InstaAstro brings you weekly tarot predictions for your upcoming week to make it easier for you all. Tarot Swati, our team astrologer, has shared these predictions. Other weekly publications on our official platform include financial, love, career, numerology and health horoscopes.
The Weekly tarot predictions for the upcoming week (27th February to 5th March 2023) are as follows:
1. Tarot card of the week: Ace of Cups
Element: Fire
Sun Signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius
As per the weekly tarot spread, the fire element zodiac signs have “Ace of Cups” in their reading. The card pictures a cup with overflowing five streams of water. The cup represents our subconscious mind, and the five streams are for the five senses overflowing with intention and emotions.
Moreover, a hand is coming out from clouds trying to hold the water; this represents the awareness of spiritual energies. Below the hand is a sea covered with lotus blossoms; this means awakening the human spirit. Also, a small dove sits at the top of the cup, symbolizing the ultimate love flowing through the subconscious mind to consciousness.
Similarly, the upcoming week represents that there will be things in favour of your emotional awakening. Be it your relationships or workplace environment. An abundance of good things is coming your way this week.
Your week will be filled with zeal and positivity, and it will attract new friendships and relationships into your life. Moreover, these relationships will encourage huge success in your life. Be it career, money, love and also your health, when you feel energized, everything else will automatically fall into place.
2. Tarot card of the week: The Hermit
Element: Earth
Sun Signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
The Weekly horoscope tarot reading says that the earth element-based zodiac signs have “The Hermit” as their card of the week. This card has a picture of a hermit standing over a snow-clad mountain. These mountains represent the spiritual achievement and awareness that he has learned.
On the one hand, he holds a lamp with a 6-faced star inside, symbolizing awareness. But the lamp only illuminates a small path instead of the entire journey. On the other hand, it shows that he needs to choose his journey further, and only some things will be given even once he has achieved that ultimate knowledge.
Moreover, on the other hand, he holds a long staff, which means authority and power. These two are helping him guide and balance in choosing his further path. This upcoming week will reference this card, so you will need to focus on self-introspection.
If you are thinking of getting romantically involved with someone you like, make sure you are ready for a commitment. First, you must be sure of what you want and how much you want. Set your priorities.
Try focusing on yourself and concentrating on self-awareness. If you struggle with seeking validation from others? Work on that. Moreover, if you have codependency or security issues, spend time correcting those; this way, you can attract a partner or a positive vibration.
3. Tarot card of the week: The Lovers
Element: Air
Sun Signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
“The Lovers” card, the weekly tarot card for the air element-based zodiac, depicts a nude man and a woman standing beside each other. They are blessed by an angel, which is a symbol of both emotional and physical healing.
Behind the woman is an apple tree with a snake winding all over it. This signifies the temptation of sensual pleasure that may take one’s focus away from the divine energy. However, behind the man is a flame tree with 12 flames sprouting from it.
Each flame represents our twelve zodiac signs and their association with time and eternity. The flame tree symbolizes passion, the primary concern of a man. There is also a volcanic mountain between the man and the woman, representing a phallic eruption of passion when the man and woman reveal their bodies to each other for love.
As per the weekly love tarot reading, this card says that this week will ask you to make an essential choice in your life. You will find love this week. It could be the revival of your existing relationship or the formation of a new one. But you need to have deep trust to build that long-lasting bond.
This week, you will experience emotions like vulnerability, honesty, sensual desires, and intimacy needs at max. But you must also keep your mind connected to divinity to show you the correct path for light and healing.
4. Tarot card of the week: Queen of Pentacles
Element: Water
Sun Signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
The weekly tarot reading states that the card for the water-based zodiac signs is “Queen of Pentacles”. This card picturizes a Queen sitting on a stone throne, which has carved fruit trees, goats and other things of material success and sensual pleasures.
She also holds a giant gold coin and looks at it with love and care. This means she cherishes worldly desires and accomplishments. Flowers and leaves surround the place, so she is close to mother nature and earth. There is also a rabbit near her seat peeking from behind, symbolizing fertility and alignment in her life.
The upcoming week will be as per this card. It asks you to be calm and enjoy nature. Appreciate whatever you have been blessed with. Spend more and more time with yourself and forgive any mistakes you might have made in the past. At times we forget to appreciate and forgive ourselves.
Also, this card appears when the universe wants you to prioritize your desires and accomplishments. However, self-care doesn’t mean that you should focus on yourself and be mean to others. In relationships, you are advised to appreciate others’ perspectives too. You need to be calm and listen to your partner’s needs.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
1. Where could I find free tarot-related predictions online?
InstaAstro brings you weekly tarot reading with the most trusted and experienced team astrologer, Tarot Swati. Moreover, there are other weekly publications which you could also read to know more about how your week will be in terms of health, career, and love.
2. Which card depicts life changes?
Wheel of Fortune suggests that nothing remains forever. Be it good or bad, you must understand that it all falls under a cycle of nature. Change is the only constant of nature.
3. Which card signifies a deep loving connection?
The Lovers card signifies a deep and eternal connection between you and your partner. It also symbolizes passion, sensual pleasure and divine blessing in your life.
4. Which tarot card is for numerology 9?
The Hermit is the perfect tarot card for numerology nine natives. This card depicts spiritual awareness and the path after receiving this divine knowledge.
5. Can I do my tarot card reading?
Of course, if you know everything from a to z of tarot reading, you could easily predict for yourself. But make sure you need to be completely honest and in a calm state of mind while you are doing the reading.
6. What is the best time to do a weekly tarot reading?
Early mornings are considered one of the best times to read tarot. One, during mornings, you have the maximum positivity and feel light and calm. Two mornings allow you to bring your senses to a balanced state and in sync with nature. Considering these points will give you the most accurate tarot readings.
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