InstaAstro presents you with the latest edition of Weekly Love Horoscope for the coming week. Our team astrologer, Astro Rajiv has shared these predictions for your convenience. So let’s read and find out how your week will unfold regarding romantic relationships.
Weekly Love Horoscope for the upcoming week (26th March to 1st April 2023) are as follows:
Love comes in phases. The first and most romantic is “the honeymoon phase”; everything is pink and beautiful. But the actual race gets started when this phase ends.
Things you thought were cute start to irritate you on another level. You fight often; then you say I love you to each other. But that’s what the reality is of every relationship, Right?
With the latest edition of InstaAstro’s weekly prediction chart, we bring you the fresh and blooming love horoscope for the upcoming week so that you can know in advance the tips and tricks of your partner as per their zodiac signs.
1. Aries Love Horoscope
According to the love life based on birth chart, your upcoming week will be challenging. You are advised to love freely within your relationship. Don’t suffocate yourself or your partner with illogical expectations.
If you think it is something that could be solved, then definitely give your best shot. But if you’ve had enough, stay within because it’s toxic for them too. So openly talk to them about working on things or separation.
Love should make you feel free, not bound. That’s the only and only mantra of true love. Moreover, keep yourself from carrying any baggage from your past.
2. Taurus Love Horoscope
The Taurus free love horoscope by date of birth suggests being extra vital and patient this week. As your partner is going through some emotional turmoil and you need to be there for them.
Talk to them about everything they have in mind. Then, let them take their time to settle back into life. We human beings are all different; despite belonging to the same species, we react to things differently. So, accept your partner as this is the moment when they are craving for your absolute acceptance.
3. Gemini Love Horoscope
For the love forecast astrology, you will have to be separated from your partner for a while because of some work-related emergency. It could be a business trip or a meeting for any of you.
You will have to spend this week missing your partner. But don’t worry; you could utilise this time. For example, plan a welcome surprise for them, or you could learn to cook and treat their favourite meal.
Also, you could send them beautiful messages or cards each day they are away from you. But most importantly, you could do some self-care too; as a rule, if you are happy, the outer world seems happy too.
4. Cancer Love Horoscope
According to love astrology by date of birth, you must apply the forget and forgive rule if you want your love and relationship to survive. Whatever has happened between you and your partner is in the past stop living in it.
If you want to make your relationship work again, start afresh. Moreover, you need to learn from those mistakes that you made in the past. And try to tell your partner what they need to change in the politest way possible.
5. Leo Love Horoscope
The Leo Love life prediction states that you will experience the most romantic time with your loved ones. It could be a particular date or a surprise trip to your favourite destination.
There will be a lot of beautiful and cherishable moments for you both to enjoy. Make sure to capture these moments in frames to have a good laugh at any of your candid pictures or moments in the future.
6. Virgo Love Horoscope
As per the love life astrology free, your zodiac is advised not to question your partner’s loyalty every time. Although they love you very much, you must stop being so possessive and impatient every time.
This will make your current situation worse. You must smell the smoke before the fire catches on; otherwise, it will be very late. We all have two choices in life; it’s we who knows where to go and make our choice wisely.
7. Libra Love Horoscope
The libra free love prediction by date of birth states that your zodiac should not compare your partner with others. If you are in love with a person, it is on you that you accept their flaws too. Moreover, criticising them for something they are already ashamed of is not what they want to hear from you.
Nothing in love is measured over a percentile it is always an uneven ratio of give and take. Of course, this doesn’t mean you can’t help them change to be a better version of themselves, but love can only do that.
8. Scorpio Love Horoscope
For the Love life, astrology regarding the Scorpio zodiac states that the coming week could make you face a betrayal in love. Of course, that doesn’t mean you have to doubt them unnecessarily. But keep your eyes open and sense the signals carefully.
But even if they do betray you, don’t get disheartened. True love will come your way don’t stop believing in it.
9. Sagittarius Love Horoscope
The Love forecast astrology for your zodiac predicts that you will likely get financial help from your partner this week. They will themselves come forward to help you out. Please don’t be ashamed of taking help from them.
Love is all about sharing responsibilities, especially if you both are working and financially independent. It is equivalent to emotional support; you must share equally with them when desired.
10. Capricorn Love Horoscope
Capricorn Love life astrology free, says you must compromise on many things to keep those commitments and love going for long. Moreover, you need to work on many things for your relationship’s sake.
It might sound cliche that nobody should adjust, but the reality is that we all adapt and compromise when protecting our love. Don’t you remember the first thought that struck your mind when your vibes matched for the first time?
11. Aquarius Love Horoscope
Lying in love? Is it bad? Okay, per the Aquarius Love horoscope for the week, it’s not a wrong decision. But, of course, you would need to lie to your partner for the sake of your relationship. But, don’t worry, it would be a healthy lie, which will not harm either them or your relationship.
Keep in mind that you are only doing this for your love, but when the time comes, you will also tell them the truth. Moreover, “Jis jhoot se kisi ka dil na dukhe woh juth bura nahi hota, Senorita”. Jokes apart, at times, it could save your relationship from a significant loss as per your weekly love horoscope.
12. Pisces Love Horoscope
The Pisces Love life astrology states that you would be lucky to have an international experience with your partner. But with a precautionary warning, ensure you don’t say anything that could upset them. Otherwise, the entire week could be a real “bazaar” for you both.
Try to ignore certain things and cherish the feeling of being together. Also, make sure to get in sync with them. Appreciate if they want to try something new and you share your weird fantasies too. Let the vacation be an exploration for both of you.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Where could I find genuine astrologers online?
InstaAstro brings you an entire team of astrologers, tarot card readers and numerologists. Moreover, there are manifestation gurus as well. You could approach them for direct help from the official InstaAstro application or website. Also, compare the ratings, prices and reviews and then choose accordingly.
2. Which planet deals with love-related issues?
Venus and Moon are two planets which are associated with love. Venus is also known as the planet of abundance in love and beauty. Moreover, Moon is for motherly energy, which supports unconditional love.
3. Which gemstone could heal your broken heart?
Malachite is the best stone for anyone who has a rough heartbreak. Although heartbreaks are tough, and dealing with them is very tough, the positive energies of this stone heal our hearts and soul to heal from within.
4. Which zodiac signs are most likely to say “I love you” first?
The fire element-based zodiac signs: Leo, Aries and Sagittarius. They are fierce and upfront with their emotions, so even in love, they are the first to express what they feel.
5. Which zodiac sign is the most romantic in love according to weekly love horoscope?
Pisces is one of the most romantic zodiacs in a relationship. This water sign is the most obsessed with love and the idea of being intimate with their partner.
6. Which gemstone promotes love?
Rose Quartz is known as the stone of unconditional love. It allows positive energies and loves to enter one’s life. Moreover, it changes the native’s hearts, making them more accepting and nurturing.
Also Read: Weekly Tarot Predictions: 26th March to 1st April 2023
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