritise yourself and focus on self-care. For example, in relationships, you are advised to appreciate others’ perspectives and try to avoid me and myself attitude!
Tarot card of the week: The High Priestess
Element: Earth
Sun Signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn
According to the weekly tarot spread, the high priestess is your card for the upcoming week. The picture within the card is of a priestess wearing a blue robe with a cross on her chest. This is the representation of divine connection.
She holds a letter TORA in her lap, which means excellent law and judgement. Moreover, there is a large crescent moon at her feet, which signifies the different cycles of the moon, divination and her intuition.
This week’s free weekly love horoscopes tarot reading indicates that now is the time to trust your instincts and go with your gut feeling. Pay attention to your dreams and the signs the universe is sending you. Stay focused to listen to every little symbol sent to you; it could help you climb that success ladder.
If you are a female, you will be highly desired by more than one person. People will find you irresistible! If you are involved with someone, The High Priestess is also an indicator of great intimacy. So, cherish this week with all the attention and love you will get as per your weekly tarot predictions.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Where could I find tarot cards reading horoscopes?
InstaAstro brings you the most authentic horoscopes on a weekly and monthly basis. Apart from tarot reading predictions, there are numerology and astrology-related predictions such as love, career, health etc.
2. Which tarot card is for Leo’s weekly horoscope reading?
The Judgement tarot card is for the weekly horoscope reading. This card depicts a healing week ahead. Moreover, a time when you will find more and more belief in yourself.
3. Which tarot card means spiritual wisdom?
The Hierophant or the pope is the tarot card which represents spiritual wisdom. This card also reassures conformity and religious beliefs.
4. Where could I find genuine tarot readers?
InstaAstro brings you a team of astrologers, tarot readers and numerologists who give accurate predictions. Moreover, you could book your first-ever consultation for Rs 1/-.
5. Can a person have two weekly tarot predictions?
If you are born under a cusp, then it could be possible to have a dual tarot reading. Otherwise, as per astrology, two kinds of predictions for a single zodiac are impossible.
6. Which tarot card means eternal love?
The Lovers is the tarot card, meaning you will build an eternal relationship with your soulmate. However, you will soon find them if you still need them.
Also Read: Weekly Numerology Predictions: 26th March to 1st April 2023
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