InstaAstro, in assistance with Tarot Swati, brings you the latest edition of Weekly Tarot predictions. Tarot cards are known to bring the utmost core truth to the surface. These significant and minor arcana cards read much more than your subconscious mind could ever imagine. So let’s dig in with what’s in for the upcoming week for you.
Weekly Tarot Predictions for the upcoming week (16th to 22nd April 2023) by Tarot Swati are as follows:
Tarot card of the Week: Ace of Pentacles
Element: Fire
Sun Signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius
As per the Weekly tarot reading, your tarot card for the week is “Ace of Pentacles”. This card picturizes a hand coming out of the clouds. A giant coin is cupped between the hands as if it’s an opportunity for someone who wants to grab it. Moreover, this opportunity is associated with worldly or financial gain for someone who can make the most of it.
In the foreground is a pathway leading to a gate covered with flowers and foliage. And beyond that gate, there are mountains aligned in a particular manner. This scene is to show that this is the perfect time to start something new. Also, the path is filled with possibilities for the one ready to take them.
According to the card, this new week will bring you many fresh beginnings and possibilities. Those which will be filled with happiness, fulfilment, potential and love. Moreover, this card also signifies abundance in all areas of your life. So, enjoy it by all means. You must feel blessed and thankful for everything given to you.
Tarot card of the Week: The High Priestess
Element: Earth
Sun Signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn
According to the week’s horoscopes tarot reading, the predicted card is “The High Priestess”. The High Priestess sits in front of a thin veil decorated with pomegranates, symbolizing fertility, abundance and divine energy. This veil is also a separator between our minds’ conscious and subconscious realms.
Both sides of the Priestess are pillars; one in black and B inscribed on it. The other one is in white, on which J is inscribed. These two pillars are a symbolization of male and female energies, respectively. Also, she wears a blue robe with a cross on her chest, representing divine power and divine ruler.
Also, there is a crescent moon at the bottom of her feet, symbolizing the divine feminine, her intuition, her subconscious mind, and all moon cycles. Similarly, this week denotes that you must be clear in your vision and balance your emotions.
The need of the hour is to analyze things from a higher dimension as you possess the qualities of a leader. Moreover, now is the time to trust your instincts and go with your gut feeling. Pay attention to your dreams and the universe which supports you. Also, the universe is trying to help you through signals; you must be consciously awake to understand them.
Tarot card of the Week: Nine of Wands
Element: Air
Sun Signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius
The Weekly Tarot Spread predicts that the Air element-based zodiac signs will have “Nine of Wands” as their lucky card for the upcoming week. This card shows a man injured as if he has been to a battle. He stands holding one of the nine wands and looks at his shoulder, tired and weary.
He still has several other challenges until he reaches his goal. Also, all these eight wands are a representation of those challenges as well as his clues to those challenges. So, in accordance with the card, this upcoming week reminds you to analyze how far you’ve come; how much of the battle has already been won.
It’s time to push yourself and boost your confidence as you want to finish. Also, you can’t lose hope after reaching so far and so good. If you’re disappointed and dissatisfied, you must go on without falling. Step into resilience and take the final call because you have no other way to go but to fight this final battle.
Tarot card of the Week: The Strength
Element: Water
Sun Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces
“The Strength” is the depicted tarot card for the tarot cards prediction for the week. This card shows a woman taming a lion known for its ferociousness. Moreover, the lion represents raw animal passion and desires of the human mind. But the lady has tamed all of them with love and resilience.
It is shown that these emotions could be channelized positively without coercion with affection and a positive mindset. The lady wears a white robe which indicates the purity of her soul. Also, a belt and headband of flowers are a true expression of nature. The infinity sign over her head represents the flow of unlimited wisdom and courage within her soul.
In accordance with the weekly love tarot reading, this card depicts a week where you will realize your inner power. Moreover, you will realize that there isn’t anything that you can’t achieve or overcome. Be it any obstacle or opportunity, you can make the most of it.
You can overcome any fear pushing you back with determination and resilience. This week will give you the strength and courage to fight back and come in forth to succeed at your desired destination. You must be in sync with your and nature’s energies to make the most of every situation.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Where could I find genuine tarot card readers online?
A team of numerologists, tarot card readers, manifestation experts, and astrologers is currently working with the team of InstaAstro. You can phone or chat with them via the connection on our website or our application. Moreover, you can call the helpdesk at the bottom of our official page if you have any questions.
2. Which tarot card predicts constant change?
The Wheel of Fortune is the card which states that change is the only constant of nature. Be it good or bad, nothing stays forever; if you are troubled and worn out right now, you will see a better phase in future. Moreover, this card motivates us to rely on something other than either of the two sides of the coin, i.e. bright and dark, as everything is temporary.
3. What if the high Priestess comes into your reading?
The high Priestess card suggests you take control in your hands. You possess the power and intellect to handle every situation independently. Moreover, the universe is also guiding you as per your stars, remain in sync with your inner soul, and you will get that hidden message too.
4. Can I do my tarot reading?
If you have studied tarot card reading and practised very well, you can easily depict your future. First, however, ensure you are completely relaxed and calm before reading the cards. Only in this state could you get the best results.
5. What kind of questions should one ask during a tarot reading?
A person should ask questions which are direct and related to energy. Like:
- What is my current energy?
- What’s my calling?
- Whom should I trust?
- Which profession is best for me?
- Similar kinds of questions should be asked during a tarot reading.
6. Is it okay to do a tarot reading every day?
Doing tarot reading practice regularly is beneficial for you. It increases your chances of depiction and clarity in reading. Moreover, it also brings a flow in your intuition, allowing you to read tarot more quickly.
Also Read: Weekly Numerology Predictions: 16th April to 22th April 2023
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